Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: Daily Dose from the Local Grapevine

Through a stroke of luck that Han Jing had been searching all his life for his big break—something or rather someone popped up before he could give Ellynn a definitive answer that might have sealed his fate in stone.

"Han! Just the guy I've been looking for." Kai immediately plopped down the chair and draped an arm against him. The man somehow managed to squeeze in between him and Ellynn like the slinky bastard that he tended to be.

Han recoiled back from the guy and gave him a look. "I don't remember the two of us being this chummy chummy."

The Mage smirked. "Back to normal eh?" 

"What do you mean by that—"

"Hello!" Theodore naturally tagged along and sighed in relief once he saw them. "Good morning Ellynn, can I sit beside—oh it's all full." He plopped down on the opposite bench and grinned at Han. "You're okay, that's good to see."

"Yeah, I'm good?" Han also didn't know why this guy talked to him, but he wasn't as bad as Kai. Or didn't exactly have any diabolical schemes. Not to mention that he lost this guy's Enchanted Toolstick and didn't even pay for it and by that regard, Theodore was already cool in his eyes.

Kai snorted but then glanced at Han over his shoulder. "Heard from a couple of sources that you got into trouble last night at the city's slum districts. You look in better shape though." The Mage gave him a pondering look. "I guess it makes sense that Roux takes after his brother."

Ellynn's eyes widened. "What?"

"It's nothing to worry about." Han tried to reassure her. "Just a little trouble that we took care of. And while I did end up at the clinic, it was nothing a healing potion couldn't take care of."

There was no need to mention about the excruciating pain of removing an arrow that ended up with him passing out during said occasion. 

"What I heard is that Han and the others who were with him managed to deal with Gang Leaders all by themselves." Theodore so-helpfully added at this time. 

The Half Elf stared at Han with a look that crossed on worry, frustration and yet also relief that he was alright. He never thought he'd elicit that much reaction from her, and he really didn't want her to fuss over him. It also never crossed Han's mind to tell her about the incident last night in detail.

And now that the Mage was around... it made him less likely to want to do so. 

"It was a good thing that it wasn't poisoned," Kai said. "It's a bit more tricky trying to identify poisons and getting the right antidote if it isn't available. I believe that was what the local grapevine had told me."

Han tilted his head. "Well, well, I didn't know that you have a Class as a Plant Whisperer, Kai."

"Wait, that's an actual Class?" Theodore lifted his brows in surprise. He turned to the Illusionary Mage with a frown. "You never told me—"

"I don't have that Class, but I do have my sources. Very interesting is all I have to say." Kai reached out and snatched something off Han's plate. He bit the fruit slice and wiped the juice idly at his own cloak. "Not everyone knows it, but undoubtedly everyone else will when you and your friends get reprimanded by the Headmaster."

Han gave the guy a withered look and moved his plate away from him. Let the guy get his own plate. "If you already know that much, then why bother going here in the first place? There's not much use to it anymore."

Did this guy just want to galavant his information network or something?

The Mage gave him a look. He lifted one finger and said, "First of all, to warn you about the punishment—and second of all, I thought you were interested in hearing about local news. You're probably not well-versed in history as akin to your humble background and upbringing, but you must have heard a rumor sprawling about the city."

Han nodded along. "Just get on with it already. We don't have all day." He was usually kind to people, but there was something about the guy that rubbed him off the wrong way. And Han trusted his instincts with people. It seemed like it was best to avoid this guy if he could.

But better a known variable than an unknown one.

The Illusionary Mage still smirked. "Well, let's start with recent news—the Princess was supposedly said to have jumped off a balcony to avoid an engagement."

Han blinked.

That didn't seem like local news spread at all! And yet who could tell if it was true or not? Theodore had a certain ditzy and carefree look to things and Ellynn probably had not much of an experience with a lot of news in the kingdom.

