Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

Chapter 547 - Dog of King Zhang’s Palace

Chapter 547 - Dog of King Zhang’s Palace

Chapter Ch547 - Dog of King Zhang’s Palace

Yan Tianhen said, “Your grades aren’t really anything good, aren’t you only using your big brother’s points?”

Yan Chenxiao made a sound and said, “I’m using my elder brother, so what? My eldest brother is happy to let me use him. It’s useless for you to envy and hate me. You don’t have an older brother. If you have the power you can make your parents give birth to an elder brother.”

Yan Tianhen forced down his fist and said, “I still think this face of yours looks like it needs a beating.”

Yan Chen sneered and haughtily said, “That’s because you’re jealous of how much more handsome than you I am.”

Yan Tianhen, “...”

Does your elder brother know how narcissistic you are?

Just then, Shen Qinghe walked over. His face was rather pale and his complexion did not look good, but nothing could be seen on the surface.

Shen Qinghe looked at Yan Tianhen and said, “King Ye’s heir, if there is nothing else, we’ll go first. We just moved to the dormitory, and Young Master still has a lot of things to tidy up. I’m afraid he can’t stay here and speak more with the heir.”

Yan Tianhen raised his eyebrows, his line of sight fell on Shen Qinghe’s half-exposed arm, where there was obviously a red mark that looked like it was from a whip. Yan Tianhe meaningfully said, “Gentleman Shen, if I remember correctly, you should have entered the Alchemy Division in the East Courtyard?”

Shen Qinghe nodded and said, “I didn’t expect King Ye’s heir to remember such a small thing. This humble servant is deeply honored.”

Yan Tianen always felt that his words were uninteresting, but now he suddenly felt he was a little pitiful.

“Forget about being honored, but I always felt that that you are a sword user, so having to force yourself to refine alchemy is wasting your talent.” Yan Tianhen pointed out.

Shen Qinghe’s sword had a courageous character in it, and Yan Tianhen still couldn’t understand why he came to be an alchemist. Although Shen Qinghe indeed had a fire and wood double spiritual root, and also had a pill fire, he really wasn’t suited for becoming an alchemist.

After all, not everyone in the world who had a pill fire wanted to be an alchemist.

Yan Chenxiao frowned and said, “You are fucking meddling in other people’s business again. They’re our servants at King Zhang’s Palace — do they need you to tell them what to do?”

Yan Tianhen let out an ‘Oh’, and suddenly had an expression of realization, “Isn’t Gentlemen Shen a guest at King Zhang’s Palace? How did he become a servant again? If such a talented person comes to our King Ye’s Palace, they would at least be in a court position.”

Yan Chenxiao had a feeling of his things being coveted by other people. He angrily said, “Stop trying to provoke dissension here. He, Shen Qinghe, in life, is our King Zhang Palace’s person, and in death he is King Zhang Palace’s corpse. Shen Qinghe, quickly tell him that even if you are a dog, you are still our King Zhang Palace’s dog!”

Yan Tianhen’s couldn’t help but be happy in his heart.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tjc Jtfczljb kjr lcvffv gfjiis rqblifv, jcv kjr erfv ab gecclcu kliv. Rb wjaafg ktb Vtfc Hlcutf kjr ab Blcu Itjcu’r Ujijmf, Tjc Jtfczljb ralii rtbeiv cba vfrmglyf tlw jr j vbu lc qeyilm. Rba bcis vlv atlr tewliljaf Vtfc Hlcutf, yea la jirb wjvf qfbqif offi ecmbwobgajyif, jcv atfs wluta fnfc vbeya atf kjs Blcu Itjcu’r Ujijmf erfv ajifcar, rb atja ofkfg ajifcafv qfbqif kbeiv pblc atja rlvf lc atf oeaegf.josei

If even Shen Qinghe, this kind of family minister, was belittled by the young master of King Zhang’s Palace, then other cultivators with even lower backgrounds would surely get worse treatment. However, Yan Chenxiao was too well protected, and he couldn’t see Yan Tianhen setting him up.

Shen Qinghe frowned. Yan Chenxiao couldn’t see it, but with a glance he could see through Yan Tianhen’s thoughts. Shen Qinghe went to Yan Chenxiao and whispered, “Your Highness, we should go.”

