Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078 Will The Baby Be Okay

George was quick on his hands and feet. He brought a glass of water in a matter of a few seconds. “Here you go, Mrs. Kooper.”

Kisa hurriedly grabbed the glass of water and felt puzzled as she drank it. ‘I just choked on some food. It’s not like I’m a newborn baby. Why are they so worried?‘ she wondered.

“Great–Grandma, will the baby in Ma’am’s tummy be okay?”

“Pfft-” Kisa was so startled when she heard Ada’s words that she spit out a mouthful of water. Mrs. Kooper Sr. gently patted her back anxiously and said, ” What’s the matter? Did you choke on the water this time?”

“Cough, cough, cough…” Earlier, Kisa had choked on her food, but this time round, she choked because of chock. She could not stop coughing, and her face flushed red.

“You’re an adult, yet you can’t drink water properly? Don’t hurt my future great- grandchild with your cough,” Madalyn voiced out in a panic.

After saying that, she looked at George and said, “Quick. Call Kelvin to come and have a look at her. Quick!”

“N–no…” Kisa hurriedly grabbed George by the hand. She took a tissue and wiped the corners of her lips. She then looked at their worried and anxious faces and helplessly said, “I’m fine, and I’m not pregnant. You guys have it all wrong.”

Madalyn frowned. Her face darkened as she said, “It’s all over the news. Who are you trying to fool? Or do you think that I’m not worthy of knowing about you being pregnant?!”

“No, that’s not it. I’m really not pregnant!” Kisa hurriedly said, scrunching her face. ‘I knew these reporters would cause trouble.’

Ada shook her arm and said, “Don’t be afraid, Ma’am. We love the baby. We won’t hurt your baby.”

“Yeah, Ma’am,” Andrew added. “We’ll treat the baby in your belly as if they were our own brother or sister.”

Blake nodded in agreement as George brought the newspaper to her. “Look, Mrs. Kooper. It is clearly written here that you are pregnant with Mr. Kooper’s flesh and blood…”

Kisa quickly grabbed the paper to read it carefully. Her head hurt as she read the article. She felt like even if she had ten mouths to explain herself, she still could not fully explain it to them.

“Also, Mrs. Kooper, there are close–ups of you going to the doctors to get prenatal care pills,” George said happily.

“Why did the doctor prescribe you prenatal care pills? Is your baby in danger? No, you’re not allowed to go to the set tomorrow. You should just rest at home.”

“No!” Kisa hurriedly said. She had not expected things to take such a turn.

‘How am I going to explain myself now?‘ She thought. “I’m not pregnant; my friend is. I went to grab the pills for her. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the doctor to come and check my belly.”

“Stop making up excuses. I’ll ask someone to come keep guard tomorrow. You’re not allowed to go anywhere!” Madalyn was adamant as she cared tremendously for the child‘ in Kisa’s belly.

She stared at her stomach; her expectant gaze seemed to have penetrated Kisa’s belly and seen the ‘child‘ inside.

Kisa was terrified, but no matter how she tried to explain herself, it was no use.

‘There’s no way I can stay here. I haven’t finished filming the show yet!‘

After thinking about it, Kisa simply said, “I can’t just lie in this house every day. The doctor told me I needed to move around more because it’s good for my body and the baby.”

Madalyn frowned in suspicion.

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