Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 348 Chickens...

Chapter 348 Chickens...

Chapter 348 Chickens...

"Thank you! Thank you very much, stranger!! To whom do I owe my gratitude to?" Chiron asked humbly.

However, the moment Mani opened his mouth to talk, Barbara stepped forward, "To I, Barbara, Commander of the united tribes of the Highlands and Chief of the red Aura tribe." josei

The moment she said these words, the crowd gasped in shock.

There was no one here that did not know the name that was Barbara. After all, she was practically a celebrity.

The one leading the brave men and women of the Highland Aura tribes against the invading Vandorians.

Tales of her bravery were on the lips of every soldier, told to every child, and sang by every bard in the land.

There were even some that insisted that she was a warrior goddess that had graced the earth with her presence just to save the Aura tribes.

However, this was indeed the very first time that any of the people here and seen her face.

Immediately her identity was known, everybody went down to their knees bowing their heads in respect to her.

They were even some of them that began to sing some of her praises and epic battle tales.

They were also those that even while bowed continued to take sneak peaks of her. Such an existence coming into their village was akin to an eclipse in the sky.

Chiron was no exception. He too bowed before her, "Commander Barbara, you grace this junior's wedding with your presence. I am most honored by your visit."

Barbara, seeing the reaction of the Villagers and especially of Chiron that had been the star of the show bow before her, she raised her head even higher, basking in the glamour of the position she so enjoyed.

Mani, without a word took several steps back, standing directly behind her.

"Igbi, stories of your valor had long reached my ears. I had sent people to invite you over to join my army and fight your people but you rejected them all." Barbara bluntly stated while intentionally leaving out the fact that Chiron had sent all the people she sent with bruises."

"Forgive this junior commander. I did not wish to annoy you. Its just that my Grandmother is getting old and as you can see, i am just getting myself a loving woman. Which man would leave his family when it needs him the most to pursue honor and glory in battle."

Chiron's words made sense. The Highlanders were savages to a great extent. however, filiality to one's parents and elders was seen as a great honor.

It was one that was greatly respected.

Barbara turned to Chiron, she knew that she could not scold him for this. At least she could not do it here.

At this exact moment, there was suddenly an arrow that whistled through the air.

it had come from somewhere within the mountains and its aim was for Barbara.

immediately, Chiron kicked against the ground as he leaped forward, using his own body to defend her.

Of Course, Barbara was more than capable of defending herself.

She was a bronze rank cultivator and such an attack was a shallow desperate move by the enemy to have the commander of the Union of tribes taken out.

However, an impression must be made.

the current attackers were naturally the Vandorians.

By some unanimous leak by a stranger, the Vandorian army had been tipped of Barabara's visit to this village away from her vast strong army.

Of course this message had been thought to be a prank, but the commander that received it was hungry for glory and secretly moved a battalion from the main army, flying over with the use of a Tesseract.

Even after seeing Barbara, he was not sure that it was her, and that was why he first fire doff an arrow her way.

Seeing that it was as he suspected, he immediately backed orders at his men to fire off the tesseract.

Immediately Mani saw the enemy, he waved his hands, bringing out two blades from his side that had incredible curves and width.

He was ready to through himself into battle. However, Barbara raised a hand to stop him.

"I want the people to witness this..." Barbara smiled a sadistic smile.

Her presence alone exuded a fierce aura of authority, a testament to her unwavering spirit.

As the Vandorians descended from their tesseract ship, their eyes fixated on Barbara, recognizing her as the greatest threat to their conquest of the Highlands.

With barrels charged with potent spirit energy, they unleashed a volley of deadly shots aimed at her. The air crackled with the raw power of their attacks as they fired, each blast tearing through the peaceful atmosphere like thunder ripping through the sky.

But Barbara was no ordinary warrior. With lightning reflexes and unyielding resolve, she moved like a tempest, evading the onslaught of spirit energy with a dance of agility that seemed almost supernatural.

