Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077 The Weirdness of the Kooper Family

“Slow down. Why are you in such a hurry? There’s plenty of food to go around. Are you that scared that you won’t get any?”

Kisa was startled when she heard Madalyn saying that so suddenly and slowed down.

‘What is up with grandma today? Why does it feel a little weird here?‘

“Walk slower, Ma’am. Don’t fall,” Andrew said as he went to help her. Blake also came over to support her. One of them was on the left while the other was on the right, like they were helping an elderly cross the road. ‘What is going on here?‘ Kisa thought.‘ Not only is grandma acting strange, but the kids are also acting weird too.‘

She then sat down on the chair. Madalyn served her some soup and said, “Eat up. It helps with the body.” Kisa looked at the bowl of soup that was handed to her and finally took it after a long time. “Thank you, but my body is fine,” she said politely.

“Oh, if you say it’s fine, then it’s fine?” Madalyn replied with a serious look on her face. “I didn’t cook it for you anyway. Eat up.” Kisa felt like her words were contradicting each other. ‘If she didn’t have it cooked for me, why is she telling me to eat up? Something feels off today. Everyone in this house is acting so strange.‘

However, to avoid Madalyn from nagging, she obediently ate the bowl of soup.

‘After all, the kids are here. She wouldn’t try to poison me, would she?‘

“Here, Ma’am, the largest piece of steak we have,” Ada said as she put a piece of steak on her plate. The meat was so big that it took up half of the plate. Kisa patted Ada’s head lovingly and said, “Thank you, Ada. I like you the most.”

After hearing that, Andrew and Blake got jealous and immediately added some food to her plate, which was full after a while. She shook her head amusedly, looking at the pile of food on her plate. Andrew and Ada were still grabbing some food for her when she quickly said with a laugh, “I like all three of you. You guys are my favorite people.”

“Hee–hee, we like you too, Ma’am.” Only then did kids give up. When Kisa decided to eat the lavish meal, Madalyn suddenly reached out and took her plate away. Kisa stared at her inexplicably. She then saw her grab another plate of food for her.

“The children put too much oily food on your plate. It’s not good to eat that much. Here, this plate is filled with lean meat and veggies. You can have seconds if it’s not enough.”

Kisa stared at her, feeling overwhelmed. ‘What is going on today??? Why is grandma acting the same as she was six years ago? Am I dreaming?‘

Kisa pinched herself to see if it was true. ‘Ah! That hurt! So this isn’t a dream… But why is grandma treating me so nicely? Her attitude has made a total 180°.‘

Kisa even remembered that when she had gone out earlier that morning, Madalyn had glared at her fiercely with a deathly gáze. She had been staring at her these few days, expressing her dislike toward her.

‘What happened? Why did her attitude toward me change?‘

Just as she was lost in thought, Mrs. Kooper Sr. suddenly said sternly, “Don’t just sit there. Eat! Do you need to be supervised when you eat?”

“Huh? Oh, right…” Kisa quickly buried her head in her food after that.

“Slow down, or you’ll choke,” Madalyn said. Suddenly, Kisa was choking on her food and started coughing. Madalyn panicked as the three kids started panicking too.

“Water! Water! Quick! Go grab some water!” she yelled at George.

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