Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052 Begging with Such Cockiness

Gilbert glanced at the phone screen and saw Kisa’s name. He hesitated for a moment and turned off his phone. Kohen grabbed his coffee and gave him a half- smile. “You can answer your call. We don’t have to be so formal when we’re discussing business. The day is still long, and I am free the whole day.”

“There’s no need for it. It’s not important,” Gilbert said in a faint voice and continued his explanation about the contract. However, Kohen had already seen the name on the phone’s notification. He sat back and pondered with his lips curved, “What’s wrong? Did you two get in a fight?”

Gilbert knotted his brows and reminded him, “We are talking about business right now.”

“Ha. With our friendship, there’s no need to be so formal. Occasionally, it’s interesting to talk about private matters.”

Gilbert put down the pen in his hand and leaned on his chair. He looked at him calmly. “You should start by talking about your matters. What about your flash marriage with that plain woman you never met?”

“GILBERT KOOPER!” Kohen’s face instantly turned gloomy. ‘My wife is not that plain, right?‘

Gilbert shrugged his shoulders with a laugh. “Didn’t you say you wanted to talk about personal matters? I’m sure the personal matters between you and your wife are interesting. Otherwise, why would you want to discuss these? You just want to share with me but are embarrassed to start.”

“Ha!” Kohen dropped his gaze and laughed coldly before he asked him, “Do you still want to rely on me to make up for GK Pictures’s losses? Without my help, other rival companies are going to seize this chance to attack GK Pictures.”

Gilbert said indifferently, “It’s your choice to help me or not. I won’t beg you.” Gilbert stood up, preparing to leave. Kohen shook his head in speechlessness. He had never seen someone beg with such cockiness. Kohen called out to him, “Alright. Come back, Gilbert!”

Only then Gilbert sat back down and handed the contract to him. “I explained the general regulations to you just now. You can sign it if you have no problem with it.‘

Kohen took the contract and signed it without batting an eye. Gilbert snickered, Aren’t you afraid that the contract has regulations that are unfavorable to you?” ”

“You wouldn’t be that shady, would you?”

“Ha! All businessmen are shrewd.”

“Oh, really? Then, I’ll consider it a lesson learned. There won’t be a second collaboration in the future.”

Gilbert looked at him and suddenly laughed, “Thanks for that.”

“There’s no need for it. After all, I have profited from this too,” Kohen said and exclaimed once again. “Which dumb*ss drew up that contract, and which retard signed the contract? The contract clearly wrote to hand over 100 percent of GK Pictures’s profit and 30 percent of GK Pictures’s shares. How blind can one be to not even see those conditions and even dare to sign them!”

Gilbert’s face darkened. “Who are you calling a retard?”

“Why are you so angry? I wasn’t talking about you!” Kohen smoked a cigarette. “I just can’t figure it out. How did someone as smart as you let others take advantage of such weakness? Let me tell you something. Don’t grant too much power to the people under you. Or else, you’ll never know when one betrays you.

“Besides, with your intelligence, why would you let your subordinates use your stamp? That contract was a trap for GK Pictures. Did the person intentionally sign it? With that said, did you punish that person? This is obviously a betrayal. Tell you what, you better not be soft about this. You have to ruin and throw the person to fend for themselves in a horrible place.”

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