Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 264

Chapter 264: The Upcoming Visit Of A Dignitary? (Mixed)

"Haha, thank you for paying my fine, Gesth. I think they would have never let me go if you didn't explain that I was under a contract," A burly man bowed his head to an old man. The two of them headed out of Gloria's Guardsmen city headquarters doors. "I really owe it to you—"

A heavy sigh escaped the old man's face, "It's deducted from your pay."

"Are you serious?"


Byron tried to protest and elbowed the old man's side, "What about the memory of all our times back in the good all days?" He glanced at the man and sighed, "Hah, you're really harsh as always.There's no friends or family when it comes to you, huh?"


Liam tried not to grimace, because it was far from the truth and he instead looked back. He caught the eye of the tired Guardsman shutting the door in their faces. But he was glad that the city was smooth enough with the process. Interrogation. Fine for those who could pay or jail for others.

Still, who would have thought that a Beast Tamer would throw a bar fight because of his rats dying? Then again… who wouldn't?

Byron rubbed his face, "Well, it's not enough recompense to birth a new pack of rats and training them—nasty critters bite. But I do have the answer for where the distress erupted from my rats and it's at Kraelonia Academy. Searched the entire city and followed it to there."

The Academy?

"Are you sure that's the right place? The institution obviously has some defense mechanism against invasion, so any creatures trying to enter that place would no doubt be trimmed down." Liam frowned and thought about the chances of the Princess heading there. "And no Professor or Headmaster would let them in without trying to figure out her identity—"

"A Student snuck them in," Gesth said. His gaze studied the castle-like fortification in a distance, "So we have to find clues there."

"And find the one who killed almost all of my rats, that stinking rat-killing bastard. Whoever that person is who murdered them, I'll make them pay and if it was a trap from the Academy… I'll boycott that place!"

Liam sighed inwardly, having a feeling that it was already too late—but where else would they find the Princess? This was their best and only lead. He looked around with a nervous glance. Nobody else knew that the Princess had gone missing. And yet he also happened to send a note back to his family that he was heading to the City of Gloria when they asked him about it, always concerned about his work and life.

He hoped that things would turn out okay.

.. .

He thought he was late… but Professor Uriel tended to take his time in arriving at Basic Physical Combat Class, so he was fine. The Noble greeted his friends and then sat down at his spot in the front portion of the courtyard. And while he may have normally initiated conversation or caught up with whatever happened while he was gone.

The Noble couldn't pay attention to it.

What happened last night was enough to make the young Lord of the Harrington House distracted for the most part. It consumed much of his time that he now sported an ugly bruise in his stomach… he sighed and remembered the sight of the Princess of the Kingdom departing in the late night.

Since he was in the Academy, it was a little hard to be up to date with the latest nuances in the world of Nobles and Royals, but there had been a resolve in her eyes to leave Kraelonia and more than that, of her duties as the Princess that he knew that something was amiss.

And she also enforced her Skill and Aura, and despite it being used sloppily and under-used one—the sheer difference in rank provided her the upper hand. He gave what he had and supplied her to the best of his ability. What kind of man would not do that?

But he was still worried and distraught until now.

Perhaps he should inform the Headmaster? No. Most people in authorities would bring her back regardless of reason or else face the wrath of a King. His only accomplices in this situation were Donovan and Timothy, and he had an inkling that if things were to turn dour and her presence was revealed… it was Timothy that he had good reason to think as the man at fault.

"A copper for your thoughts?"

The Noble glanced at Han and came to a sudden question. Did this man also know what happened last night or was he clueless? But from the looks of it, it seemed like he didn't know a thing and so Leon only smiled, "It's worth much more than that, unfortunately."

"Okay?" Han raised a brow and shrugged. "Guess I'll let you rest."

Leon de Harrington couldn't even spare some time for this person who he deemed to be important and special for a reason he couldn't determine. He sighed and rubbed his face, "I should have taken a day off from class."

That was what he was worried about more than anything—if anything bad happened to the Princess… why had he been stupid enough to let her go away all by herself? If somebody else were to find and return her back to their father, then there was no doubt it would bring some prestige, but it would also ensure that once she becomes the Queen, that person and his family would suffer.

This was all for a long-term plan.

If the Princess were to turn out safe, and if it so happened that she was never to be seen again… some arguments would occur between the Noble Houses to force the King to have another child or pick one from them. Speaking of which, had Diov and the surrounding others never noticed it, have they?

Leon thought it was for the best that they did not know.

.. .

Han asked, and he was denied an answer—which was good, because the less he knew then it meant that he had less responsibility for it? At least that was what he wanted to think, and whatever it was troubling a young Lord was surely none of his business.

He asked because he thought that both Sir Leon and Donovan looked rather put out, but if the first one didn't say a thing, then he wouldn't bother with the other. And soon enough, classes would start.

Or far from it.

It was supposed to be Professor Uriel's class and lessons, but instead of the man arriving and prepared to give them a lecture or at least have them fight one another—the Swordsman had other news. 

"There is a visiting dignitary coming along from the House of Crowel and from what I've heard from the Headmaster, that they'll be checking on the Students and in particular those from the first years." The man plopped down on the grass and placed his sword in front of him, "We got only an hour or so to prepare, but let's make the best of it. Perhaps there are people here who might get the opportunity to be scouted as a Knight of their Order, or perhaps even have the house as a Patron?"

"Huh?" Han blinked. He glanced immediately at the first Nobles he knew and noticed the frown on the man's face, "Do you know that family, er house?"

Sir Leon de Harrington nodded, "Yes, of course."

"Okay…" Han waited for the explanation that was surely about to leave the man's lips—but it didn't come. Instead, there was a furrowed look on the young man's face. It was as if he had gotten upset again with such news or sucked on a sour lemon.

"They're one of the closest Noble Houses to the Royal Family." Diov said. "Well, it depends on how one digests and explains it… but it doesn't really matter, except if you're interested in gaining their attention. "

He glanced back and scratched his head. "Really? What do you think about that?" Someone close to the Royal Family who decided to visit Kraelonia Academy sounded a bit suspicious to him. He had to remember that it was a prestigious school though, and what else were the rich and powerful supposed to do? It was similar to those funding learning institutions and charities, except in a fantasy setting.

"They are a good House, if not a little detached from the politics and power struggles often occurring amongst Nobility." Diov shrugged. "There have been some significant and known people who have worked in the Crowel House and still do today—a penchant for scouting talent, I suppose."

"Huh," Han rubbed his chin and thought about it. "Interesting. Would it be too much to ask about your family, Diov?" He was already thinking about getting some sort of allowance… just imagining it. But there were at least three Nobility in front of him, so it made sense to ask about theirs first. They could be a better fit if he ever decided to serve a Noble family and then work his way up?

A long-game thing, really.

Diov sighed and then nodded, "Our family is more battle-inclined than most so we don't squabble about unlike the other Houses vying for the Crown's attention. You can say that the Brande House is an essential part of the Yegarian Kingdom."josei

Was he implying that the other two were less so?

"Albeit, war is simply but one aspect that the kingdom needs to take care—we have those Nobility more attuned to social affairs and even financial matters, but being the ones holding the sword and army does… provide certain benefits than most."

"Woah, I never thought you were that influential."

It was Russel who said that, not him. And yet Diov only took it with him, hanging his head a bit and jabbing his gauntleted fists at the boy, "It's separate from what I'm doing. I don't want to rely on any of that."

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