Yan Chenxiao blew up. In his heart he thought that, So even you, Shen Qinghe, dares to not give this Prince any face. He drew his sword and immediately slashed it on Shen Qinghe’s back, shouting. “You dare turn a deaf ear to this prince’s words?”

Shen Qinghe suppressed a cry, biting his lower lip: an imperceptible pain flashed in his eyes.

But he quickly covered it up.

Shen Qinghe still had the thought of the big picture in the end: he hung his head and his gesture was very low and humble. He said, “It’s this servant’s fault. I am indeed a dog of King Zhang’s Palace, and I will not betray Your Highness.”

Yan Chenxiao’s heart, however, was still full of indignation. He glared at Shen Qinghe, pushed Yan Tianhen, and made a big stride forward.

Yan Tianhen said faintly behind Shen Qinghe, “People always have to live for themselves. Sometimes, only by living first can they get what they want.”

Shen Qinghe’s footsteps faintly paused, then continued to speed up the pace to follow. Gu Ruyu frowned and said, “His body has serious injuries.”

Yan Tianhen said, “It is not necessarily a serious injury, it is probably a serious superficial injury. My cousin is a person with a sense of propriety.”

Gu Ruyu puzzledly said, “Before, you were not in Nine Lands. Yan Huanyu was said to be very close to Shen Qinghe. He brought Shen Qinghe with him wherever he went. I remember one year, Shen Qinghe and was taken away by his enemy, Yan Huanyu took the Black and White Crow Guards and slaughtered directly to the man’s lair. He personally killed the enemy and saved Shen Qinghe. Shen Qinghe grew up with him since childhood, so it’s not wrong to even call Shen QInghe his shadow. However, I don’t know what happened between them to make Yan Huanyu treat him like this.”

Qi Feiqing couldn’t understand the direction of the development. He used his fan to cover his chin and thoughtfully said, “We can say the two broke up, but Yan Huanyu still gave Yan Chenxiao to Shen Qinghe to educate — this is also another kind of trust. However, if we say that the relationship between the two is still very good, it still doesn’t make sense — it can be seen from Yan Chenxiao’s attitude towards him today that Shen Qinghe’s position is very low, which is really contradictory.”

Yan Tianhen’s eyes flashed and said, “There is absolutely something unknown happening, I am very curious about what happened between them.”

Qi Feiqing said, “I’m also very curious too, but for so many years, no information has come out.”

Yan Tianhen thought, When the time comes, let Yin Changge explore what Shen Qinghe is thinking, and maybe we’ll find something new.

However, he had a high opinion of Shen Qinghe. If one day Shen Qinghe could break it off with those two people in King Zhang’s Mansion, it would be more to his liking. And in his view, Shen Qinghe would break off sooner or later.


News that Yan Chenxiao and Yan Tianhen had an unavoidable confrontation, and that Yan Tianhen formlessly baited Yan Chenxiao into a verbal trap soon reached Yan Huanyu’s ears.

Yan Huanyu had been here for seven years, and already had a solid foundation of loyal subordinates here. He had tens of thousands of contribution points, and was one of the best disciples in his class. He had many followers and had formed his own power base.

The place where he lived was a courtyard, which was not within the scope of the four grades, and the contribution points were accounted for separately. This courtyard looked like a small mountain villa with many houses and could accommodate many people.

Among these people, there were his shadow guards, as well as disciples of the Alchemist Division, Craftsman Division, and Dao division, whom he enticed over.

These disciples were his followers when they were at school. When they left school and returned to the Royal Heavenly Capital, they would be his vassals.

After Yan Huanyu listened to the report, one hand slapped the table, and his tone had a bit of awe but also a bit of helplessness. He said, “Did Yan Chenxiao not grow a brain? Such a simple taunt, and he dared to so easily speak out words that discredited himself.”

Following Yan Huanyu’s side was a fine-looking teenager, this youth was Yan Huanyu’s most trusted subordinate currently, and also a child of the family who grew up with Yan Huanyu at an early age, named Chu Ling.

