Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 317

Chapter 317: A Friend of Her and Her Father's

Ever since Ellynn and her father decided to part ways, the both of them were alone and distant from the rest of the world. 

Well, she decided to study here despite her father telling her that this was all unnecessary. Even without proper training, Elves like themselves—her father considered her as more Elf than Human—had magic run through their blood and veins. 

It was as natural as breathing.

Maybe there'd be a few hiccups then and there—one could end up getting into elemental accidents, but at the end of the day, there was a certain attunement to magic whether you were a Wood, Light, Shadow or other kind of Elf.

Ellynn knew and had this natural advantage.

But this was the closest thing that she'd ever experienced to being a regular person. No running away from people who thought she was an ill-bred wench or whore… There was a good reason why the two of them had decided to settle down in Human lands.

The Humans never dared to say things in front of her face as harshly as her father's own people once said—in fear for sure—but, in the end, she still remained alone. And so this had been the best thing. Kraelonia Academy was willing to accept anyone who had proficiency in magic or combat. And those who were willing to pay their way in.

She was happy about this.

A hubbub filled her surroundings and made her ears twitch as students engaged in conversation. The sound was actually comforting, not as irritating as one might assume, it was better than uncomfortable silence. Her plate was filled with a delicious and warm meal that was palatable to her.

Even until today, the realization that she stayed and attended an academy where numerous people gathered together and tolerated her presence was already something. She never asked for anything more and kept her head down if they thought she had been odd—but it all changed when he had arrived.

In a way, Han stood out more than her and captured the attention of many.

People noticed the ones who were different, both the good and the bad. Those who were rich, handsome or beautiful and captivated others were looked up in respect and awe. Whereas, someone like her was rather shunned. Mostly the Students did that, the Professors were more accepting of her situation. 

So that was all fine and well.

And yet Han managed to make her want more. A sense of normalcy without any sort of judgement—he gave her that. He made the effort to bring her out of her routine and allowed her to see it was possible for her to make friends. He helped her along the way.

But then… things happened.

It might have been a little silly of her to think that the way she secretly looked forward to him coming around meant that he felt the same way about her. That she amounted to him as much as he did to her. He was just naturally friendly, outspoken and willing to trust in things he didn't know.

And for that reason, it meant that it was difficult to compete with a boy who happened to be his best friend. Han shut himself right after that event. And things started to unravel back to how things were like before… 

Ellynn thought she could get back with her old life. But now, she made the choice that she was the one who needed a little bit more effort to change things. Thus the invitation and acceptance.

"Ellynn?" Han waved a hand in front of her face. "What are you thinking so deeply about? Is there anything on your mind that needs addressing? Did you wish that we joined Lady Angelika and the others?"

She shook her head. "... ah, shall we begin?"

"Alright, it's study time."

Han stared at the books in front of him and picked out the first one. He automatically started flipping them, the feeling of the parchment brushing against his thumb was a familiar sensation. "—we stopped here, right? Hah, this is going to take a bit of reading, but not too difficult."


"Well, better start reading," he said and cleared his throat. He didn't actually have many good lines to say that might have been witty and made her laugh. So, he really did just start reading as he said.

Surprisingly, when he started reading the book, it was easily comprehensible. It wasn't ABCs for sure, but it didn't require him an adept lexicon to fully get what the lessons were about. It was his Student Skills working for him, and this was smooth sailing.

He continued on for a couple of minutes, or maybe half an hour until his own mind grew bored and wandered to other things. What he needed to worry about was the commission for weapons. The practical portion of exams that surely came up would be more difficult than just theory and familiarization.

Ellynn inched closer to him and quickly pointed at a couple of paragraphs. 

"For the upcoming tests, they might ask us to present foundational magic theorems relevant to our current age or they'll provide maxims and have us expound on them."

She pursed her lips and tapped her finger on the book.

"High Mage Ylena enjoys essays whereas Wizard Lavelda tends to baffle Students with the true and false portion when she prepares exams… although, you don't have to worry about her. It's Professor Carnus that's a bit tricky. He employs both a written and a practical test. I have notes on when you and Timothy weren't around, you can make copies of them."

While she still wore her cloak over her face in an attempt to conceal it, it didn't work quite as well when one sat right next to her. Dark brown locks of hair framed the side of her face and accentuated her nose and sharp green eyes. 

"I am not so familiar with your other Professor in the Mixed Class, but I'm sure that Sir Leon or someone else can give an idea. We can also wait for the Mage Kai to come around and give tips, but we also have firsthand experience… but, ah I'm kind of drifting away from the book. The ones I think that might get chosen by the High Mage are these..."

Her words didn't quite reach the recipient. 

"I see." Han cleared his throat and averted his gaze. "Better highlight that part then." 

Usually, Ellynn sat across from him during their lunch breaks or when they studied in the library—now she sat beside him. It was a little disconcerting as to why, but he didn't dare ask. 

She tugged at his sleeve. "Are you not in the mood to study?"

"Oh, not really—" Han was lazy as usual again, wasn't he? He did well at cramming at the last minute back in the days, and somehow it also seemed to be the same here. "I'm just a little hungry, how about we eat first?"

Ellynn gave him a look, but then drew back and nodded. "You're right, we should eat first. Sorry about that."

"Nah, what you said was really helpful—I shouldn't have asked Kai when it seems like you already know a lot." Han grinned but then pushed the books away to give some room for his plate. 

"No, he might have old papers that I don't have." Ellynn said and started to pick at what appeared to be nothing more than a salad.  josei

"Your breakfast looks different from mine—is it really helpful for Mages?"

"Ah, to some extent. Some flora and fauna have magical properties, so consuming them does help. Mine is a bit closer to just a mana-enriched diet." She pointed her fork at his plate. "While something like yours probably has something that helps build the muscles. Then the desserts are usually just sweet or help pick up your energy. Sometimes, a stamina potion is mixed in with sauces and dressings. They're only in small quantities or else you'd build an immunity to it."

"Huh, Calum never told me that." Han chuckled and took a bite off his plate. "I guess it always tasted magical so it makes sense. Hey, do you know anything about fruits and vegetables that start moving around and attacking you?"

"Huh?" Ellynn blinked. "Sentient crops?"

"Yeah, something like that." Han shrugged and continued to eat. Old Man Joe might have been the only one who had it, or it was a normal thing?

"Hmmm, I've known of Nymphs and others living in trees, flowers and such… but perhaps there are those in the crops you were speaking of? I've never actually encountered something like that before. Perhaps my father is aware of it, maybe you can talk to him about it."

"Me?" Han raised a brow. 

"Yeah, I haven't had much opportunity to inquire about that. But the two of you seem to be close or respect one another… it kind of reminds me of the time when the two of us visited the uh Demon's territory and he caught up with an old friend there." Ellynn cleared her throat delicately. 

Han scratched the back of his head. "Well, we're not really that close as you think." It wasn't like the two of them started a flower business or enjoyed making lanterns at all from last night.

"Really? I thought otherwise. He usually keeps to himself nowadays. The fact that he went out of his way to meet up with you and the others back then meant that it was important." Ellynn smiled briefly and drank some of her water. She gave him a look. "How exactly did the two of you meet? Surely it must have happened in the recent decade when I wasn't around."

Had Ellynn started to think of him as nothing else but her father's old friend? 

He didn't want to be that kind of guy.

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