Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 10

Chapter Book 10: 16: Feverish (1)

“Well done.” Dyon smiled lightly.

The once massive destructive beasts instantly became adorable cubs in Dyon’s arms. Even Linlin who was fonder of being larger didn’t want to miss out and shrunk down.

Over the past month, they had been worked hard. In fact, Dyon didn’t even give them any of the beloved pills they adored to eat so much. Sen in particular hardly went an hour without grasping his stomach and crying to the heavens about how cruel his master was.

Still, in this month, they often led the vanguard, defeating all of the major celestial beasts of the planet despite having their cultivations restricted to the saint realm.

Though this was classified as a 1st Tier planet, it wasn’t so simple as there being just one lower celestial overseeing things. The reality was that this planet alone had several dozen lower celestials, each controlling a corner of the planet by their lonesome. And, this instance of them banding together here hadn’t been a first time occurrence.

Just four days ago, five lower celestial overlords came together to battle the Blood Phoenix Battalion, that challenge had been far more difficult, especially since it took place deep within the planet’s waters.

“Alright everyone!” After showing the four celestial babies some affection, Dyon turned toward the beaten and bloodied cardinal armies.

Over this last month, though they had yet to evolve into battalion Dyon envisioned, they had definitely improved. The constant suppression of their cultivation and wills forced them to greatly improve their fundamentals. Even the least talented of them had had at least a 10% overall increase in their base strength.

“We’ve accomplished something great. Though we rank last amongst the Battalions, we are the only ones who can say that we’ve conquered a planet ruled by celestials with nothing but the power of saints. Do you believe me now?”

Many couldn’t lie to themselves. Even after they accomplished the feat, they had still felt irritable. Though the Sacharro Clan was still sitting pretty at third place and had already accumulated enough total points to reclaim 2 universes in just a single month, many of their clans couldn’t even afford to reclaim a single galaxy. josei

However, when they heard Dyon’s words, the magnitude of their accomplishment finally set in. Had they really done something like that?

They were all celestials, with the exception of Saru. How could they not know the power disparity between celestials and saints? Back when they were saints, they couldn’t imagine even looking at a celestial the wrong way for fear of not knowing how they died. But they had actually accomplished such a thing?

Dyon smiled.

He had many theories for how to raise such an army, but they mostly boiled down to two things: confidence and one mindedness.

He tried to achieve one mindedness by sealing their intents, forcing them to rely on the strength of one another to press forward.

As for confidence, that could only come with time! This was the first step!

That was when they suddenly remembered something else. That was right! Not only had their cultivations been repressed to the saint realm, their will comprehensions had been snatched from them as well! This made this accomplishment a hundredfold more impressive!

Dyon grinned. “We have another advantage those who are rushing so much down have.”

As the tired Blood Phoenix Battalion looked toward Dyon with tired expressions, Dyon’s grin only grew wider.

“No matter how weak this universe is, it still has resources! Other teams don’t dare to slow down to excavate these places and only seek to move on as quickly as possible, but you all have two things they don’t.

“The first is time. You all have done nothing but fight for a month, while I have done nothing. I will give you three days rest as well as a several recuperation pills. In addition, name any pill below the comet grade that you’d like and I’ll concoct it for you!

“Warriors will each receive one such request, vice squadron leaders two, squadron leaders three, corps captains four, and cardinal generals five.”

Even as they were boiling with excitement, Dyon continued with a smile.

“And the second thing they don’t have is a leader willing to do the dirty work for you. You guys rest. Your Army Chief is about to go an plunder some resources!”

And plunder Dyon did.

Even though this was the 100th ranked quadrant, it had been untouched by humans for several million years, this had allowed several resources the time to grow untouched.

Though there were beasts here, most of them were of the common and earth grade. In addition, even beasts of a higher grade don’t use resources the same way humans do. Only Transcendent and Supreme Grade beasts would, but this quadrant had none!

This planet alone had 23 energy stone mining deposits, 17 of which had up to saint grade energy stones and 6 of which had celestial grade energy stones. In addition, there were 142 master grade ore mines, 46 grandmaster grade ore mines, and 12 comet grade ore mines!

Using his strength, it hardly took Dyon a day to strip the planet of everything valuable. He left behind just enough so that the beasts he hadn’t slaughtered still have a path to live, but not much more than this.

Then, under the cheering of his battalion, he distributed these resources evenly by rank. Even the weakest warriors still received several hundred celestial stones, a massive fortune for many here!

Like this, the shamelessness of the True God turned miner took hold of the Federation.

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