Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069 I Really Didn’t Get Pregnant

Lea nodded with tears in her eyes, “Kisa, you’ve always been my best friend. No one can replace that.”

Kisa smiled at her, “You too.”

Coming out of the hospital, Kisa’s mood was complicated. Even now, Lea would not tell her who the child’s father was. This verified her hypothesis even more.

The father of the child was one of her adversaries. But with a bit of pondering, there were only a few possible candidates. It could only be Sharon, Anthony… Reminded about Anthony, her heart suddenly skipped a beat. It couldn’t be Anthony, could it?

Although this hypothesis was slightly terrifying, she could not guess any other candidate. Unless there was an adversary who wanted to harm her that was hidden covertly that she did not know of. But the possibility of that was relatively tiny.

Just as she was lost in thought, beams of light suddenly shined onto her. It was so blinding that she could not open her eyes. She immediately covered her eyes with her hand.

After a brief moment, she got used to the flashing lights and was surrounded by reporters. She immediately remembered when she sent Lea to the hospital, due to the urgency of the situation, she did not even take off her costume and wipe off her make-up. When she entered the hospital, many people saw her, which attracted many reporters to wait for her here.

“Mrs. Kooper, may I ask you for what reason you are coming to this hospital? Why is Mr. Kooper not by your side?” Since Gilbert had announced their relationship was still husband and wife, the way reporters address her has changed.

“Mrs. Kooper, may I ask due to what reason you came to the hospital? We’ve heard that the actual person injured seems not to be you. May I ask…”

“It’s me. I was not feeling well, so under the accompaniment of my assistant, I came to check for it,” Kisa anxiously answered.

Kisa could not let the media know about Lea being pregnant while unmarried. Although Lea was not a celebrity and merely an assistant, due to her fame, Lea’s private life inevitably would be made into headlines by the media. If the incident went viral, it would definitely affect her prenatal care.

“May I ask what sickness you have, Mrs. Kooper? Since you were unwell, why is Mr. Kooper not by your side accompanying you?”

“He is busy with work and is overseas, “The reporters avoided questioning her about the incident and the contract she made to sabotage GK Pictures.

It seems that Gilbert had ordered Davian and the employees to keep the incident a secret. She still did not know if Gilbert was trying to protect his reputation or watching her. Kisa did not think much of it and only let the reporters move to the side. She still had the make-up on from the two scenes at the production site.

“Mrs. Kooper, you came suddenly to the hospital today. Could it be that you were bearing Mr. Kooper’s child?”

“That’s right, Mrs. Kooper. You don’t have any injuries on your body. May I ask if you truly did bear Mr. Kooper’s child?”

Kisa hung her head and walked toward the car. A few reporters suddenly asked her such questions, making her quite stunned during the inquiry. Who established that not having bodily injuries would

mean coming to the hospital due to pregnancy? Then the people on the whole hospital floor were pregnant, including the men!

Kisa spoke to the reporters speechlessly, “No, everyone, please stop making up rumors.”

If the media really recklessly published this, it would be another nuisance.

“Mrs. Kooper, are you temporarily not publicly disclosing it? Or wait for Mr. Kooper to come back and then announce this happy event?”

“Mrs. Kooper, you don’t have to attempt to deny it. Some people said they saw you go to the window for prenatal care medicine.”

“Mrs. Kooper, may I ask how many months old the child is in your womb?”

Those reporters kept asking on and on and even attempted to check out her stomach.

Kisa was creeped out from the surveying. She said with resignation, “I really am not pregnant. Everyone, please stop reporting indiscriminately!”

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