Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 349 Finally in her close Circle

Chapter 349 Finally in her close Circle

Chapter 349 Finally in her close Circle

So far, things had gone according to Chiron's plan.

First was the issue with Ralph and climbing the mountain that happened to have Chiron's sword waiting for him.

Secondly, was the battle.

Chiron had to ensure that the battle looked as visually convinncing as possible. He even went so far as to pump some aura energy into the sword that helped increase Ralph's power.

The reason Chiron had done this was because he needed to recreate as close as possible a resemblance of what happened to Mani.

After the event that Mani had suffered, he had become mostly a shut-in kind of a person and this was Chiron's attempt at opening his heart.

The reason was because misery loves company. Even better, he was able to provide Mani with the possibility of seeing himself in Chiron.

Therefore, he granted himself the illusion of the possible peace and happiness he would have achieved if he had not lost his own wife.

That was for Mani.

On the other side, Chiron had also gone through all this trouble because of Barbara and her meticulous nature. Also, it would give her the faint illusion that she could control Chiron.

After all, such a person was Barbara. She enjoyed the hold she had on people and if she did not have one, she would create it.

The case with Mani was an excellent example of this. josei

She allowed what happened to Mani in other to have a stable hold on him.

this was how she kept her dogs loyal to her, all by underhanded means.

Chiron was most aware about this.

After all, something similar had happened to the Mc of his book.

However, he had expected that the tip he had given the Vandorian army would have yielded far more results.

However, the commander that invaded was too much of a chicken. Also, he was apparently greedy, coming to the battlefield without the help of other commanders or Victor's Amanda.

The plan was for Barbara to be brutally wounded, with Mani giving his all and dying in the process. So that he could step in. first, he would harvest Mani.

A person that was a dual Aura user was an important specimen to his break through into the Bronze rank.

Also, Chiron was curious as to know if the same 'Prince in the shinning armor' trick that he had used for Old Magu could work on barbara.

Although the possiblities of such a thing happening were divinely slim, Chiron honestly did not mind trying it out.

After all, at the end of the day, Barbara was still a woman. She might end up being moved emotionally by the gesture and that could yield very fruitful results in the future.

Since that plan did not play out as he wanted it to, he had to manage what he had, or rather what he had now been gifted with.

At least, he had managed to somehow make an impression.

This was good. Even now, Chiron could already see it in Barbara's eyes. She definitely considered him to be useful.

And so under the cover of the night sky, the village lay in the hushed aftermath of battle. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and charred wood, a bitter reminder of the Vandorians' intrusion. Barbara, the fearless warrior commander, stood amidst the remnants of the conflict, her eyes scanning the shadows for any lingering threats. Beside her, Chiron, wounded but alive, watched her with a mixture of perceived admiration and gratitude in his eyes.

Moonlight bounced off the mountain tops, casting ethereal beams of silver upon the battlefield. Barbara's bronze cultivation gleamed softly, a testament to her mastery of the ancient arts. Despite her strength, Chiron had taken an arrow meant for her, a selfless act that had saved her life. His face was etched with pain, but his eyes bore an unwavering determination.

Approaching him, Barbara's voice was as gentle as the night breeze, "Why did you do it?" Her eyes, a shade of deep, stormy red, searched his gaze for an answer.

Chiron met her gaze, his own eyes reflecting the courage that dwelled within him. "Because I believe that you are the hope that the Highland tribes need." he replied, his voice steady despite the pain that coursed through his veins. "You are our beacon of light, the embodiment of our resilience. I couldn't stand by and let that light be snuffed out."

Barbara's expression softened, and for a moment, the weight of their shared destiny hung in the air like a delicate tapestry woven by fate. She reached out, her hand resting gently on Chiron's shoulder, her touch a balm to his wounds. "Your belief in me is a strength, Igbi" she said, her voice carrying the wisdom of generations. "Together, we shall guide our tribe toward a future where they can live free, away from the shadow of oppression. Will you join me and see this through? To join my Army at my side and send the invaders back!"

