Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067 Ah! Blood! She’s Bleeding!

“What is wrong with you? Don’t you watch where you’re going?”

It was a sharp, arrogant shriek from Sharon.

‘But, why do I also seem to hear Lea apologizing?’ Kisa wondered.

Kisa frowned and turned over. She saw Lea getting up from the floor as Sharon berated her. Meanwhile, Sharon seemed to be getting more and more worked up.

Kisa got up and walked over.

“What’s wrong?”

Kisa helped Lea up and turned to Sharon icily.

Sharon sneered and bluntly said, “Your lackey didn’t watch where she was going and bumped into me, so I slapped her.”

Ever since Carolyn and Adrien’s relationship got publicized, Sharon had been acting cocky on set.

It was not an exaggeration to say that she had been running amok.

Ariella whispered beside her, “She was on her phone and bumped into Lea. She’s a thief crying thief.”

Kisa’s gaze darkened upon hearing Ariella’s words.

Just as she was about to settle the score with Sharon, Lea abruptly tugged her forcefully.

Kisa turned to Lea out of reflex and noticed her pale face. She had a deep frown as if she was holding immense pain.

Kisa asked her in a panic, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?”

Sharon rolled her eyes. “Wasn’t it just a fall to the ground? Nowadays, even mere assistants know how to put on a show. Hah! Are you trying to put the blame on me? Not a chance!”

Then, Sharon walked away arrogantly.

Kisa wanted to stop her, but Lea forcefully tugged her arm again.

Lea said to her weakly, “Kisa, I… I’m fine…”

“Ah! Blood! Kisa, Lea’s bleeding!”

Suddenly, Ariella exclaimed.

Kisa’s heart sank. She quickly looked at Lea’s lower body.

Lea wore a skirt today. Two streaks of blood were trickling down her calves. “How…” Kisa turned to Lea in shock. Suddenly, a suspicion flashed across her mind.

A hint of panic flashed across Lea’s face. She turned to Kisa and hurriedly said, “I’m fine. It’s just… I’m on my period. I feel… A little bloated. I’d like to take half the day off to rest.”

“Lea, I’m taking you to the hospital.”

Kisa did not make any more guesses and quickly said to Lea.

However, Lea seemed afraid of something. She hurriedly shoved Kisa’s hands away.”

No. There’s no need to go to the hospital. I… I’m really fine…”

Lea said and left the set hastily.

However, she fainted before she made it out of the set.


Kisa shrieked and hurried over.

Meanwhile, Sharon was dumbfounded.

‘Is she made of glass? Could she not take a single fall?’ she wondered.

After sending Lea to the hospital, Kisa paced around anxiously.

She thought of the blood streaks on Lea’s legs and felt panicked.

I’m almost certain Lea’s pregnant. After all, I used to be a mother. I understand the pain of losing a child more than anyone else. Even though I don’t know who the father is, I still hope the child lives. Otherwise, Lea would be devastated. She’s someone who loves children,’ thought Kisa.

After some time, the door of the emergency room finally opened.

Lea was wheeled out.

She was still unconscious and had a terrifyingly pale complexion.

Kisa glanced at Lea’s stomach out of reflex.

Then, she turned to the doctor in a panic. “How’s my friend?”

“She received timely treatment, so she’s fine. She’s just a little weak.”

“Then… How about the baby in her?”

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