Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1053

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1053

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053 It’s in Your Blood

Gilbert’s face still looked emotionless.

He reviewed the contract before he stood up and said, “I look forward to working with you. I’ll see you soon.”

Then, he walked away without waiting for a response.

Kohen had a cigarette in his mouth as he looked at Gilbert’s back confusedly.

He had a feeling that Gilbert was mad, but he had no idea why.

Eylul walked in his direction.

“I saw Mr. Kooper just now. He looked like he was in a bad mood. I said hi to him, but he didn’t hear me.”

Kohen scoffed, “You’re pretty observant.”

Eylul did not know what he was really trying to say as she sighed. “I can understand why he’s so unhappy. After all, he was set up by the person he shared his bed with. I heard that the contract was signed by his wife, Kisa Becker.”


Kohen was drinking coffee, and he spat everything out of his mouth after he heard what Eylul said.

Eylul frowned in disgust, but she handed him some tissues anyway. Then, she wiped the table with more tissues.

She was a very clean person, and she just could not bear to see anything like that.

Kohen wiped off the coffee stain on the edge of his mouth as he said in disbelief, ” Did you say that the contract was both drafted and signed by Kisa?”

“Yeah!” Eylul said without lifting her head.

Kohen scoffed. “I’m pretty sure she’s setting her husband up on purpose, right?”

Eylul paused as she was puzzled.

They were married, and they looked very in love with each other during the interviews. Eylul just could not figure out why Kisa would do such a thing to Gilbert.

She had no idea why Kisa would set her husband up even if she did not love him.

Even though there was no love in the marriage between her and Kohen, she would

not have the idea of doing a thing like that to him. She would never try to set him up, no matter how badly he treated her.

However, she knew that she was not in the right place to judge Kisa because that was Kisa’s personal matter.

Kohen breathed out a swirl of cigarette smoke. He thought of the gloomy look on Gilbert’s face when he left and instantly understood what was going on. “I see!”

He saw Eylul wiping the table and furrowed his brows disdainfully. “I guess you’ve forgotten that you’re Kohen McCray’s wife. You’re married to one of the wealthiest families in Raworth. Why are you cleaning the table?!”

Eylul pursed her lips without saying anything. She cleaned the table and threw the tissue into the trashcan.

Kohen scoffed lightly after glancing at her. “You can never live like a rich person!”

Eylul looked down and ignored his sarcastic remarks.

After all, it was not his first time saying things like that.

“By the way, not even I know who signed the contract. How could

“Peter told me,” Eylul said emotionlessly.

Kohen suddenly chuckled.


you know?”

He took a long drag of his cigarette and said coldly while looking at Eylul’s natural face. “How long have you known Peter? You sound like you’re very close with him.”

Eylul looked at him ridiculously. “I got his number when I went to the hot springs in Kerrona Hill.”

“You must be talking with him very often, huh?!”

The man sneered and stood up. “Delete his number!” he said.

Eylul arched her brows while looking at his back.

She did not have a problem when Kohen did the same with everybody else back then. So, she could not figure out why she should delete Peter’s number.

Kisa spaced out as she stared at her phone screen, which went dark. Then, she chuckled.

‘Gilbert would never want to talk to me anymore after what I’ve done.

‘I guess he’ll probably chase me out after he gets back.


‘I should probably take a look at David’s room first before that.’

Kisa looked at the time as she suppressed her surging emotions.

It was only ten. She thought that she should only go upstairs at two or three in the morning when everybody was soundly asleep.

She would lose sleep whenever she had something on her mind.

So, she sat by the window until two in the morning before she stood up and sneaked

out of her room…

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