Chiron's head bowed a little. he seemed to be in contemplation about this. his eyes went up to look at Mani who nodded his way, giving him encouragement to say yes.

His eyes also turned to Claudia and then to old Magu. surprisingly, even old Magu nodded, encouraging him.

He turned back to her, his eyes carrying an unshakeable resolve, "Yes! Yes i will."

Those words made Barbara smile. As far as she was concerned, she had once more acquired another useful toy.

She was unaware that Chiron also smiled in his heart. After all, it had really been a long daunting process to get on the good graces of this woman. However, for what was to come next, it was most important.

After all, his goal remained his hunger for immortality. He had to change his destiny as predicted in the book. And to do that, he needed power.

No matter who it was, no matter the means, he was going to climb it all, bury a mountain of corpses if necessary to achieve his goals.

As Chiron and Barabara stood there, beneath the canopy of stars, a sense of unity enveloped them like a protective cloak. The night seemed to embrace their resolve, and in that moment, they became more than individuals; they became the embodiment of hope and defiance.

Around them, the village stirred with quiet whispers of gratitude. This Yellow tribe village, hidden away from the world in their sanctuary amidst the hills, had found a champion in Barbara, and now, in Chiron. The night was alive with the soft hum of camaraderie and the knowledge that they were not alone in their struggle.

In the distance, the Vandorian tesseract, now a mere speck against the night sky, retreated like a defeated beast, its once-confident roars silenced by the strength of the Highland tribe. The village, once plagued by fear, now stood tall and unyielding, its people united under the banner of Barbara's leadership.

Chiron's sacrifice had not gone unnoticed. It had become a symbol, a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Highland tribe. His act of bravery had etched itself into the very fabric of their history, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there were those who would stand tall and shield their kin from harm.

As the night wore on, the wounded were tended to, and the fires of the village were rekindled. Amidst the flickering glow, Barbara and Chiron sat together, their eyes reflecting the silent understanding that passed between them. Or at least that was the illusion that was displayed.

But each person had his or her own thoughts.

That night, a celebration was ensured.

The village embraced the spirit of celebration with an unbridled fervor. It reverberated with laughter, music, and the rhythmic beat of drums. The night was alive with energy once more, and the air was thick with the scent of fragrant flowers and the mouth-watering aroma of roasting meats.

Under the canopy of stars, the Highlanders gathered, their faces adorned with vibrant paint and gleaming with pride. Torches flickered, casting a warm glow upon the festivities. The beat of drums set the pace, and soon, the entire village was swept up in a joyous dance. The night was alive with the stamping of feet and the swaying of bodies, a celebration that seemed to echo the very heartbeat of the tribe.

Barbara, resplendent in ceremonial attire, led the dance with grace and exuberance. Her movements were fluid, her feet gliding effortlessly over the ground.

She even let the little ones paint her face in the color of yellow, as it was customary for a wedding.

She laughed and played with them. If one were to look at her, there would not even believe that she was a fierce warrior who hd skin tough enough to have spirit energy bounce off it.

With every dancing step, she channeled the triumph of the recent victory, her eyes sparkling with a fire that mirrored the fervor of her people. The villagers followed her lead, their voices rising in harmonious chants that echoed through the night.

The celebration kicked into high gear as the hours passed. The Highlanders, young and old, joined the dance, their laughter filling the air like sweet music. Bonfires blazed, casting a warm glow upon the revelry.

Around the bonfire, Barbara even spun tales of bravery and valor against the Vandorian army, her voice rising and falling like the rhythm of the drums. The children listened with wide-eyed wonder, their imaginations ignited by the tales of heroes and battles won.

After which, the ceremonial marking of the wedding bed, which according to tradition was supposed to be done by the chief of the village,

However, Barbara acted in place of the chief with no complaints from the villages and observed the process as Chiron took his wife to bed.

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