He went through fire and water with Yan Huanyu, and came to Myriad Dao Academy with Yan Huanyu. He learned swordsmanship with him, and experienced the rise and fall of honor and disgrace with him. He and Yan Huanyu had a lifelong friendship.

Chu Ling said, “Xiaoxiao is still young and has more room for growth. He still has the mind of a child. Don’t be too hard on him.”

Yan Huanyu asked, “Can he freely insult people in public just because he’s young? If he says those words aloud and others hear him, how will they think of my Zhang Palace?”

Chu Ling shrugged his shoulders and said, “Whatever they want to think. Anyway, King Zhang’s Palace is an attractive sign board, and there will always be people who are willing to flock to it. Your Highness, we are the ones who choose them; they do not get to pick us.”

Yan Huanyu shook his head and deeply said, “You are wrong, the master and subordinates choose each other, and the good servants choose the clear master, and the phoenix rests on the parasol tree. These are the laws of all things. If I disappoint the good servants in the world, who will follow me?”

Chu Ling paused and smiled. “You’re right, but I’m afraid it’s no wonder that this happened. Shen Qinghe was clearly at his side, but did not stop this from happening, he also has the responsibility.”

Yan Huanyu was silent for a moment and said, “It seems that I need to talk to him.”

Chu Ling thought for a moment and said, “However, Shen Qinghe has not had it easy in recent years either. He still has injuries. You should not be too hard on him. After all, he is also a talented person with a thoughtful mind and unparalleled brain. He is a military strategist. He is also extremely forbearing and determined. We must never push such a person to the side of Yan Tianhen.”

Yan Huanyu nodded and said, “I understand, which is why even after drifting apart from him, I still let him stay with my brother. If such a person can’t be used by me, then he can only die.”

Chu Ling said, “It’s a pity if such a person is dead. It’s better for him to live.”


Not long after, Yan Chenxiao entered Yan Huanyu’s courtyard villa. He didn’t know how much trouble he had caused, so he still packed his bags excitedly, but Shen Qinghe was not in such a good mood. He directly told the people around him to put things away for Yan Chenxiao, and he went directly to Yan Huanyu to receive punishment.

Speaking of, Shen Qinghe was also very helpless. No matter how much he tried to lecture and teach Yan Chenxiao, if a person really looked down on him and despised him, then he would never be able to teach that person very well no matter how hard he tried.

In particular, Yan Chenxiao’s position was too high above him, and he dared not be too strict with Yan Chenxiao. Shen Qinghe’s body was full of whip wounds.

King Zhang’s Mansion had its own private punishment system, and when every movement and style fell on the body, it was like the pain of having one’s flesh scraped off, but in fact, if you just looked at it, it didn’t seem to be so serious. Shen Qinghe did not expect that when Yan Huanyu came to Myriad Dao Academy, he was able to bring this set of items.

Shen Qinghe thought this and knocked on Yan Huanyu’s door.

In fact, when he arrived outside the courtyard, Yan Huanyu should have known that he was coming, but their relationship did not reach the level where he could go in directly without knocking at the door.

Chu Ling opened the door.

When Chu Ling saw Shen Qinghe, he showed a smile without awkwardness, saying, “Qinghe, His Highness has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Shen Qinghe’s line of sight fell on Chu Ling’s spiritually threatening face, and he not attentively but not indifferently said, “I understand.”

Chu Ling was unconcerned with Shen Qinghe’s attitude and said, “I have something to do first, so you guys talk.”

Although Chu Ling didn’t know why Shen Qinghe was so defensive against him, he was not willing to stir up people’s emotions. He had never never placed Shen Qinghe in his eyes — not in the past, and never will in the future.

To him, Shen Qinghe was just a chess piece — a piece that can be sacrificed and discarded at any time. Why care about a chess piece?

If Yan Huanyu didn’t care about something, then he would care even less about it. Chu Ling walked away.

Shen Qinghe first relaxed and calmed his mood. Only then did he step into the decorated magnificent house. Yan Huanyu was currently burning incense. His back was facing Shen Qinghe, and he couldn’t see any emotion from the back.

He liked spices with various scents, especially woody incense, so he sent people to the Northeast Land to find the purest and rarest woody incense.

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