Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 8

Chapter Book 8: 70: Piece of Hell (1)

Dyon wasn’t some sort of foolish exhibitionist who prepared a show for the six dao experts. He had been preparing for a long time. Even a few hours was too long to give Dyon, let alone days.

The reason Dyon was naked was because clothes did him no good. In fact, they would get in the way. Before these six reached him using the range of their divine senses, Dyon had long since coated himself in the inner fat of the blue whales.

Over these past few days, he hadn’t just spent him time laying formations, but he had also thoroughly analyzed the five species under his command with Ri’s help. Thanks to her deep understanding of beasts, just a few hours was enough to comprehend all the secrets of a mere common grade beast, let alone a few days.

Dyon learned the reason the blue whales were impervious to their cold qi was because of a very special evolution their fat reserves underwent. Not only did this evolution make their meat highly nutritious, but it also gave them great defenses and healing ability due to the great vitality stored within.

Dyon had coated himself from top to bottom in these fats. The reason the six hadn’t noticed was because Dyon hadn’t allowed them to. They believed they could see through all of Dyon’s secrets with a glance, but how could Dyon’s level of soul strength be compared to beasts who were notorious for their soul path weaknesses?

It wasn’t pretty, but Dyon didn’t have the luxury of worrying for his image right now.

As long as the coating was on his skin, the cold qi wouldn’t be able to penetrate his body. This allowed him to freely use his energies as he pleased.

Dyon had come to understand that it wasn’t his celestial and soul qi that were influenced by the cold. Rather, it was that the cold qi was using the two as a bridge to his body. With the fat that now coated him, the bridge was effectively cut off. Now, he wasn’t restricted in the least.

Just now, Dyon had used his divine sense to release the blue whales from several Beast Spaces he had hidden around the ocean is a circular formation. Without even realizing it, the six dao experts had walked right into a trap.

They had the exact response Dyon expected.

They retracted their divine senses, believing that due to the fragility of souls, they were at risk. They then attempted to coat their bodies with a protective layer of qi, but in the next instant they realized that this was an even worse mistake as the cold qi sank directly into their bodies.

“Dammit.” Twelve gritted his teeth. “What the hell is this cold qi?!”

He realized that the only thing that could withstand it was his body. When he tried to dispel the qi from within his body using his enigmatic energy, the matter only grew even worse. He felt his body was becoming an icicle from the inside out.

They searched around, but realized they were completely blind. Dyon had been several miles ahead, so they couldn’t even see him any longer. They were completely blind.

One of them attempted to the illuminate the surroundings with some fire will, only to scream out in pain as the cold qi penetrated their soul.

Ten, who hadn’t spoken a single word until now frowned deeply, his body inadvertently shivering. They couldn’t use their qi, they couldn’t see anything without their divine sense, and now they realized they couldn’t even use their wills.

This was ridiculous. Before they even began to battle, they lost 70% of their prowess in an instant. It was even more exaggerated than that if they took into account the influence the cold qi was having on slowing their actions. josei

“Back to back, now!” Ten roared.

No one dared to refute the orders of the highest-ranking member here.

“Anyone with a luminating treasure, take it out now.” Ten called out once more.

“Yes.” Fifteen responded, taking out her a small orb of gently bobbing light. It was a seemingly useless master grade treasure she hadn’t used in thousands of years. Who would have known that it would come in handy now. Luckily it was of the master grade, and not any lower, or else the water pressure alone would have shattered it.

Just when they wanted to sigh a breath of relief, Fifteen’s teeth began to chatter. “Ten… the cold qi is influencing my soul through my connection with this treasure.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me…” Thirteen’s playful side was nowhere to be seen.

‘He was naked… Could there be a reason?’ Ten fell into deep thought. He had found it odd, but he threw the thought away. After all, considering how scantily clad the six of them here were, there really wasn’t much point in judging Dyon. However, considering the circumstances… Maybe?

“How long can you last, Fifteen?” Ten finally asked.

Through her chattering teeth, Fifteen responded. “I can sustain it indefinitely usually and illuminate several dozen miles at once. But, if I go all out like that, I’ll be an icicle in an hour. If I keep the range to just a hundred meters, I can last a few days… Two and a half at most.”

After weighing the options, Ten nodded. “Keep it to a hundred meters for now. Stay alert.”

Ten realized that their informer hadn’t been wrong. This was an incredibly dangerous mission. Just what sort of cold qi could influence enigmatic qi so quickly and easily?

Who would have known that the moment the found a small path of light for themselves, the situation would change once more?

Not only did the cold qi seem to multiply in strength in an instant, but the density of water increased by dozens of times. It seemed that any moment, the water they stood within would become ice.

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