Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1124 Blood Test and Countersuit

Chapter 1124 Blood Test and Countersuit

Chapter 1124 Blood Test and Countersuit

Chapter 1124 Blood Test and Countersuit

In the evening, Jolina carried her handbag and asked Kisa, "What would you like for dinner? I'll go buy it for you.”

Kisa looked at her. "Actually, I'm not hurt, so you don't have to be here with me."

"That's okay. I have nothing else to do anyway," Jolina said, walking toward the door. "I will bring you some barbeque ribs. I tried it yesterday, and it was pretty good."

"Yeah, okay." After seeing Jolina out, Kisa then turned around, still looking out the window in a daze. A door suddenly opened. She turned around and was stunned. "It is you!"

It was Christopher, along with two strange men. The two men had a camera around their necks, like they were paparazzi. If Christopher had come alone, she would have thought that her father had developed a conscience and had come to see her. But he brought two reporters with him, showing that he was definitely up to no good this time. And it was obvious that they were waiting for Jolina to leave before they came in.

Kisa sat up and stared cautiously at Christopher. "What are you doing here? 99

"Oh, look at the tone of your voice. You had a miscarriage, so I'm here to see you." Christopher smiled, only that smile looked fake.

"You've seen me, so you can leave now," Kisa said, not wanting to entertain him.

But Christopher not only did not leave but also came over to her. "Look at you. You look like you are fine already."

Kisa smiled sarcastically at him. "Thanks to Sharon, I didn't die from the fall."

"You might be fine, but Sharon is still suffering in the police lockup," Christopher said, his face instantly turning sinister. "I will ask you again- will you drop the case?"

It was all apparent to Kisa now. 'So he is here for Sharon. It seems Madalyn's attitude is tough, and that he hasn't been able to bail out Sharon yet.' Kisa said in a faint voice, “It is impossible to drop the charges. Just wait for Sharon to be sentenced. She deserves to be punished for all the evil things she has done."

"Nonsense. You clearly set her up this time because you weren't even pregnant." Christopher hissed at her angrily.

Kisa was alarmed but appeared calm. "I had a miscarriage, and that's what everyone saw. Are you trying to twist the truth to save Sharon?"

"You are really wicked. Sharon is your biological sister, but you not only faked your pregnancy and miscarriage to frame her, but even bribed the people inside to assault Sharon. Why are you so evil?" Christopher stopped acting like a loving father and said with a stern face, "Since you won't withdraw your lawsuit, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

While speaking, he took out a syringe.

"What do you want to do?" Kisa's face sank.

"Getting you a blood test. I have checked, although you have just had a miscarriage, it is still possible to test whether you have been pregnant from your blood. As long as it is proven that you are not pregnant, I can sue you for framing Sharon," Christopher said, gesturing to the two reporters to hold Kisa down.

Kisa panicked and rushed out of bed to call for help. Just that the two reporters had come over and pinned her to the bed, then gagged her with cotton clothes.

Christopher did not know how to draw blood or locate the veins. So, he just randomly jabbed the needle into her arm and pulled the plunger. This did not draw blood at all, and it hurt Kisa like hell when the plunger was drawn. Kisa's face turned pale as he was doing this. Two reporters could not stand to watch this and reminded Christopher.

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