Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070 Sisterly Bond

“If Mrs. Kooper is not pregnant, why did you go to the window to get prenatal drugs?”

“Mrs. Kooper, are you waiting for Mr. Kooper to come back, then announcing this joyous event together?”

“Mrs. Kooper, Mr. Kooper already has a son and a daughter. May I ask that after you have given birth to the child, will you treat the other two children fairly?”

The reporters’ questions were going further and further. Kisa was totally speechless. She could not be bothered to say anything else, since the reporters would not listen to what she had just said anyway.

The reporters did not stop taking pictures of her and even furiously snapped pictures of her abdomen. Kisa immediately bent down to slip into the car. She then carefully moved her car. After being stuck in a stalemate for a long time, the reporters slowly dispersed.

Arriving at the production set, Ariella asked her worriedly, “Is Lea okay?”

Kisa shook her head, “Nothing wrong. It’s just that her body is slightly weak. I will give her some time for a holiday after this to let her heal her body, since the drama is about to finish shooting.”

Ariella nodded her head, “That’s good. It was horrifying just now. She was perfectly fine, then she started bleeding.”

“Her body was originally frail. Once her menstruation came, she was even weaker,” Kisa said casually.

Sharon suddenly chuckled, “Fortunately, it was just menstruation. To the uninformed person, they would’ve assumed she was sleeping around and got pregnant!”

Kisa’s gaze sharpened, and she said coldly, “You should be thankful she came to no harm, or else I wouldn’t have spared you!”

“Heh!” Sharon sneered sarcastically, “It’s merely a toxic sisterhood, and you still treat it as treasure. I’m your actual biological sister, and I don’t see you covering for me this way.”

Sharon finished speaking and then walked off arrogantly with the accompaniment of a few assistants. Kisa retracted her gaze, and her expression was calm. When they were young, she had protected Sharon quite a lot.

Even when Sharon had done something wrong, in the end, Kisa was always the one

to bear all the punishment. If Sharon had treated her with sincerity and did not harm her so cruelly, right now Sharon would still be her most beloved sister.

Unfortunately, Sharon had never treated her sincerely and never thought of her as an older sister. Hence, Kisa did not care for such a “sisterly bond”.

Due to only making up for the two scenes, Kisa had already gotten into film shooting mode. The ones going to do the scene with her were the male lead and Ariella. Hence, the two scenes were quickly done shooting.

When she walked out of the shooting set, it was already evening.

Kisa went to the hospital to check on Lea again and, in the meantime, accompanied her for a while. This time, she wore a cap and mask with only her eyes showing.

After arriving at the hospital, she went to the shops nearby to buy a slightly lighter meal first before moving toward the hospital. The weather was starting to enter the autumn season. The sky darkens

quickly. The sky was still bright when Kisa came out of the production set. At this moment, it had already turned pitch black.

It was dinner time, and numerous people were carrying takeaway containers and walking toward the hospital. Lea stayed on the sixth floor. Kisa went and got a single room for Lea. Kisa swiftly went upstairs. However, when she reached the sick room, her whole body froze.

There was no trace of Lea in the ward. Only the blankets folded neatly on the bed could be seen. The counter next to the bed was also tidied cleanly as if no one had been there. At precisely that moment, a nurse passed by. Kisa rushed over to ask her, “Hi there. May I ask where the patient is in the sick ward?”

“Oh, she discharged. I remember it was about four in the afternoon that she left.”

Kisa harshly furrowed her brows. Lea cared so much about the child. She obviously knew her womb was injured. Why was Lea so anxious to get discharged? Was she afraid of something?

Walking out of the hospital, she took out her phone to give Lea a call.

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