Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 270 Flowers Of Memories (2)

Chapter 270 Flowers Of Memories (2)

Li Caiyi never thought receiving a pot of plant as a gift would cause such a stir. It showed how popular Meng Renshu was and how the whole school now had their full attention on their relationship.

Now, Li Caiyi was in a bind, without knowing whether she should return the pot or not. Both of the choices would only lead to the same conclusion, in which she got paired with Meng Renshu for good. Rejecting it would probably be worse since she might incur the wrath of Meng Renshu's admirer.

She glanced at her surroundings and found her three friends were looking at her. Chen Ruolan and Feng Nian were looking over with curiosity, while Zhou Ya had a dreamy look on her face. Li Caiyi didn't have to ask to know what she was thinking.

"Xiaoyi, do you like it? I ran here as soon as I found out cause I wanted to surprise you."

Meng Renshu stared at her innocently, "It was so hard, especially because I'm doing this alone lately. This one is the one you saved the other day, do you remember? It bloomed because of you, so I think it will be happier if you are the one who keeps it."

Every word of his was trying to fish some reactions out of her. Li Caiyi didn't know whether she should laugh or cry now.

"I see. Thank you, Brother Renshu."

"Do you think you can put this on your study desk? It was near the window, so it should get plenty of sunlight if you put it there."

Another wave of whispers was starting again. Now they were discussing how both of them were so close, to the point Meng Renshu could enter her room and remember its details.

Li Caiyi narrowed her eyes, implicitly expressing her disapproval. However, either he didn't notice it or deliberately ignored it; he continued, "Ah, I forgot you already have a separate room with Xiaohua. You can just put this anywhere the sunlight could reach then. I hope you can think about the time we spent together nurturing this flower when you look at it every day."

Looking at him, the part where he could steer the public opinion with just his words and actions was similar to Li Chunhua. Li Caiyi was struck by a deja vu-type kind of feeling.

"Brother Renshu, you don't have to give this to me, but I think Mother will be happy to receive this. Thank you for the gift." Li Caiyi smiled politely before turning away from him, refusing to engage in further conversation with him.

"Xiaoyi, are you unhappy? Is a pot of flower not good enough?" Meng Renshu asked in a wrong tone, causing a few unhappy hisses to be heard from the crowd.

Under the watch of so many pairs of eyes, Li Caiyi felt suffocated talking with him. He seemed eager to make something out of nothing.

"No, I'm happy, Brother Renshu. Why wouldn't I?"

"If you are happy, then why aren't you smiling? I feel like you are just trying to be polite here."

"I don't have to smile to show my happiness," Li Caiyi forced herself to smile before continuing, "Here, I'm smiling. I will treat the flower well, don't worry."

"That's not a sincere smile. I want the genuine one."

Li Caiyi was getting irritated by how persistent he was. She walked over so he could hear her even when she spoke in a low voice. "Brother Renshu, can you please stop attracting unwanted attention to me? I don't want to be attacked by your other fans anymore."

"I already said you don't have to worry about that, right? Don't be burdened and just accept it, and if you can, please be nicer to me too."

"How many times do I have to repeat before you understand? I don't mind being nicer, but can you please not bother me like this?!"

"Oh, that's the usual you." Meng Renshu chuckled in amusement before softly flicking her forehead, catching him off guard. "I thought you'll be depressed because of what happened yesterday, but it seems you are fine."

Li Caiyi touched the place where he flicked in confusion. What was he saying? So everything was just his attempt to rile her up? She couldn't understand his way of thinking.

However, before she could utter words of protest, Meng Renshu had gone ahead of her. "Alright, I won't bother you anymore. I hope you will not throw the flower away, though. It can cheer you up a little if you keep it."

"Huh? I never said I'm going to throw it away," Li Caiyi's mouth answered automatically because she was dumbfounded by his claim. No matter what bad blood she had with Meng Renshu, the flowers are innocent. Li Caiyi had always liked lilies too, so there was no way she would throw them away.

Meng Renshu scratched the back of his head as if he was embarrassed. "Ah? Is that so? I thought you would hate it because I'm the one who gave it to you."

Li Caiyi didn't know what to think about that statement. They weren't exactly enemies, but they weren't friends either. The complicated relationship between them made this conversation turn awkward quickly.

"I will not throw it away. I promise. But I'll appreciate it if you can leave now, Brother Renshu. I'm uncomfortable with all this attention." Li Caiyi finally said, albeit a bit unsure.

"Yes. Don't frown too much. Everything is going to be alright." Meng Renshu raised his hand and was about to stroke her head, but he stopped midair, realizing that she wouldn't appreciate that gesture. Then, he lowered his hand with a regretful smile on his face.

"See you later, then."

Then, Meng Renshu walked past her. The crowd made way for him easily as he waved at a few of them who greeted him, almost like a celebrity.josei

Li Caiyi watched as he disappeared beyond the door before sitting on her chair. Her gaze fell on the flower in front of her.

The petal was wide and smooth-looking, with water droplets still remaining on it. It looked fresh, and the color was vibrant; very charming, indeed. Meng Renshu didn't lie when he said he came here immediately after discovering this was blooming.

"Caiyi, are you okay?"

Li Caiyi raised her head to find her three friends approaching her. Zhou Ya had a concerned expression; Chen Ruolan stared at the flower curiously, while Feng Nian glared at the onlookers to scram.

"En, I'm fine." She replied.

"I didn't expect Senior Meng to be so daring. What kind of guy would give a gift to his crush in the middle of the day in front of many people to see?" Chen Ruolan smirked meaningfully. "If you ask me, I'm sure he is earnest about this."

"That flower is nice," Feng Nian complimented the flower before adding, "Caiyi, you must be confused now. I have never seen you looking at a person hostilely like that."

"Oh yeah. When Li Caiyi switched to her serious mode, she was terrifying!" Chen Ruolan made an exaggerated shivering gesture at the end.

Meanwhile, Zhou Ya cast a disapproving look toward her two friends. "Guys, leave her alone. She is already uncomfortable enough just as it is, don't add to her concern."

Li Caiyi smiled weakly without any strength to explain, so she just let her friends talk among themselves without participating. Her gaze fell to the pot of flowers in front of her once again before touching the petal gingerly with her finger.

'It's pretty,' Li Caiyi thought. This pot would look good if she put it in her room, but doing that would remind her of Meng Renshu every time she saw it.

'Come to think of it, did I ever say to him that lily is my favorite flower?'

Li Caiyi was curious but decided not to delve too deep into that train of thought. There was no need for that anymore.

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