Her movements were swift, her instincts honed to perfection. With every leap and twist, she dodged the deadly barrage, her red hair trailing behind her like a banner of defiance.

Chiron looked, observing her every move with kin interest. After all, as much as he was an actor in this show, he was still its director.

With a fierce battle cry, Barbara charged towards her adversaries, her fists clenched and eyes ablaze. The ground trembled beneath her as she closed the distance with astonishing speed.

Her bare fists were her weapons, imbued with the same spirit energy that the Vandorians had wielded against her. With each strike, she shattered their defenses, her blows fueled by her bronze rank cultivator strength that sprawled out of her body in blooming red.

Amidst the chaos of battle, panic rippled through the villagers like wildfire. Children clung to their mothers, their wide eyes reflecting the fear that had settled in the village like a shadow. Elders, their hands trembling with age, tried to usher the young ones to safety. Thevillage had transformed into a battleground, and the villagers, now mere spectators in their own home, sought refuge in every nook and cranny.

As the first shots rang out from the Vandorian tesseract, the villagers scattered like leaves in the wind.

They fled towards their homes, desperately seeking shelter from the storm of violence that had descended upon them. Some hid in basements, while others squeezed into cramped cupboards. The air was thick with the scent of fear, mingled with the earthy aroma of the homes that now served as their sanctuaries.

In their hiding places, the villagers huddled together, their breaths held in anticipation and terror. Through cracks in wooden walls and gaps in hastily drawn curtains, they witnessed the battle between Barbara, the valiant warrior commander, and the Vandorians. Their eyes widened with awe and dread as they saw the raw power of spirit energy clash with the primal force of Barbara's bare fists.

The sound of each punch and every blast of spirit energy reverberated through the village, sending shivers down the spines of the hidden onlookers.

The very ground seemed to shake beneath them as the battle raged on, a symphony of destruction that echoed in their hearts. They held their collective breath, their eyes glued to the unfolding spectacle, torn between the horror of the battle and the awe-inspiring bravery of their commander.

Barbara, in the midst of the fray, fought with a ferocity that left the villagers awestruck. Her movements were a dance of deadly grace, her fists a whirlwind of fury.

The Vandorians, once confident in their advanced technology, now found themselves outmatched by the sheer tenacity of the Aura warrior. The battle between them unfolded like an ancient saga, a clash of civilizations and ideologies that played out before the villagers' very eyes.

In their hiding places, the villagers whispered prayers to the spirits of the mountains, invoking their protection and guidance. They clung to the hope that Barbara, their fearless leader, would emerge victorious and drive the Vandorians away. The air inside their hiding spots was heavy with tension, and the muffled sobs of children and the hushed murmurs of reassurance filled the spaces between their collective gasps.

the tesseract ship of the Vandorians loomed, a behemoth against the backdrop of the mountains. But even this formidable vessel could not quell Barbara's indomitable spirit.

Even Chiron could not help but nod his head at this.

it was no exageration to say that Barbara on her own was like an entire army.

The blasts from the ships literally bounced off the aura about her body, and the soldiers that came down to foolishly attack were torn in two. It was as if it was not people she fought but bread on two legs.

Even their proud armor and totems that morphed into animals as a result of their spirit energy were no match for her.

As she killed, bathing in the blood of her her enemies as she advanced for the Tesseract hovering in the sky, the Commander that had led this battle panicked.

If Barbara were to make it to him, he would surely die. He was also a Bronze rank cultivator, but even he had to admit that he could not do the things he saw her do.

"Retreat!" he ordered.

The villagers, still hidden, watched in awe as the Vandorians retreated, their spirits broken by the fierceness she had displayed.

The village, once filled with terror, was now enveloped in a triumphant silence. The war cries of the Vandorians faded into the distance, leaving behind only the echoes of battle as the Tesseract rushed out of sight.

"Chickens!" Chiron cursed in his mind.

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