Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

Chapter 546 - Deceptive Dorm Room

Chapter 546 - Deceptive Dorm Room

Chapter Ch546 - Deceptive Dorm Room

The senior martial brother stated with profound meaning, “These contribution points are useful for a lifetime. Even if you leave the sect, as long as the academy doesn’t one day fall, those contribution points will be useful one day.

When you have been here for a long time, you will understand — the things inside the academy — whether they are clothing, food, housing, and transportation; or pills, talisman, arrays, or spells — are much better than those on the outside, and the price is less than half the price on the outside. Only a fool will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.”

Yan Tianhen was a little dumbfounded. He had brought on him who knows how many spirit stones, but currently he was told that these spirit stones had basically become useless?

Seeing Yan Tianhen dazed, Yin Changge sympathized with him and patted him on the shoulder, said, “Don’t be sad, anyway, you know many people here, there will definitely be someone willing to help you.”

Yan Tianhen’s face had a depression of “nothing left to live for” as he spoke, “Did you know, both my dad and imperial father came out from Myriad Dao Academy.”

Yin Changge stared blankly.

“They certainly know the rules in here, but didn’t tell me. Clearly, they wanted to screw with me and have me fully go through this experience.” Yan Tianhen sighed and said, “Just you watch, no one will help me.”

Yin Changge, “.....”

Yin Changge asked, “Then, do you want to also pick a work-study assignment?”

Yan Tianhen said, “I’m afraid I cannot choose. The purpose of work-study programs is to deduct tuition fees, and the amount given is relatively large. Anyone who sees me will know that I’m the typical rich fool, so I definitely won’t be able to get an assignment.”

Yin Changge, ” .....”

After they returned to the dormitory, it didn’t take long for Steward Ruan to come.

Steward Ruan was followed by several other Stewards. She glanced at all the disciples that were present and said, “In this examination, a total of 600 passed the Academy’s entrance exam, and 150 people each went to the East, West, North, and South Courtyards, including 80 people to the Alchemy Division, 60 to the Craftsman Division, and 460 to the Dao Division. There are less than three days before the formal start of the term. This is the residence of the examinees. Follow me to the disciples’ dormitory.”

Previously, someone had already alerted them about moving dormitories today, and the disciples had already packed up, only waiting for someone to lead them away. On the road, Yan Tianhen and Yin Changge were whispering.

Yin Changge asked, “Didn’t you say that there are 3,000 disciples in each year? How come only 600 people are remaining in our year?”

Yan Tianhen replied, “There are 3,600 people this year. Apart from us disciples that entered the sect, there are 3,000 disciples in name only. As long as they donate a large tuition fee, they can still take the exam again next year. If they get accepted next year, they can then cultivate with us.”

Yin Changge, ” .....”

There sure are many foolish people who have a lot of money.

The residences of official disciples were divided according to the courtyard: Yan Tianhen and a few friends all lived in the East Courtyard. As soon as they entered the courtyard, Yan Tianhen felt stupefied.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The house was so dilapidated that even the roof looked as if it was just about to collapse. The surrounding area was dirty, the trees were destroyed, and the weeds were overgrown. It was clearly a deserted courtyard; it clearly wasn’t intended for people to live in.

Ktf vlrmlqifr mbeivc’a yfjg la, jcv cblrlis jrxfv, “Vafkjgv Eejc, atlr mjc’a yf ktfgf kf jgf ilnlcu? Lbk mjc qfbqif fnfc ilnf tfgf?”

“Pa’r yfaafg ab pera rqfcv atf cluta bc atf ragffa, atlr vbgwlabgs lr j ilaaif abb afgglyif.”

“Zs Vfclbg Zjgalji Dgbatfg rjlv atja atf vbgwlabgs tfgf kjr nfgs ubbv, kjr tf islcu ab wf?”

“Maybe in the middle of the night, we’ll be killed by falling bricks. Can people actually live here?”

Steward Ruan leisurely spoke, “Naturally, there are also good places to live, but you have to rely on the contribution points of the sect to exchange for the right to rent. Well, you don’t know the rules of the academy yet. Give me a moment, I will send you the rules now, have a good look.”

