Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 8

Chapter Book 8: 71: Piece of Hell (2)

As was stated previously, Dyon had done a lot of research on the five species under his purview. For now, the sea serpent and fire coral weren’t of great use to him, but blue whale, seahorse and jelly fish were a completely different matter entirely.

What Dyon was mainly interested in was why the cold qi seemed to only work within water. What was so special about water? josei

Unfortunately, even with the help of Ri, he couldn’t quite understand this. However, he did comprehend many things including: the higher the water density, the greater the cold qi’s effectiveness.

Dyon believed that this was definitely related to the environment the blue whales grew up in. For the blue whales, denser water equated to deeper water, which in Earth’s climate meant sky high temperatures. Therefore, their innate abilities responded to excess water pressure with greater effectiveness.

But, how did Dyon so suddenly increase the water density? Dark Ocean was nowhere near as dense as Earth’s oceans near its bottom because it was far shallower. The answer was in the abilities of yet another species, the seahorse!

The seahorse had two innate abilities to the blue whales’ one. They produced psychedelic oscillations with their vocal cords that could lull weaker life forms into a deep illusion, and they had innate control over the ocean’s currents.

Due to the seahorse’s lack of intelligence, this first ability bordered on useless. It was only capable of fooling equivalently unintelligent common grade beasts. However, this second ability, it was highly useful!

The blue whales were used to warring with the seahorses. As such, they obviously had counters to each other. The blue whales’ excessive size made music qi waves struggle to influence them, while the seahorse’s control over water currents greatly helped them as well.

By using their control of water to decrease the density in an around itself, the cold qi of the blue whales lost much of its effectiveness against the seahorses. However, Dyon used it in the exact opposite fashion! Instead of ordering them to decrease the density, he ordered them to increase it by many times over!

Although cold qi had its greatest effects against energy and soul qi, Dyon labeled this as an evolutionary fluke. The blue whales obviously didn’t have enemies that used soul or energy, they were inferior common grade beasts, how could they? Originally, cold qi was meant to slowly penetrate into the body, the blue whale would then use its enormous bodily strength to directly crush their enemy.

If this wasn’t true, then how could Dyon have shivered so fiercely despite Ri having already dispelled the cold qi from himself?

At this moment, the six dao experts were experiencing just that. Not only had it suddenly become far harder to move within the dense waters, the cold qi was slowly seeping into their bodies, causing them to tremble.

The worst part of it was that they didn’t know where the enemy was. After the density was layered over by many times, Fifteen’s previous estimates became a joke. Let alone two days and a half, she’d be lucky to last another five minutes. In the end, she was forced to retract the radius to just five meters.

“Ten, I can only last another half hour at this radius.” She said through chattering teeth.

There was something else she didn’t say as well. With the density jumping up so high… She wasn’t sure how much longer a master grade treasure could withstand it.

Dyon was aware of how important secrecy was from the very beginning. He knew that cold qi was even more effective if the blue whales were closer, but he also knew that they gave off their own natural light. If Dyon allowed them to get too close, they would definitely be spotted, then his enemies could make a few guesses about what actions to take.

Though the blue whales were powerful, their bodies could fight head to head with a top pseudo dao expert at most, they were nothing but cannon fodder in the face of six higher dao experts. This was even doubly so for the seahorses who had slightly weaker bodies.

To make this plan work, Dyon had been forced to use all four King whales and 8 King seahorses. If he lost them, it would be too devastating a blow to speak about.

‘Still not enough.’ Dyon frowned to himself. His enemies were feigning weakness now, some of them were even pretending to panic, but he knew that dao experts wouldn’t be flustered so easily. The mental stability of an expert who had cultivated for so long was far beyond Dyon’s comprehension. They were baiting him.

Dyon sneered. A deep arrogance he had hidden within himself in order to keep a calm mind began bubbling forth.

‘This will be your death beds. Give me two weeks… I’ll make that despair real! King Jellyfish, it’s time for you two to take action.’

Dyon’s mind communicated with two more Beast Spaces, releasing two beautiful creatures shimmering with rainbow lights.

These two were unlike normal jellyfish. One can imagine the changes the underwent in order to withstand such great water density with their supposedly fragile bodies.

Suddenly, arcs of blue lightning charged throughout their bodies. Standing on two opposite sides of the ocean, they communicated with one another.

The dark ocean lit up. At first, the six were pleasantly surprised, but that was only a split moment before an overwhelming danger overcame them.

Jellyfish were some of the deadliest creatures of the sea. Their lightning wasn’t as simple as shocking their victims… It would penetrate deeply into the body, seeping into the spine, nerves and brain, slowly killing the body’s most important cells.

There were 8 seahorse Kings and 4 blue whale Kings… Yet, the species with only 2 Kings is the one they both feared the most!

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