Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 271 He Missed The First Day

Chapter 271 He Missed The First Day

Li Caiyi yawned when she walked down the stairs. She had spent a night studying fervently for today's exam, so her neck was stiff, and her eyes were tired. Not a good way to start the exam, but she was pretty confident about it.

While having breakfast with Shao Jingfei, Li Caiyi's gaze fell to the pot of lilies that Meng Renshu had given her. In the end, she took it to Shao Jingfei's place and put them beside the kitchen windows, where it could get plenty of sunlight. It was pretty and gave the room a new color, making it fresher.

After she finished her breakfast, she grabbed a glass of water before pouring and sprinkling it carefully into the pot. The water droplets lingered on the petals, reflecting the sunlight and causing it to shine.

This became Li Caiyi's new routine every morning. Although she couldn't comprehend the meaning of Meng Renshu giving this flower to her, she still liked it.

It reminded her of the times when she used to take care of the plants in her previous life. Left alone in the house filled with servants with questionable motives didn't leave many options for activities.

"You take care of it a lot. Do you like flowers?" Shao Jingfei peeked curiously from behind her.

"Yeah, I do. Especially lily flowers. I like them a lot." Li Caiyi giggled.

"I heard Senior Meng gave it to you? He must have liked you a lot."josei

Li Caiyi clamped her mouth shut and decided not to give any comment. Shortly after, both of them went to school to have the first exam of the week.


The exam was held for a few hours, and by the time it finished, Li Caiyi wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead. Thankfully, today's subject wasn't math or science, which was her worst subject, so she managed to pull it through nicely.

"Ugh, I'm going to die for real," Chen Ruolan groaned while laying her head on top of the desk. Her face looked exhausted, and there was a visible dark circle under her eyes.

"This is only the first day, and you are already like this?" Feng Nian shook her head helplessly before putting a bottle of cold tea in front of her. "Drink this first, and cool your head."

Zhou Ya also leaned her back against the chair while massaging her shoulder. "But I can understand Lan Lan's sentiment. The first day is always the toughest to overcome. I'm tired."

While the three of them were talking, Li Caiyi was staring at her phone absentmindedly. When she checked on 2-A class earlier, there was still no sign of Dai Zhiqiang anywhere. He said he would be there for the midterm exam, but he missed the first day.

Li Caiyi was worried now. She texted her sister right after the exam ended, but it seemed no one was informed about where he was now.

Unlike other students in this school, Dai Zhiqiang was a scholarship student, so his enrollment relied heavily on his academic performance. It was unthinkable that he would deliberately miss this important day.

'Did something happen again to him?' Li Caiyi thought inwardly, feeling a bit apprehensive.

"Caiyi, what are you dazing out for?"

Chen Ruolan's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She laughed awkwardly while scratching her cheeks. "Ah, I was just feeling sleepy. I studied all night, so I underslept."

Li Caiyi sighed, contemplating whether she should check on the bar once again or not. For some reason, Dai Zhiqiang seemed to notice whenever she was around, so he would probably come out to meet her if she went there again.

"Shall we go, then? I'm exhausted and sleepy. I can't wait to hit the bed." Chen Ruolan said while lazily rising from her seat.

The other three immediately agreed and picked up their bags. Nobody tried to chat this time because they were exhausted. When they walked past the teacher's office on the first floor, they heard a commotion.

"Hey, did you see just now? He is very good-looking!"

"I wonder if he is a new transfer student. Did you hear which year he is from?"

"But why do I feel like I have seen him somewhere before?"

The quartet tacitly slowed down their pace to hear more about the commotion. Based on the number of girls standing in front of the teacher's office with dreamy expressions, it can be safely assumed it must be about a boy.

"What? We have a new transfer student?" Chen Ruolan stood on her tiptoe, trying her best to get a glimpse of this supposedly hot boy from behind the crowd, to no avail. "Agh, I can't see a thing!"

"But around this time? There must be some kind of unavoidable circumstances there," Zhou Ya said.

"Well, I doubt we can see anything with all these people. With this popularity, we'll be bound to see him sooner or later," Feng Nian shrugged indifferently.

Li Caiyi was also intrigued by the crowd and couldn't help but take a peek. She could barely see anything through the wall of people. Then, she almost got elbowed in the face when the girl in front of her suddenly took a step backward.

The quartet unconsciously took a step back to when the crowd made way for someone–or rather for some people to walk through. From where she stood, Li Caiyi noticed they were two people wearing a suit.

The girls giggled and smiled bashfully when the two people walked out of the teacher's office.

Their black suit was very eye-catching in the sea of the same uniform. One of the two was bald and wore black sunglasses. The first impression was that he was similar to a gangster, maybe because he also had a bulky and tall figure.

The bald man paid no attention to the girls crowding over them and looked back at the person walking behind him.

Li Caiyi almost choked on her saliva when she saw the second person coming out of the teacher's office.

He had a different hairstyle than usual. It was shorter, revealing his usually covered forehead to the crowd. However, there was no way Li Caiyi would mistake him for someone else.


Before she could stop herself, she exclaimed out loud.

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