Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: First Fight Againts Yellow Turbans

Chapter 11: First Fight Againts Yellow Turbans

Chao Bai and Zang Ba respectively lead 50 men assaulting the stronghold, the guards of the Yellow Turbans stronghold was in panic as they were attacked unprepared and sniped by Lie Fan Archers killing them.

The battle end before it began, Lie Fan ordered his men to clean up the place and throw the bodies away as to prepare the ambush. Lie Fan ordered some of his men to wear the deceased yellow turban soldiers clothes and put them at the watch tower as a facade at the same time to inform him if the main group of the yellow turban will arrive.

Lie Fan to ordered his men to cut some trees and make wooden spears where it will be put inside some hole they made some meters aways from the main gate so when the yellow turban enters they will fall into it and killing or injuring them in the process while causing mass confusion then his infantry and cavalry stationed outside of the stronghold can attack them while the Archer hiding inside can snipe them.

Chao Bai and Zang Ba was stationed outside alongside the infantry and cavalries where Chao Bai lead the infantry and Zang Ba lead the cavalries, Lie Fan will lead the archers inside and will go melee if some of the yellow turbans manage to evade the pitfalls.

After the preparation is done, Lie Fan ordered his Men to gather around as he want to give some speech to rise their morale.

Lie Fan: "Men! this is our first Official Battle serving the Great Han Empire! eradicating this foul beast is an great accomplishment for us! yes I say beast not men as they just kill,rape,and pillage everything in their path! Killing them is protecting our family,our hometown,and the Great Han Empire! Who's with me?!!"

Everyone: "HOAHHH!!!"

Seeing the morale of his men through the roof give Lie Fan confidence that his men will live through the battle, as the yellow turban group is peasants or some army turned rebel is different in equipment and experience.

Lie Fan ordered his men to their position to wait for the main group of the Yellow Turbans to arrive, while waiting Lie Fan check some gunpowder bomb in the system store in which he found it and the price was 100 SP / Bomb. He decide to buy 3 just in case the number of the Yellow Turbans is more than they can handle.

After Waiting for an hour the sentries that Lie Fan assigned give signals that the Yellow Turbans is arriving, seeing that Lie Fan ordered his archer to stay in position as when the yellow turban arrived and enter the trap area then they will began to shoot and the sentries will give signal for the Infantries and Cavalries waiting outside to charge at them.

The Yellow Turbans doesnt know what is waiting for them and they are laughing happily as the harvest they got is enough for them to live luxuriously and enough food for them to eat for a month. josei

Entering their stronghold without a single suspicion, while walking happily suddenly some of thw yellow turbans fall and was stabbed by the wooden spesr Lie Fan soldiers made. Seeing their friends fall, the other began to panic and thats when Lie Fan ordered his Archer to shoot while he take out his bow to fire alongside them.

Suddenly raining arrows make the Yellow Turbans who were in panic to be shoot causing more confusion in which their rear was attavked by the Infantries and Cavalries that Lie Fan stationed outside, Lie Fan stopped shooting with his bow and take his halberd to enter melee combat fighting with the Yellow Turbans.

5 Yellow Turbans saw Lie Fan alone and charge at him at the same time in which Lie Fan deflect their sword with ease and decapitate 2 Yellow Turbans with one single slash, seeing that the other 3 decide attack him in which 1 of them manage to slash Lie Fan shoulder injuring him.

Lie Fan who was slashed was feeling pain for the first time but adrenaline makes him focus on the fight and using his halberd stab 1 of the Yellow Turbans using his strength lifting him up and throw him at the other 2 yellow turbans them slash the 3 yellow turbans.

The Fight continues on as Lie Fan side has the upper hand thanks to the ambush that was planned beforehand and slowly the yellow turbans number is diminishing until there was 10 yellow turbans in which surrender and was captured to interrogate them.

Lie Fan ordered his men to count the bodies of the yellow turbans to cunt theur numbers and tell Chao Bai and Zang Ba see if there is casualties on their side, While waiting for the report Lie Fan go to the medic camp and have his injury treated so then it will not be infected.

The soldiers that were ordered to count the bodies come to report to Lie Fan that there were 240 bodies of the Yellow Turbans in which including the 10 who surrendered there was 250 yellow turbans, the number were much more that what Lie Fan predicted think that maximum it will be 200 Men. While still in shock of the number of the zyellow Turbans, Chao Bai and Zang Ba entered the medical tent and reported that there is 5 death, 25 heavy injuries, and 20 Lighy injuries.

Lie Fan ordered Chao Bai and Zang Ba to take the bodies of their fallen brothers and clean them to bring back to Huai'An to be burried while the injured to be treated as soon as possible to prevent more death.

After ordering his Men, Lie Fan enter the warehouse of the yellow turbans where they keep their loot alongside the new ones the yellow turban just bring to be counted. Lie Fan tell Sun Tzu to count the Moneys and Rice the Yellow Turbans have.

After waiting for some minutes, Sun Tzu reported that there were 75.000 taels, 50.000 catties of rice, and jewelries worth 20.000 taels. Hearing the report Lie Fan was shocked but happy at the same time as this was the biggest loot the got after exterminating other bandit groups in which all totaled he only got 30.000 taels and 20.000 catties of rice, while the yellow turbans doubled the number which show that The Yellow Turbans is a menace.

Done counting the loot, Lie Fan ordered his men to take all of them and put in the cartiage that the Yellow Turbans has and tomorrow they will began their journey back to Huai'An.

Lie Fan was tired after the battle and entered one of the Yellow Turban Commanders room from the looks of the decoration and take a seat to rest his body, while resting he got notification from the system.


[The Quest Bloody Carriage was Completed, The Host Receive 5.000 SP, 30.000 EXP, +5 Renown, and Strength Potion]

•Strenght Potion

Permanently increase your Strength By 10, can only be used 1 potion per month

Lie Fan: "Hahaha the reward is pretty good Sun Tzu, this strength potion can help me advanced my strength enter 100 pretty good"

Sun Tzu: "This is just amateur level reward Host, please trigger more Quest to receive better rewards"

Hearing that makes Lie Fan angry but he just ignored Sun Tzu and drink the Strength Potion the potion worked immediately, his muscle grow tighter and he feels his body grow powerful showing that he entered new power rank

Putting the other rewards in his inventory, Lie Fan began to take a rest leaving Chao Bai and Zang Ba to coordinate the aftermath and interrogate the 10 Yellow Turbans who surrendered for information about the Yellow Turbans in general.

The next morning Lie Fan woke up thanks to Chao Bai and Zang Ba knocking his door, Lie Fan tell them to enter and the two of them report the result of the interrogation. There are more Yellow Turbans in the surrounding area where they are amassing forces and supplies to began their rebellion againts the Han Dynasty, while many people especially the common people joining for the cause many other people such as bandits and corrupt army commanders use this as stepping stone for riches and power.

Hearing The Report from Chao Bai and Zang Ba make Lie Fan alert because if The Yellow Turban amass a big army and attack Huai'An in will be hell on earth as if he cannot even protect Huai'An then his reborn is for nothing. Remebering the Vision Map he has, he take it out from his sleeve to hide the system inventory from Chao Bai and Zang Ba to see how big is the army yellow turban has amassed


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Current EXP: 479.000 -> 509.000

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 12 -> 17

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP:100.000 -> 99.700


STR:98 -> 108






ATR Points:0

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