After she said that, Steward Ruan waved her cloud sleeve, and in all the present disciples’ sea of knowledge, there was an extra scroll. Densely written on the scroll, which was hundreds of feet long, were various rules of the sect. Looking at it made people feel dizzy.

Yan Tianhen noticed that in Myriad Dao Academy, no matter what you did, you needed to use contribution points, and the acquisition of contribution points, other than stealing and killing, could be obtained through all kinds of channels. Contrary to expectations, anything goes.

In terms of housing, the courtyard here was the worst, but the one advantage was that it didn’t cost money. If you wanted to stay in a sheltered or magnificent courtyard, you could only exchange it using contribution points, and the deceptive thing was that a bedroom can only accommodate one person. If two people were living there, it was then necessary to pay for one more person.

Yan Tianhen quickly skimmed through it again and found that if he got caught violating the school rules, there would be a deduction from his contribution points and different amounts of contribution points would be deducted for different degrees of violations.

The contribution points would be stored in the leaf ticket. That ticket was not only a ship ticket, but was also an identity card closely related to its master. If its master died, this life card would send the information to the sect, and the corresponding life card in the academy would also be extinguished and broken.

Everyone had an initial amount of contribution points. When Yan Tianhen checked his own life card, the contribution points above turned out to be a full one thousand points.

“How many contribution points do you have?” asked Yan Tianhen in a low voice to Yin Changge, Gu Ruyu, and the others.

Yin Changge looked at his life card and said, “2,000 points.”

Yan Tianhen, “...”

Gu Ruyu said, “I have 3,000 points.”

Qi Feiqing blinked and said, “I only have 300 points.”

Yan Tianhen said, “It turns out that everyone is different.”

Gu Ruyu said, “This was converted according to the performance and ranking of each round of examinations. Yin Changge took first place in the written examination and was directly given 1,800 points.”

“What about you?” Yan Tianhen eagerly watched Gu Ruyu.

Gu Ruyu smiled and said, “I was the tenth out of the evil spirits array, the second in the written test, and the third in the overall Dao Division’s competition, so I was given more.”

Yan Tianhen’s eyes were red with envy and said, “If I had known that ranking was so important, I would have expended more effort on the exams.”

Qi Feiqing sighed, lamenting how the heavens were unfair.

“No matter how miserable you are, you can’t beat Shen Dage.” with a smile, Yin Changge continued, “Because Shen Dage killed too many people, it became a negative number. His contribution point value is negative 5,600 points. He is very depressed now.”

Yan Tianhen was stunned and couldn’t help but express deep sympathy and said, “That’s disastrous. When can the 5,600 points be paid off?”

After all, disciples who could earn 300 contribution points a month were already considered above average, especially for newly entered examinees, who couldn’t take commissions and couldn’t enter the evil spirit array. The other contribution points earned by odd jobs were all cheap labor.

Yin Changge touched his chin and said, “It will probably take a long time.”

Qi Feiqing looked at Yin Changge and said, “He is quite miserable, but what are you smiling for?”

Yin Changge continued smiling and said, “Of course, the more miserable he is, the more I can help him.”

Qi Feiqing, “...” That is a very crafty point of view.

Although Yan Tianhen had few contribution points on hand, he still insisted on not staying in this house that couldn’t even meet the basic living requirements.

He decisively chose to go over to Steward Ruan and exchange his contribution points for a house that people could live in.

Dormitories were divided into 4 ranks, and from high to low they were respectively 30, 20, 10, and 5 contribution points a day.

Of course, there was a better kind of abode for fairies and immortals, but the price was sky-high. Yan Tianhen only took a single glance at the price and didn’t want to look at it anymore.

The fourth-class housing was not much better than the free dormitory and was still a little small, so Yan Tianhen chose the third-class dorms and paid for one month.

After three hundred contribution points were swiped down, Yan Tianhen’s insides hurt.

The residence of the teachers was not in the same place as that of the students. It was said that not only did they live luxuriously and capably, but the academy also gave them contribution points every month, and it was an enviable number. Most of the courtyards and abodes of fairies and immortals of the teachers could definitely accommodate more people, and many teachers let their disciples that work for them live with them.

At this moment, Yan Tianhen finally understood why all his fellow disciples wanted to get the job of doing odd jobs for teachers. If nothing else, it was truly saving money.