If anything, she was now simply eating and giving looks at Kai and Theodore. While he had been acting silly in wanting to avoid talking about her father—In this regard, she had her own case of bad luck in timing her confrontations with him.

Han scratched his head. "I see… that's interesting."

The Illusionary Mage gave him a dour look. "Is that all you have to say about that matter? You won't do well in a situation where you have to convince people or befriend them. That's quite a dull response."

"What did you want me to say—wait a sec," The drowsiness of morning faded slightly as Han thought about it more. If the information gathered by Kai was accurate then it meant that the Princess had returned home safely. And that was even when Sir Leon de Harrington told him that she was supposed to be leaving elsewhere.josei

He couldn't just trust it immediately though. Han needed to consider other options, one being that the person portrayed in the news was nothing but a body double of the Princess trying to give a reason for her extended and continued absence.

Which seemed like a natural thing for those in royalty and nobility. Several movies and shows had already done something like that. What he wanted was the second one where the Princess had returned safely to the castle. Han really hoped it was the latter. 

Han finally spoke up. "But that means she's safe and not uninjured right?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure if she's throwing a tantrum or anything like it but that's just a little incident in the palace." Kai shrugged. "Next up is rumors of some kind of coming of age event—or a ball for Timothy. You know, the ones where a young Noble is formally introduced into society."

Han blinked. "Ah, like a debutante… is that open to all?"

"I said society, but I mean the higher standing ones and maybe a select few but distinguished ones outside of that," Kai said. "They'll send invitations for the guests and it'll take place in their ancestral manor. If things actually go smoothly, then even the King might warrant a visit and bring his daughter along for that occasion regardless of tense ties."

He needed an invitation then.

Han doubted he'd get one.

But it was maybe something he could look forward to? Maybe that was just him wanting to check on how that lout was doing. Surely he would be in a better and happier state now that he discovered he was a son of a Noble, right?

The man could probably take it easy.

… actually, no. Han didn't think it would be like that. His own experiences with a rather distant father made him think that arriving there would be a bit problematic.

Maybe it was just his own beliefs though?

He shook his head and turned to Theodore. "Anyhow, how's weapon production going? Got good silver and steel? What metal alloy are you using?"

Theodore gave him a funny look. "Silver? Nobody uses silver nowadays. Besides, I'm the Enchanter and not the Blacksmith. I'm asking a friend to do it, but with the upcoming tests, it's taking a bit of time."

"I need them for said exams," Han said. "Who's your friend? Are you sure that we can't ask someone else to do it? Someone who has more time."

"If you want to get good quality weapons then it's Sybeth who's got to do it."

"Then can I do something like pay her a bit more to make them faster?"

A snort came from Kai. "Goodluck rushing that person, she'd probably yap about how quality takes time. Especially when you're requesting that lightning hammer or whatever you had in mind."

"I still need daggers too." Han rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Maybe you can talk to her," Theodore said. 

A part of him wanted to say no—he didn't want to keep meeting other people when Theodore could do it. He was delegating tasks to other people to get information and items that he couldn't procure himself. If he did everything by himself then he'd end up tiring himself out.

But a greater connection circle was better.

Han cleared his throat. "So is she around your age and at a higher-year level than me?" Actually getting in close contact with a Blacksmith seemed like a logical decision. He might be able to get discounts or a friendly price offer.

That was really important if he'd actually get an enchanted weapon. 

"Yes, she's a senior." Theodore nodded and smiled. "When you talk to her, make sure to speak loudly and clearly as possible."

The image of a woman in a smithy banging with hammers and such filled Han's mind. "Hard of hearing?"

"Yeah, since she's always busy with her projects. I'm not sure if Azura was the one who got her weapon commissioned with Sybeth, but I don't think she makes harps. Anyway, she's that great."

"And somehow you've managed to get a soft spot on her." Kai wrinkled his nose. "I don't get what people see in you."

"I don't know either, but she's my friend. And I think she and Han can get along." 

Han raised a brow. "What makes you say that?"

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