Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051 She Ruined Everyone Around Me

Madalyn’s mood turned better. She sneered at Kisa, “Gilbert’s not at home these few days, but I am. So, don’t you think of doing any bad things here!”

Kisa remained silent. The only interest she had in this mansion was Jensen’s room. Once she got into Jensen’s room, it did not matter if she could not stay in the mansion anymore. She would only feel sad about not being able to see the kids as often.

At night, Kisa played with the kids and read them stories all night. It was not until ten at night that the three kids unwillingly went back to sleep in their room when Madalyn came to remind them. The kids followed the servants out, but Madalyn sat in her room with no sign of leaving. Kisa did not question her and poured her a glass of water. She then sat beside the window to read her magazines. Madalyn stared at her and coldly said, “Stop falling over backward to please the kids. They are Gilbert’s kids and have nothing to do with you.”

“Yep,” Kisa lightly replied. Kisa had heard more than five warnings like this.

Madalyn continued, “Don’t you even go near the two rooms upstairs! If I ever find you near it, I will kick you out of this house.”

Kisa let out a half–smile and looked at Madalyn. “I don’t have the keys. What are you so scared of?”

“Hmph!” Madalyn stood up with a cold snort. “You’re always up to no good. Let me warn you now. Don’t blame me for my actions if you dare to pull any tricks here. Don’t try to complain to Gilbert when he’s back,” Madalyn said and walked out with her cane. Kisa stared at her hunched back. Maybe because of her long stare, her eyes turned a little watery. She took a short breath and said toward Madalyn’s back, “To be honest, I truly treated you as my grandmother in the past.”

Madalyn stiffened, but she snickered, “Your mother once said something similar. She said she treated me like her mother. But in the end, she ruined everyone around me.” Madalyn left after she finished her comment.

Kisa stared blankly at the closed door. Madalyn refused to mention anything related to that year, so there was no explanation. All Kisa could do was investigate this matter on her own. Kisa never believed that her mother was the kind of person Madalyn claimed she was. She leaned on her chair in exhaustion, and the empty room made her think of Gilbert.

‘It’s because he loves you. He thought you were more important than GK Pictures,

thinking that you would never betray him.‘ Even Davian, who did not understand feelings, could see that Gilbert truly loved her.

‘Was Gilbert’s feelings for me truly real?‘ Kisa rubbed her forehead in distress. Kisa no longer believed in anyone. This state of uncertainty and confusion made her feel uneasy. She quietly watched the scenery outside the window, as she had trouble falling asleep even though she was tired.

Her hands subconsciously grab the phone. She turned it on and checked, but there was not a single notification. Gilbert was gone for a day, yet there was no text message or call from him. She fiddled with her phone and hesitated for a long time before she had the guts to call the man.

It was daytime in Raworth. Gilbert was talking about business with Kohen when his phone on the table lit up.

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