But there was no helping it; today’s Yan Tianhen could only spend more contribution points for the time being for basic survival, and earn it back later.

Yan Tianhen and others quickly went to find Steward Ruan of the East Courtyard to adjust their living arrangements. When Yan Tianhen saw that the one thousand points on his leaf ticket suddenly swiped and turned into seven hundred, an unspeakable sense of urgency came to him.

In his life, he had never worried about money. When he was in the Five Continents, he was backed by Lin Zhan. He naturally did not lack money to spend, and now that he came to the Nine Lands, his position was higher, so he was even more unaware of what being short on money felt like.

However, he was different from the past him now. He needed to make money.

Yin Changge stood there and whispered to Shen Congrong, “Shen Dage, I have already paid for a room for two people, for a total of two months. I rented a second-class double room. If you don’t move in, I will lose a lot of money.”

Shen Congrong didn’t want to take advantage of Yin Changge, but Yin Changge had acted first then reported it later, and he finally couldn’t resist it. He had no alternative and said, “I’ll count this as what I owe you, in the future, I’m sure I can quickly double it and return it to you soon.”

Yin Changge raised his head, smiled, and blinked at him, saying, “Actually, it’s okay even if you can’t return it.”

When Yan Tianhen heard this, he couldn’t help but interject, “If you are unable to repay the favor, you can only devote your body instead.”

Yin Changge’s face suddenly turned red.

Shen Congrong smiled and said, “Don’t tease.”

After Shen Congrong was brought to trial, although the result was still favorable to Shen Congrong’s side, however, he had undoubtedly killed so many people in the evil spirit array. Most of the followers who had been following around him had run away without a trace, and they did not dare have a close association with him again.

Shen Congrong was still the same as before, neither trying to please anyone nor treating people coldly. It makes people unable to find flaws, which left a very good impression on Yan Tianhen — especially because he knew the reason for Shen Congrong’s murders, so he admired this person even more.josei

Shen Congrong originally should have owed more contribution points, but he got excellent grades in the Dao Division’s examination, ranking in the top three, so it offset some of the debt.

After they were finished with dealing with the dormitory, the group of people walked towards the new dormitory area together.

On the way, Yan Tianhen met Yan Chenxiao, who was dragging his luggage and walking toward the dormitory with a line of people.

Although the four courtyards of East, West, North, and South sounded like they were in four different directions and far away, however, for the sake of friendly communication, peaceful coexistence, and exchange of experiences among disciples of various courtyards, the four courtyards were actually concentrated together; the dorms were merely located in the four directions, and the courtyard dormitories were particularly close to each other. Additionally, many elective courses were held together.

When Yan Chenxiao saw Yan Tianhen, his somewhat elegant little face suddenly scowled. He didn’t have a good mood staring at Yan Tianhen and seemed to want to say something. However, when he saw Yan Tianhen’s smile that was not a smile, he then thought again about the punishment given to him by his eldest brother, and then gave in and let the words die in his throat.

He ignored Yan Tianhen, but Yan Tianhen didn’t intend to let him go just like this.

Yan Tianchen blocked Yan Chenxiao’s path and asked with a smile, “Is your ass okay?”

Yan Chenxiao suddenly blew up and said, “None of your damn business!”

Yan Tianhen said, “It’s none of my damn business, but it’s your ass’s business. Today, I saw all kinds of Myriad Dao Academy’s rules. It seems that there are quite a few words. How are your hundred copies going? Do you want me, your Big Bro, to copy it for you?”

Yan Chenxiao resisted the urge to beat someone up, gnashing his teeth, and said, “Speak less sarcastic words here. Don’t think that by entering here, no one can suppress you anymore. To tell you the truth, in Myriad Dao Academy, you are not regarded as anything– speaking of which, perhaps you don’t even have much contribution points on you?”

Having said that, Yan Chenxiao inevitably couldn’t escape feeling some satisfaction, so he hooked his lips and said, “Even if you tested into the Alchemy Division and got into the limelight, so what? What can you do? Don’t you still not have any contribution points? But I’m different. Right now, I can easily obtain wind if I want wind, and I can get rain if I want rain. I have no shortage of contribution points at all.”

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