Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068 Barrier

“Don’t worry, the baby is safe. The baby would’ve been gone if she had arrived any later.”

Kisa breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the doctor’s words.

The doctor reminded Kisa, “She’s only one month pregnant. The baby still isn’t stable yet, so she’s at a high risk of miscarriage. She needs to take care and not overstrain herself. Bed rest is recommended.”

“Alright. I’ll let her know.”

Lea changed to a general ward. Kisa watched her and felt a mix of emotions.

‘If it was before, she’d tell me everything, be it big or small. But these days, there’s a barrier between us. Pregnancy is a big deal, yet she didn’t tell me a single thing. She still persisted in hiding things from me when she was bleeding and the baby was in danger. I don’t understand. Why doesn’t Lea want me to know about the baby? Are the father and I enemies?’ Kisa wondered.

However, the mere thought of it made Kisa’s heart clench.

‘That must it be it. The baby’s father and I might be enemies. Otherwise, I really can’t explain Lea’s strange actions,’ thought Kisa.

Lea only regained consciousness in the afternoon.

Kisa coincidentally returned with the light meal she had bought her.

She placed the food by Lea’s bed and smiled. “You’re awake!”

“Where am I, Kisa?”

Lea sat up groggily. When she realized that they were at a hospital, a hint of panic flashed across her face.

She turned to Kisa hurriedly and asked, “You… You found out?”

Then, she quickly held her stomach and asked with a terrified expression, “My baby? How’s my baby?”

Kisa could tell that Lea cared a lot about the baby.

She patted Lea on the shoulder and lowly said, “Don’t worry. The baby is safe.”

Then, Lea sighed heavily in relief. However, tears welled up in her eyes.

Kisa did not speak and handed her bland oatmeal. “Have some.”

Lea took the oatmeal. In the end, her tears still trickled down.

She said to Kisa in a choked voice, “Aren’t you going to ask how I got the baby? Aren’t you going to ask who the father is?”

Kisa sat down by the bed.

She looked at Lea earnestly. “Would you tell me if I asked?”

Lea pursed her lips, and more tears flowed down.

Kisa sighed softly.

‘I didn’t want things to end up this way,’ she thought.

Kisa said lowly, “You should eat something. The baby needs nutrients even if you

don’t feel like it.”

After hearing Kisa’s words, Lea picked up the spoon and slowly scooped the oatmeal

into her mouth.

She said to Kisa through tears, “I failed you; I can’t tell you anything… I failed you. I really did…”

Kisa averted her gaze uncomfortably.

“Stop it. Didn’t you take care of me when Gilbert almost forced me to the brink of death? Back then, I would’ve died if it wasn’t for your attentive care. That’s why you didn’t fail me.”

“That’s not true!” Lea shook her head furiously. “I really did something that failed you. Wah… Kisa, I don’t ask that you forgive me. I just hope that we can continue to be friends… Ah…”

Lea got too emotional.

Her stomach started hurting mid-sentence, so she hurriedly held it.

Kisa quickly grabbed the bowl in Lea’s hands and helped her lie down. “Stop talking and get well first. Once you’re all better, we can talk about it.”

Lea looked at Kisa with tears flowing down her face. However, she could not say a word.

Kisa pulled up Lea’s covers. “Get some rest. I’ll visit you later. The doctor said the baby is still unstable, so you should get bed rest to prevent miscarriage. Since the drama is almost over, I’ll let you go on your vacation early. Take care of your baby at home.”

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