Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1066

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1066

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066 Indulging in His Wife and Children’s Photos

Kohen suddenly growled lowly.

Eylul stopped in due time and turned to him. “Is there anything else?”

‘Her distant tone didn’t sound like how a woman would speak to her husband. Unless she has never treated me as her husband,’ thought Kohen.

At this sudden thought, Kohen quickly shook his head.

‘How ridiculous. Why am I having such thoughts? Once there’s a child, this marriage will naturally end. Isn’t it a little excessive to fuss over such things?’ he thought again.

He slowly lowered his dark gaze onto her flat stomach.

“Go get a checkup at the hospital tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She asked again as if she were a servant, “Is there anything else?”

“Get lost!”

“Okay,” Eylul nodded. Her attitude was considered well-behaved.

However, this irritated Kohen. The more he looked at her, the angrier he felt.

Just as the woman was about to walk out, he suddenly grunted, “I’ll go to the hospital with you tomorrow!”

Eylul was startled. A moment later, she nodded, “Okay.”

“Can’t you f*cking say ‘no’?” The man’s mood was completely ruined.

Then, he kicked the low table.

Eylul could not understand why he was throwing a tantrum. She silently walked out of the room and thoughtfully shut the door for him.

In a fit of rage, Kohen kicked the low table once more.

A moment later, he took out his phone and opened his conversation with Gilbert.

[Kohen: Go downstairs for some drinks!]

[Gilbert: No. I’m going to sleep!]

[Kohen: You sleep this early?]

[Gilbert: Why not? Don’t you sleep earlier than me?]

[Kohen: Let me ask you again. Are you drinking or not?!]

[Gilbert: No.]

[Kohen: F*ck!]

Kohen was even more annoyed now. He stood up and poured himself a glass of alcohol. Then, he sat by the window and drank by himself.

Meanwhile, Gilbert lay on the bed quietly looking through photos on his phone.

Most of his earlier photos were of Andrew and Ada,

He had many photos of them in different stages: from when they were infants who could not walk up until they were this big.

He scrolled further, and all of his recent photos were of Kisa.

‘Most of them were taken secretly when she wasn’t paying attention. This is because she’d reject me every time I wanted to take a photo with her. She seems to hate being in photos,’ he thought.

Gilbert was happily scrolling through photos of his wife and children and was in a slightly better mood. However, a message from Kohen popped on his screen again.

[Kohen: Come f*cking drink with me!]

Gilbert was speechless.

[Kohen: Are you coming or not?]

Gilbert locked his phone and got under the covers. He pretended as if he was asleep and did not see Kohen’s text message.

‘No wonder he wanted me to sleep here tonight. Turns out it’s because he had nobody to drink with him,’ Gilbert thought.

Gilbert’s phone sounded a few more times. It was the notification sound of an incoming message. He reached for his phone and set it to silent mode.

Gilbert was worried that Kohen would come to look for him in his room, so he got up

and locked the door.

As expected, he heard the sound of the door knob twisting as soon as he got into


Kohen roared outside Gilbert’s door. “Gilbert, how f*cking dare you!”

Gilbert switched off the lights and went to sleep with peace of mind.

Even though he was also in a bad mood, he did not want to drink with him.

‘After all, this is Kohen’s own house. He has his wife to help him if he gets drunk and crazy. But, I can’t. I’m alone outside. I need to be extra cautious, so I won’t make mistakes that can’t be undone,’ Gilbert thought.

Kisa was wide awake until daybreak. She arrived at the set with a pale complexion and dark eye circles.

Fortunately, they were not obvious after doing her make-up. It just seemed as if she was a little lethargic.

Since the drama was nearing its end, the villainous supporting characters had more screen time instead.

Just as Kisa got changed, she heard sounds of quarreling beside her.

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