Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Progress and Industry starts

Chapter 19: Progress and Industry starts

Lie Fan: "Father we can't report to the Emperor first as we need evidence that this system can operate forever and real data of the cycle we need for each crop harvest"

Lie Shang: "What you said is true Fan'er but how long do we need?"

Hearing what his Father said Lie Fan began to think of reasons that can be used to halt his Father from reporting to The Emperor at least when the Yellow Turbans Rebellion started it will get off his mind

Lie Fan: "We need to wait for at least 3-5 years Father this is a delicate project"

Lie Shang: "That long?! Well you are the one who knows this better than anyone else so Father follows your judgment Fan'er"

Seeing that his father believes in his reason and supported him, Lie Fan is happy as this means that his force in the future will have an early advantage in the food supply while having a monopoly on Crop Rotation System

Lie Fan: "Thank you for believing in me Father, Why don't we take our leave now as it's already evening and Mother with the others are already waiting for us at home?"

Lie Shang: "Ah it's evening already? Then let's go home and have dinner with our family then"

Lie Fan and Lie Shang together got out of the meeting room and go back home to the Lie Mansion where Yu Yan, Wannian, and Ying Yue were waiting for them together

Arriving at the Lie Mansion, both of them walked together toward the dining room as they were informed that everyone is already waiting for them in there. Entering the dining room Lie Fan and Lie Shang goes to their respective seats and began to enjoy dinner alongside Yu Yan, Wannian, and Ying Yue who are not too shy anymore to join them, laughter can be heard from the dining room as well.

After dinner, everyone goes back to their rooms and takes a rest after a long activity in the day

In his room, Lie Fan received a letter in which from Chao No saying that his mission is completed and he will report to him tomorrow morning in the command tent of Lie Fan's army camp. After reading the letter, Lie Fan burned it and then change his clothes and when he laid his body down on his bed he immediately falls asleep.

The Next day, Lie Fan woke up and go take a bath first then continued by having breakfast with his family which was a daily morning routine for him every day

After breakfast, Lie Fan goes to the stable and gets on Pangu to go towards his army camp as Chao No will meet him at the command tent there to report to him about the mission that Lie Fan gave him beforehand

Arriving at the camp, Lie Fan gets off from Pangu and enters the Command tent in which he saw Chao No waiting for him there

Chao Bo: "My Lord I have finished the task you gave to me and I have managed to recruit 15 people with 10 Men and 5 Women who were recruited according to the criteria you told me"

Lie Fan: "Good! Where do you put those people? In the camp or somewhere else?"

Chao Bo: "I have rented each one of them a room at an Inn in the city"

Lie Fan: "Okay that's good, from tomorrow they will come here to train with the orders, especially in the sword, bow, and riding then I will train them personally in codes and how to act and persuade people"

Chao Bo: "I will relay your orders to them, My Lord!"

While talking suddenly Lie Fan remembered the recruitment of his squad and ask Chao Bo about the progress

Lie Fan: "How goes our recruitment for each division?"

Chao Bo: "It's going steadily My Lord as we have high and strict requirements so in total we only have recruited 150 men in which we still need to recruit 350 men, I think we will be done in about week or so then we can begin to train them"

Lie Fan: "Okay that's good, go continue your duties for now"

Chao Bo: "Yes My Lord!"

Chai Bo gets out of the Command Tent to resume his duties while Lie Fan takes out the book of knowledge and began to learn codes, acting, and persuasion skills to teach his Intelligence squad tomorrow

While reading the Book of Knowledge he read across medicines in which he remembered that the medical skills in this era are not that good and only Hua Tuo can be considered a medical sage as his teaching was still used even in modern society, remembering that Hua Tuo will be killed by Cao Cao Because he gave the advice to operate on his head to treat his illness which at the time were not a common thing to do and thinking that Hua Tuo wanted to kill him he ordered Hua Tuo to be executed

Adding Hua Tuo to the list of people he needed to recruit or have as Hua Tuo was the only one with a genius medical mind that can understand simple medicine and dared to try anything for the advancement of medicine in modern society.

While reading and absorbing all the knowledge he needed, Lie Fan was Interrupted by his guard who told him that His Mother called for him to meet her at Lie Clan Warehouse

Receiving the message Lie Fan put back the Book of Knowledge at his inventory and ride out toward Huai'An to meet his mother at the Lie Clan Warehouse

Arriving at the warehouse, he saw his mother talking with a group of common people while giving some money to each of them

Lie Fan: "Mother! I'm here just like you asked me to"

Yu Yan: "Fan'er you're here, I introduce to you this group of people who will be the ones helping us mine the copper we need and help us smelt the copper also" josei

Lie Fan: "Greetings everyone, thank you for helping us, and when you need to eat lunch you can go to My army camp to eat"

Everyone: "Thank you Young Lord for your generosity to us"

After giving some pointers, maps, and wagons to the miners, Lie Fan and Yu Yan go to the smithy that they buy to check the equipment and make sure that their smith is ready and can keep this a secret. After spending 1 hour checking the smithy, they continue to the workshop where the copper mirror will be built there.

Lie Fan and Yu Yan spend their time in the morning and afternoon checking their enterprise, Serenity Inn and the tavern called Dragon's Fang already has their grand opening yesterday and many people become loyal customers overnight as the new type of beverage attract customers like sugar to ants

Seeing the restaurant and tavern full of customers makes Lie Fan and Yu Yan full of confidence that their money will return in no time and reaps large benefits every day, they don't forget to put guards in each door to minimize suspicious people entering the restaurant and tavern especially from the backdoor.

Lie Fan: "Mother looks like the first part of our project is very successful, with this we can find the second part which will be for the copper mirror"

Yu Yan: "Of course with your plans and Mother's personal touch our plan will be successful, we only need to protect the recipe and have a monopoly as long as we can"

Lie Fan: "I agree Mother, don't worry I have positioned some special squad that will protect our business and in the future maybe we will open a branch at Xiapi and Langye where there are more customers we can reach"

Yu Yan: "That means opening a new market for us, Mother will train new people who we can trust as a head branch of each city"

Lie Fan: "Okay Mother, I trust whoever you choose Mother"

Lie Fan and Yu Yan decide to go home after checking that everything is working the way it's supposed to while riding home Lie Fan saw the Mi Clan Carriage and decides to go say hi to Mi Yu

Lie Fan: "Hello Mr. Mi Yu it's me Lie Fan"

Hearing Lie Fan's sounds, Mi Yu opened the Carriage drapes and saw Lie Fan riding his horse

Mi Yu: "Hello Young Master Lie Fan, what a coincidence that we meet here today"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha Yes you're right, to commemorate this why don't you join me and my Family at dinner today?"

Mi Yu: "Mi Yu doesn't want to disturb Young Master's time with his family"

Lie Fan: "Aiyoo it's okay, come join us you will meet my father to and can make friends with the prefect of Huai'An"

Mi Yu hearing that thinks it's reasonable and accept Lie Fan Invitation, he ordered his driver to follow Lie Fan and The Lie Clan Carriage going toward Lie Clan Manor


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 17

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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