Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 10

Chapter Book 10: 17: Feverish (2)

Like this, the Blood Phoenix Battalion began to travel from 1st Tier Planet to 1st Tier Planet, working toward conquering their first 1st Tier Territory. Though by now the top 5 ranked Clans and Sects were already well on their way toward clearing their first 4th Tier Territories, Dyon casually took the slow and methodical approach.

It was during this time that Dyon began to notice something weird about his soul. Specifically, his divine sense.

For some odd reason, he couldn’t seem to find the limit of it. Even when limited to his clone’s abilities, he was capable of enshrouding an entire galaxy at once. On top of this, there didn’t seem to be anything capable of hiding from his senses any longer.

Before, top tier treasures like planet grade and star grade spiritual herbs still had the ability to hide from Dyon’s divine sense. This was because treasures of this caliber had evolutionary protective mechanisms that allowed their species to survive for so long. Unless you happened to lay eyes on them personally, they were usually next to impossible to find.

The truth was that the only reason sects of the tower quadrants were even capable of having such treasures in the first place was because of countless million years of accumulation. They simply didn’t have the experts necessary to make use of these treasures, so they were often stockpiled over countless years, and left to gather dust.

Still, this change didn’t make any sense to Dyon.

As of now, his clone could at most wield comet qi, this was an indisputable fact. In addition, because it was a 0.05% clone, it should only have 1/200th of his divine senses range, but his true body couldn’t stretch its divine sense so far… could it?

That was when Dyon made one of the most shocking discoveries of his lifetime. Not only could his divine sense stretch so far, it could stretch out further than he could even imagine.

In an instant, the entirety of Star Universe was projected into his mind! Maybe the most shocking part was that despite being on Star Planet, no one and nothing detected his divine sense!

The first time Dyon noticed this oddity was because he was focused on his battalion. He was making use of his divine sense in an attempt to completely understand the warriors under him and how best to allow them to progress.

Unfortunately, their improvement had reached a plateau after taking hold of the tenth 1st Tier Planet. So, without much hesitation, Dyon sealed them more fiercely, dropping their cultivation from the higher saint realm to the middle saint realm.

During that time, he was watching with a keen eye, trying to pick up on every and any change. It was then he realized that the more he seemed to focus, the sharper his divine sense became.

He was confused at first. He had never experienced such a thing, he didn’t even know it was possible for his divine sense to become sharper, it had already been clearer than even his own eyesight. But, the reality was right before him…

So, he decided to push his limit.

The more he concentrated, the sharper the images became. Eventually, his senses became so finely tuned that even the invisible became visible.

The moment that barrier was leapt over, Dyon’s clone shattered.

Luckily, Dyon’s true body was on standby the moment the oddities began to occur and had already sent in a second clone, but what happened still shocked him beyond belief.

He immediately consulted the [Dao of Array Alchemy] and began laughing uproariously.

The elders around him believed he was laughing because his ‘little cousin’ just so happened to have conquered yet another 1st Tier Planet with nothing but middle saints, but Dyon was laughing for something completely different!

His divine sense was no longer divine sense! It was now Immortal Sense! He was a First Grade World Seer!

When Dyon was in the celestial realm, his soul was already stronger than most Higher Existences. But he had now suddenly become an entity revered on even the Immortal Plane and he hadn’t even noticed. josei

On the Immortal Plane, these individuals were known as Spiritual Sages. To be a First Grade World Seer, or a First Grade Spiritual Sage or Sage, was to be respected and admired.

Dyon didn’t understand much about it now, but from conversations he had had with his grand teacher, the Immortal Plane didn’t have universes and quadrants, and the laws of physics that governed it were vastly different.

The best way to describe that plane would be akin to a bowl filled with bubbles. Each bubble, whether small or large, had its own vast world within. These worlds were separated by Barriers of Chaos which were both lands of opportunity and the most dangerous regions of the Immortal Plane.

To be a First Grade World Seer meant one had the ability to envelop any one of these ‘bubbles’ with your mind, thus making you an essential part of any empire who wished to rule such a region. Without a Spiritual Sage of at least the first degree, one could forget about maintaining law and order in such a vast land.

Because of this, every major power would rear Sages as best they could. How could they expand their influence if they didn’t have enough of them to oversee things?

However, Dyon didn’t care about any of this. The matters of the Immortal Plane were irrelevant to him, but this strength itself was anything but!

If Dyon could envelop an entire universe in his mind, finding universe spirits would be as easy as breathing! He would be able to control a battlefield larger than anyone could imagine!

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