Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 265

Chapter 265: The Confusion Amidst The Situation (Han, Lavelda, Liam)

There were things that occupied Han's mind now that he and the others were free to do what they wished before the important Dignitary arrived—and he had focused on the item in his hand. It was Timothy's memento that the young man refused to accept because he gave it to Grandma Moe.

"He's stubborn in his own way, hah." Han shook his head and placed it into his pocket. There were things that he didn't understand or comprehend right now, and one of them Timothy hiding his ability to cast a Spell. And why out of all the Spells that he could learn… it had to be something that sounded dangerous. Albeit, that kind of made sense now that he thought about it since this was a world where monsters existed—so Spells like that were the norm, right?

But why did he hide it?

It stumped him a lot, and he knew that he needed to confront Timothy, but that also means he had to reveal how he learned of the Spell. This kind of situation complicated things when Han could simply ignore it and let it go since Timothy 'Cook' was free to do whatever he wanted. He had already overstepped once to ensure he survived the lightning attack, but confronting was another matter.

"Are you not going to do anything?" somebody asked.

He glanced to see Donovan looking at him, and it was strange that the man was here when Sir Leon left earlier to probably spruce up. He shrugged at the Axe Wielder, and noticed the bruise on his face, "Not really sure if I'd like to subject myself to the influence of somebody else becoming my patron. I mean, they'd probably expect you to become their vassal, right? Once you graduate and all."

"That's what people are aiming for, obviously," Donovan snorted. "Isn't that obvious? A stable job and income, that's what most people want in life."

"Yeah…" Han clasped his hands together. The energy he had from earlier at the thought of becoming a subject to the patronage of the Crowel House somehow dissipated at Diov Brande's words—not wanting to rely on family background and all of that?

An arrogant thing to say, but he liked it.

He gave the man across from him a grin, "But surely you'd want to make your own choices right and one of those is being able to choose where you want to go after this, right? I'd say that it almost feels like a trap. No offense to the House." Han didn't need to enrage a strong party by accident or anything.

Donovan frowned but shrugged, "There are things that you can't control or change, and I think you also learn to accept it down the line. If becoming part of the Crowel House would make things better, then I would accept it, but I've already chosen before."

"Oh, Sir Leon, right?" Han raised a brow and smiled.

Donovan blinked, but nodded. "I guess it's apparent to you… but yes, I have an arrangement with the young Lord. I wouldn't be able to be here if it weren't for his sponsorship and that of the Harrington House."

"Haha, I see?" Han scratched the back of his head. "Well, it was just a lucky guess, you know? The two of you being really close and all." He wasn't really surprised when this person would take hits for Sir Harrington without any complaints. 

But that made it obvious that there were terms and conditions to agreements like this.

There was a spirit to Diov's words that made Han respect the Noble who decided to make his own path, and it was what probably had made him a little hypocritical. Timothy openly showed distaste for Nobles like Sir Harrington, except perhaps for Penelope, which was another matter maybe, but he on the other hand enjoyed the benefits of being friends with a Noble.

To want two things at the same time: freedom and acceptance.josei

Which one mattered more?

Han dug his hand into his pocket and felt for the necklace. Somehow he found solace in the cool metal and came to his own conclusion. Which really wasn't much of an ending.

Because either of those two—he still wanted to return the pendant to the young man and maybe give the wand too? It still seemed right to do it when it was what he had intentioned in the first place… so it didn't matter that Timothy was telling lies? 

Han Jing finally pulled up to his feet and stretched—not a lot of Students were left and even the Swordsman was just napping underneath the warmth of the sun.

He couldn't do the same thing as them.

"I'm going now, gotta look for Timothy—see you and the others at lunch?" He glanced at Donovan once again and managed a smile. "Also your secret is safe with me, I won't tell anybody else about it." This earned him another befuddled look from the Axe Wielder.

"Of course. See you later, I'll tell the others when they come back." Donovan said.

With one last nod, Han was off to find Timothy. It was the first thing that came to his mind that might enable him to reach out to Timothy or perhaps cut off their ties completely (the lie thing made him nervous) but he was leaning more to the former. 

There was definitely a good reason for all of this, wasn't there?

.. .

Professor Lavelda smiled in front of her class, "The Crowel House is an eccentric House, but provides opportunities for those who can prove themselves as valuable so if there is anyone can do right now or more especially when they arrive—do your best, alright?"

Those were the words that she had to say according to the impromptu meeting that the Headmaster had called for. Nobody had any ideas on why it happened so suddenly that a House that now mostly kept to itself after some social exile was now on a move, but Kraelonia Academy mostly kept neutrality amidst politics, so the Academy had to welcome them.

Had something happened around the vicinity that required them to visit and inspect?

It was even stranger that the arriving Dignitary wished to see those in the first years in particular. A lingering suspicion filled within her as she eyed the man sitting at the back row. Well, it was either Timothy or the other boy she saw last morning? It was just a hunch of hers, and she still had no solid proof for it.

The woman held her rod and gripped it tightly, "I guess we can only see it then."




A small party would soon arrive and claimed to be at the Academy for an entirely different matter. Three, to be exact. And unlike the Crowel House, they didn't exactly have the same clout… until the entirety of their visit was to be revealed. At least the true purpose of it and not the fact that Byron claimed to find the rat-killer and Gesth was looking for somebody else that Liam was pretty sure wasn't the Princess at all.

"What did you want?" one of the Professors gave them a look. It was a man not too far from his age who interacted with them and gave them a polite smile, "You want to call for a certain boy, but are you his guardian?"


"Then I don't think we can simply bring him to you, sir. My apologies." A pretty Cleric told them with an apologetic smile. She looked like she was someone from the same denomination as Liam. She continued, "I understand that most of them are usually of age, but we still do our best to guard them while they are under the roof of this institution."

Gesth sighed and eyed the younger man in front of him, "Tell Timothy Cook that it's Gesth Carter that's looking for him and then he'll want to meet with me, I have given him a task."

"But we're also here for another reason." Liam interjected and frowned that once again his supposed superior was clearly focused on something else. He understood that it was family and all—but they were here for a good reason. Did he want to be skinned alive once the King found out that the Princess was gone?

Byron finally stood up from his chair and frowned. He began to walk to the door. "I've tracked down the murderer. It's two birds in one stone, so let's go."

The Cleric stopped in front of the Beast Tamer without any hesitation. She gave him a smile. "I believe that there is a need for a conversation first before you do anything rash, sir."

Liam dug in his pocket and finally threw out a brooch on the table, gritting his teeth slightly. "We're here under the orders of the King, so let us through, we have an investigation to do." This was a lie… but it was still technically under the orders of guarding his daughter, so he didn't feel as much guilt out of it.

Especially when everyone else in this room except him was taking this matter seriously.

"Are you saying that there is a murderer in the Academy?"

He sighed again, "No. But it is important."

"... this coincides with the Crowel House's visit today. Is it related?"


Author's Note: Thank you for the patience! Had to take a break due to carpal tunnel.

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