Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Back To Huai’An

Chapter 12: Back To Huai'An

Lie Fan opened the map and suddenly many icons showed up like strategic places, army numbers and etc, He zoomed in at Huai'An county in which showed that there is 7.500 yellow turbans scattered, while in Xu Province as whole there are almost 1 Million Yellow Turbans Member.

Seeing the number Lie Fan began to think that sooner or later yellow turban rebellion will began maybe because of what he had done there is some butterfly effect changing the timeline he know, he try to not affect the bigger picture as this is only the first big event he's going to tackle.

While processing all of this new information and think for some countermeasures he can take againts the rising yellow turbans number around Huai'An, Lie Fan oredered his Chao Bai and Zang Ba to prepare the men as they are going back to Huai'An Immediately to prevent attracting attention from the other yellow turbans group.

Chao Bai and Zang Ba supervise the soldiers as they were preparing to go back to Huai'An and ordered them to make some torch to burn the stronghold down so that bandits or other yellow turbans will not use it as an hideout again.

The preparations was done under 30 minutes and Lie Fan lead his soldiers out from the stronghold while some of the soldiers began burning the houses and fences of the stronghold, luckily thanks to the yellow turbans almost all of his soldiers have horse to ride speeding up their march to get out of the area as the smoke might attract other bandits or the yellow turbans as their group is to small to take on other yellow turbans group in the area as theres no good place to ambush like in the stronghold which was a luck that it was almost undefended in the first place.

From the Stronghold to Huai'An is almost 100 Km, Lie Fan send some scouts along the way to see if theres any bandits that can be taken care off and on the lookut for the other yellow turbans group roaming the area as he doesnt want to be ambushed which make the rhythm of the battle will not be on their side.

Thanks to the horses and wagon they got from the yellow turbans, Lie Fan and his small army march pretty fast but with slaying bandits along the way the journey to Huai'An takes about a week.

When arriving at Huai'An at first they causes the guards panic as they thought some bandits come to raid, but when they saw the Flag is Han they stopped panicking and opened the gate that was closed to let Lie Fan with his army enter the city.

Lie Fan tell Chao Bai and Zang Ba to lead the wagons carrying moneys,rice,and jewelries to the warehouse owned by his family to be used by his mother to advanced the plan they make before. After putting the loot at the warehouse, he tell them to take the soldiers back to their camp to let them rest and have a feast to commomerate their rist victory over the yellow turbans

Lie Fan after giving his orders to Chang Bai and Zang Ba goes to the Prefect Palace to meet his father to report to him the result of his expedition and the growing yellow turbans threat.

Arriving at the palace, Lie Fan get down from his horse Pangu and give his halberd to a guard holding the halberd for him so he can enter the palace. Walking in Lie Fan saw the place where his father always work and delegate his order for the betterment of Huai'An, entering the prefect office he saw his father sitting at the main chair reading some report.

Lie Fan: "Father your unfillial son has returned from his expedition!" *One knee kneel*

Lie Shang: "Aioo Fan'er has returned! come quickly get up, lets go the the meeting room and talk about your expedition. You must be tired after all that let me tell the kitchen to make a feast for you today! Hahaha!"

Lie Fan and his father walk together towards the meeting room where his father always greet his guest and envoy from the Emperor, while walking there he tell the maids to bring tea and some snacks to be enjoyed while Lie Fan reports his finding.

Lie Shang: "Come sit Fan'er tell me what happened during your expedition to exterminate bandits"

Lie Fan: "Father, me and my soldiers manage to destroy 30 bandits groups with many sizes around Huai'An so for the time being area around Huai'An will be safe from bandits but.."

Lie Shang: "But what Fan'er? isnt it good that people will feel safe and live peacefully thanks to your hard work exterminating this bandits"

Lie Fan: "Of course its good father but there is signs of something big going to happen as while I'm hunting for bandits, I encounter a big group of 250 people wearing yellow scarf that we cant exactly call them bandits as what they are doing is more ruthless than what bandits does calling themself the Yellow Turbans"

Lie Shang: "Yellow Turbans? Father has heard about this yellow turbans from military report but Father just thought they were just some big bandit groups? like the mountain bandits"

Lie Fan: "No father they were not just some common bandits, I have interrogated the surrendered yellow turbans and found that they were a big movement that wants to rebel and overthrow the Han dynasty as they think that the Heaven has forsaken the Han Dynasty" josei

Lie Shang: "What?! overthrow the Han dynasty?! I need to hurry and report this to the Emperor, thank you for your hardwork Fan'er you can go rest now"

Lie Fan: "Father wait! I think its already to late to tell the Emperor, I think that the whole empire officials and generals already knwo about this movement but ignore them thinking as just an movement that can be easily crushed but the information I got from the yellow turbans their numbers are growing more as the prisoners told me around Huai'An it self theres about 7.500 of them and still counting!"

Lie Fan thought to himself the hide the real numbers of 1 Million as low ranked soldiers cant know that many Military information especially the numbers of yellow turbans across the Han Empire

Lie Shang: "7.500 just around Huai'An! Good god how can they amassed many people?! do they have enough equiment and supply to support this big numbers?"

Lie Fan: "Father I expect that this 7.500 people not all of them believe in the movement and just wanted to use it to amass riches and power for themselves, they pillage and rob villages,caravans,and even military supply caravan to support themselves. As for equipment, almost all of them are common people so they only use what theu got like pitchforks to fight or makeshift spear"

Lie Shang: "Huhhh thats good thats good, but we still cant understimated this Yellow Turbans, Father will alert the army commanders to train the soldiers and recruit more people so we can defend ourselves. For your services to Huai'An, Father give you military title Chuangzu (Detachment Commander) to make your own detachment which numbering 500 soldiers which your 150 soldiers will be incorporated to that number and you have the right to recruit your own soldiers"

Lie Fan: "Thank You Father for your trust!"

Lie Shang tell the servants to take some papers and ink so that he can write the announcement to be announced to all officials in Huai'An and take the insignia alongside the badge to represent the rank Lie Fan just got

After writing the announcement, Lie Shang and Lie Fan enjoy some father-son time together in which after that Lie Fan take his leave to go back home to meet his mother and sister but the one he wanted to meet the most is Ying Yue, wanted to hug her and whisper sweet nothings to her sewing her blush as not seeing her for a month almost like a year for him.

Arriving at the Lie Mansion, Lie Fan saw his sister Wannian and Ying Yue playing at the garden trying to catch butterflies. Hearing foot steps, Wannian and Ying Yue turn around and saw Lie Fan looking at them shocking them for a minute in which Wannian run towards her big brother hugging his thighs while Ying Yue just stood there not knowing to run and hug Lie Fan like Wannian but nobody know of their relationship yet

Lie Fan picks up Wannian and hug her while spinning around making Wannian giggle while shouting that she misses him, the commotion attract Lie Fan mother Yu Yan to come to the garden.

Yu Yan saw that her son has come back and wanted to call for him but Lie Fan does something shocking her, Lie Fan put down Wannian the walks toward Ying Yue then hugging her saying that he missed her this past month in which makes Ying Yue face turn red like ripe tomato and frozen standing there not knowing how to react

Yu Yan: "Fan'er?! Yuer'er?!"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 17

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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