Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 269 Flowers Of Memories (1)

Chapter 269 Flowers Of Memories (1)

"Say, Jingfei, can I ask how long you have lived alone?"

"Hmm, not that long. I think around our first year? So it has been a year since then." Shao Jingfei replied while rubbing his chin, looking deep in thought. His black nails reflected the sunlight and looked sparkly.

"How did you come across that cafe? Are you specifically searching for it, or did you just stumble upon it by coincidence?"

"If I have to say, both are not quite right. That cafe used to be occupied by my acquaintance. When she moved out, she recommended the place to me."

"I see." Li Caiyi nodded her head.

Shao Jingfei's brows were raised. "Why? Are you interested in living alone?"

Li Caiyi was silent for a bit but later decided that it wouldn't be bad to tell Shao Jingfei about it.

"Yes. I want to try living independently. I have always wanted to do that but have no money and courage. Seeing you can do well even if you live alone gave me confidence."

"So it's like that. I don't mind if you want to keep staying at my place." Shao Jingfei chuckled.

Li Caiyi shook her head. "No, I can't possibly freeload at your place forever."

"If you feel bad, then you can just pay the rent. We can share the place just like the past few days."

"Jingfei, I appreciate it, but then it will defeat the purpose of living alone if I keep relying on you." Li Caiyi smiled warmly. "But it does sound wonderful, though."

"Isn't it? Well, the decision is yours to make."

Li Caiyi nodded her head and shortly bade her goodbye with Shao Jingfei. When she returned to her class, a crowd blocked the entrance. She tilted her head in confusion, wondering what had happened.

Li Caiyi stood on her tiptoes, trying to see past the crowd, only to find the crowd had made way for her once they noticed her arrival.

Li Caiyi: ??

She was confused because everyone suddenly stared at her with various kinds of gazes. However, she instinctively felt something was wrong.

"I'm so jealous!"

"She is so damn lucky. Tsk."

"Hold me. I think I'm going to faint."

"I'm dying of jealousy right now."

Li Caiyi could hear some of them whispering while looking at her. Her bad premonition elevated, but she couldn't turn back anymore.

When she stepped inside the class, there was a blinding light—or rather, a very blinding smile shone before her. She needed to blink a few times to adjust.

In front of her, Meng Renshu stood while smiling brightly at her, like a puppy who had just got his treat and was currently wagging his tail at his master. He was holding a pot of flowers in his hand for some reason.

"Xiaoyi, I have been waiting for you to come!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

"Brother Renshu? Why are you here?" Li Caiyi frowned in confusion.

"I'm here because I want to show you this!" Meng Renshu raised the pot of flowers in her hand. It was a pot of pink lily, which had bloomed at its fullest, exuding an alluring and graceful charm.

Of course, it was pretty, but Li Caiyi failed to understand how this would have anything to do with her. She didn't like where this conversation was going, though.

"They're pretty flowers."

"Right? I used a spot on the rooftop for gardening, and one of them finally bloomed beautifully. I'm so ecstatic because this was the first time!" Meng Renshu couldn't contain his happiness. His cheeks looked like they could burst from over-smiling.

"Oh!" Li Caiyi exclaimed when she finally remembered where this pot of flowers was coming from. It had been so long that she almost forgot about it.

Despite how sophisticated his appearance was, Meng Renshu was fond of gardening. A very 'down-to-earth' hobby, and he used to do an experiment on the secluded spot on the rooftop.

He would try to create a new hybrid of flowers, which usually failed miserably, and then be depressed about it. When he did, he usually would come to Li Caiyi to rant about how beautiful would it be if he succeeded. Being love-stricken as she was, she listened to his rant patiently and sometimes even helped him take care of those plants, although sometimes it could be taxing.

Li Caiyi looked down at the pot of flowers in his hand. They were standard pink lilies you can find anywhere. She guessed the experiment had failed again, but at least this one managed to bloom beautifully.

Nevertheless, she didn't recollect any of those flowers blooming in her previous life. Or perhaps some did, and he just didn't inform her about it.

After all, Meng Renshu in her previous life was head over heels for Li Chunhua. Why would he show such pretty flowers to Li Caiyi rather than the love of his life? She wouldn't be surprised if he gifted the flowers to Li Chunhua then.

"This is the first one that ever bloomed so beautifully. I have to say, I did such a great job with this," Meng Renshu said while showing a rare smug smile. He was just like a child who was showing off his new toy to his friends and wanted to be flaunted over.

Li Caiyi felt conflicted once again. She wasn't sure how to respond to this 'joyous' news. With so many eyes watching them now, she was reluctant to show a positive attitude towards his 'unintentional' advance.

He looked genuinely pleased, so calling him out right now would make her look like the bad guy. Although Li Caiyi cared little about people's opinions now, her conscience would feel hurt if she were to lash out unreasonably.

'Or maybe I'm just overthinking it? He spent so much effort on those plants, so no wonder he is excited now,' Li Caiyi thought inwardly.

In the end, she still couldn't bring herself to be mean and bit the bullet. "That's amazing, Brother Renshu. Your hard work finally bore fruit. I'm happy for you."

Meng Renshu smiled even wider. "Thanks, so here you go."

It stumped Li Caiyi when he shoved the pot into her hand, prompting her to receive it unconsciously in confusion. "Huh?"

"I'll give this to you. This is the fruit of our hard work combined, after all. And I think this flower suits you very well."

Li Caiyi couldn't even react, but the crowd behind her whispered furiously, causing a commotion.

"I knew it! That flower was reserved for Li Caiyi!"

"My heart is breaking. Why the hell are they displaying their affection here?! They just want to make everyone go green with envy."

"Shit, this is frustrating. I haven't eaten anything yet, and they are forcing me to eat dog food."josei

"Seriously, get a room, you two!"

At this point, they didn't even try to lower their voice anymore. And if Li Caiyi could hear whatever they said, then Meng Renshu must have heard them, too. Yet, he did not try to deny their claim and only stood there with his refreshing smile, like usual.

Li Caiyi groaned inwardly when she realized he was indeed doing this on purpose.

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