Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The Start of a New Agriculture Era

Chapter 18: The Start of a New Agriculture Era

Leaving the restaurant, Lie Fan and his mother decided to go home and pick up Wannian and Ying Yue to go sightseeing in the Market.

Going Back to the Lie Mansion, Lie Fan gets off from Pangu and enters the mansion while calling for Wannian and Ying Yue.

Lie Fan: "Wannian! Yue'er! Come on out let's go for a walk in the market with Mother!"

Wannian: "Coming!! Come on Sister Yue, Big Brother is waiting for us, it's been a long time since we go out and have fun!"

Ying Yue: "I'm coming Young Miss, slow down no need to run less you will fall"

Lie Fan saw Wannian and Ying Yue holding hands while walking fast toward him, seeing the smile on Wannian face bring a smile to Lie Fan and seeing his little sister close to his future wife made him sure Ying Yue is the right choice for his main wife

Lie Fan grabs both Wannian and Ying Yue's hands placing him between the two of them, Wannian is happy that she can find hands with her brother while Ying Yue is a bit shy as this is the first time that they hold hands together in public

Lie Fan helps the two of them to enter Yu Yan's Carriage and orders more guards to follow them as protection for his family them get on his horse, Yu Yan sees Wannian and Ying Yue enter the carriage greeting them with a smile. Escorted with Lie's Clan personal guards, they arrived at the market without any disturbance on the way

Yu Yan, Wannian, and Ying Yue get off the carriage and walk hand in hand with Wannian in the middle with Lie Fan in the back they enter the market

Wannian: "Wow Mother look there are so many people and things in the market!" josei

Yu Yan: "It's because the market is the place where people meet and buy many things, does Nian'et want to buy anything?"

Wannian: "Food! Lots of food and candies!" *raising both of her hands*

Yu Yan: "Okay Mother will buy many food and candies for Nian'er, what about Yue'er is there something you wanted to buy?"

Ying Yue: "Yue'er doesn't need to buy anything Mother, I'm here just to accompany Mother and Young Miss"

Yu Yan: "Aiyoo just accompany me and Nian'er? How about Fan'er?"

Ying Yue:*blushed* "O-of Course Young Mast- Ahh!"

While Ying Yue was flustered trying to answer Yu Yan, Lie Fan suddenly hold her hand and walk beside her which shocked her when she turn around what se saw is Lie Fan with a teasing smile on his face

Seeing what happened in front of her Yu Yan just smile and bring Wannian to walk ahead of the two of them giving them some space together

Ying Yue: "Husband why would you do that? What would Mother think of me now?"

Lie Fan: "Why can't I do it you're going to be my wife and only one person allowed to hold your hand and that's me, For Mother it's okay she understands and support us"

While talking to Ying Yue Lie Fan was playing with Ying Yue's small and smooth hand which make some people who knew Lie Fan because of his exploit shocked that the son of The Prefect went out holding hands with a woman in broad daylight

Ying Yue feels the gaze of these people and tries to release her hand from Lie Fan's but is stopped by him, Lie Fan looks around and all the people who were looking at them stopped continuing their own business.

Lie Fan: "Wife you don't need to care about them, they are just jealous that I got you first"

Ying Yue: "But how can't I care about what they think, wh-"

While Ying Yue was replying to what Lie Fan said, one of the guards cut her as he informed Lie Fan that a messenger from Lie Shan tells them that his Father is waiting for him at the City Mansion for an urgent matter

Lie Fan: "Sorry about this Wife, tell Mother and Wannian that I have to go to meet Father okay?"

Ying Yue: "It's okay Husband, I will inform Mother you go meet your father"

Hearing what Ying Yue said, Lie Fan kissed her hand and then got up on his horse Pangu which was brought by the guard that informed him

Riding towards the City Mansion fast, Lie Fan arrived in 5 minutes in which he saw many carriages outside the City Mansion causing him to be confused, he goes down from Pangu and leave it to the servants to be attended

Entering the City Mansion, he goes straight away to the meeting room as he has a feeling that with that many carriages outside the Mansion then his father will be there to

Arriving at the meeting room he saw some officials and people who look like farmers talking with his father, entering the room he greeted all of them in which turning everyone's attention to him

Lie Fan: "Hello Everyone nice to meet you I'm Lie Fan, I'm here to meet my father so please excuse me for my manners"

Lie Shang: "Fan'er you have arrived! Come, sit beside me Father called you here to explain in more detail to the Officials from the Agriculture Department and the Farmers here about the Crop Rotation System you told me and your mother before"

Everyone heard that Lie Fan was the one who founded this new way of raising crops and was astounded as Lie Fan is Only 15 and a half years old, they were praising Lie Shang as he has a genius son not only good at martial arts and cares about the people he have a genius mind

Lie Shang: "No need to praise me, we are here to discuss the Crop Rotation System. Fan'er please explain to these good people here"

Lie Fan: "Thank You Father, Everyone the Crop Rotation System is a system where we planted four different crops that are grown each year in a four-season cycle, We first need to know what type of crops is good in which season the what type of crops that can be planted after the first one."

Lie Fan continues explaining the new way of planting crops in which he also told them the benefits it has such as increased soil fertility, increased crop yield and soil nutrients, Limits Concentration of Pests and Diseases by Reducing Soil Erosion, Weeds less stressed, allowed for the use of all of the land each year, Crops for feeding animals and the dung from the animals could be used to fertilize the soil and lastly increase the Farmers prosperity as they can sell crops all year round

The Officials from the Agriculture Department and The Farmers who were listening to Lie Fan were shocked as this is a delicate system that needed extra attention but at the same time bring many benefits to them

Farmer 1: "Young Lord can you teach us how to decide the best crops to plant in each season after each crop?"

Lie Fan: "I have made a list of crops that can be used in each season and their compatibility with each other, but this can't be used as a master proof list as we can't predict season and markets"

While saying that Lie Fan takes out two scrolls from his sleeve which were originally taken out from his inventory but everyone sees them as he is already prepared for this meeting, he gave each scroll to the head of the agriculture department and the farmer's representative

Lie Fan: "I want that the Agriculture Department and The Farmers to work together to achieve the result we needed from this new system we have, I hope we can have more food and crops in the coming years!"

Hearing what Lie Fan said made everyone in the room cheer along with Him, Lie Shang seeing this was proud of his son as not only is he talented in martial arts he too was a genius of the mind which makes him never worry about what will his son become in the future

After a bit of discussion as to when will they start and whose land they gonna try it on first, the Officials from Agriculture Department and the Farmers left the meeting room in excitement can't wait for the day they will start this new ingenious system

Lie Shang: "Son your contribution to Huai'An is immeasurable if this Crop System of yours can be done, what do you want as your reward if this system works?"

Lie Fan: "No need to talk about rewards right now Father, We can talk about it after the Crop Rotation System works in which 100% will work"

Lie Shang: "Hahaha! Father likes your confidence, if it works then we can report these to The Emperor and receive much more rewards at the same time maybe stopped the Yellow Turbans from rising!"

Hearing what Lie Shang said made Lie Fan stunned at first then he remembered that his Father is loyal to the Han Dynasty which his way of thinking can be understood but The Yellow Turbans need to happen if they want to rise


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 17

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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