Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1054

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1054

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054 David’s Room

It was just like before. The mansion was so silent that it felt terrifying.

Kisa crept softly to the third floor.

She paused when she passed by Damon’s room, but she did not go inside. She looked inside from the door for a moment before going to another room.

She took out the keys and unlocked the door deftly.

The room was different from Damon’s room. The things in there were not covered with pieces of white cloth.

The room was probably cleaned regularly, as it was spotless.

The blanket was folded nicely on the bed, and there were even a few books placed on the coffee table. And, there was a transparent glass on the table as if someone had been staying there.

Kisa stood in the room as she swept her glance across all the decorations in the


Damon’s room was decorated in warm colors, but this room was the complete opposite. The decorations in the room were elegant.

There was a counter by the window.

Kisa walked over and stared at it.

There was a very old red wine on the countertop. There was a rack with two wine glasses beside the wine bottle. And, there were some handcrafted decorations and books on the counter.

She looked at the books and found out that they were just collections of essays.

She could not find anything odd after going through them.

However, she thought that two of the books looked a little familiar.

She could vaguely remember her mother reading books like those.

Kisa put the books back in place and opened the drawer.

The inside of the drawer was very tidy. There were a few other books and nothing else.

She looked at the books inside to check if there were any photos or notes in them.

Unfortunately, she had found nothing.

Then, she tried her luck on the nightstand and the drawers of the coffee table.

Still, she could not find anything related to David.

There was only some regular furniture in the room, and there was not a single distinct thing that could represent David as a person.

Kisa felt a little disappointed as she stood in the room.

She had no idea how to track the whereabouts of David anymore.

She would not be able to find out what happened between him and her mother if she could not find him.

That being said, Madalyn would only continue to misunderstand and hate her mother if she failed to discover her mother’s affair with David and Damon.

She thought that there would be some clues in the room, and she was looking forward to finding them.

However, she was completely wrong.

She sat on the floor, devastated. She was lost and had no idea what to do next.

She did not know if there was even anything that she could do.

Suddenly, she felt extremely helpless.


She felt like she was very useless as she was not able to find out about anything, and she could only discover the “truth” with the guidance of somebody else.

However, she did not dare not to believe that version of the “truth”.

Kisa wanted to find out the truth with her own capabilities, but she had no clue what to do next after she started to look into what happened between her mother and David.

In Raworth.

Gilbert went back to the hotel and sat on the couch.

He closed his eyes as he subconsciously pinched his temple.

After some time, he still could not stop himself from tapping the name on his phone. Then, his phone started beeping.

Kisa was sitting on the floor. She spaced out for a while, leaning at the end of the bed.

Suddenly, her phone rang, and it sounded very abrupt in the silent night.

Kisa realized that she was still in the room on the third floor, and she was worried that her ringing phone would wake Madalyn up.

She stood up while holding the bed as she hurriedly reached for her phone at the side.

However, her fingers felt a bump in the bed. Then, she could hear a soft clicking sound in the room.

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