Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1125 Everything Has Its Karma

Chapter 1125 Everything Has Its Karma

Chapter 1125 Everything Has Its Karma

Chapter 1125 Everything Has Its Karma

"Mr. Case, you'd better draw from the veins in her arm, or let me do it."

Christopher saw he could not really get the blood out, so he pulled the syringe out and handed it to the reporter while he held Kisa's arm down with a firm grip.

Kisa gnawed on the cotton cloth, her eyes filled with appalling hatred. She told herself that she would never forgive this so-called father for the rest of her life, and that she never had a father.

The blood was drawn and only then did the three release her.

Kisa pulled the cotton cloth out of her mouth and glared at Christopher." Do you really think that if you prove I'm not pregnant, you can sue me for setting up Sharon?"

Christopher frowned with disgust. "What are you trying to pull again?"

"I'm telling you, the fact that I'm not pregnant only means that she hasn't caused me much harm, but it doesn't disprove the fact that she did it to me first! She poured gasoline in my fitting room and caused me to fall, and I have proof of all that. She can't get away with intentionally causing harm to others, but at best, her punishment will be lighter," Kisa said coldly, telling herself that she would have nothing to do with Christopher from now on.

Christopher glared at her. "Even if I can't sue you for framing Sharon, I can at least keep Sharon out of jail," Christopher said, and hurried outside, as if one more moment of delay would cause more suffering to Sharon.

Tears fell from Kisa's eyes as Christopher left. She wiped the tears from her face bit by bit and snickered, thinking, 'Why am I crying? Isn't it better this way? The more Christopher spoils Sharon, the

more he treats her as his darling daughter, the more he will look laughable and feel miserable when Sharon acknowledges Adrien as her father. Everything has its karma.'

When Jolina came, Kisa had just changed her clothes. "Kisa, are you leaving the hospital now? We just came in last night, didn't we? It won't expose ourselves now that we are out of the hospital, will it?"

"There is no need to keep pretending anymore," Kisa said. "My fake pregnancy will soon be made public."

"Huh? Then what do we do?" Jolina's expression changed, looking worried. "Wouldn't that be bad for your reputation?"

Kisa was amused to see Jolina's worried face. "Don't worry, we can hide at home before the news is out, then the reporters can do nothing about us."

"But they will write nonsense."

"Let them write whatever they want." Kisa could not care less now. "Ignore it, and the heat will pass."

Jolina nodded in confusion, thinking in her mind that was all that could be done.

Kisa did not go back to the Kooper residence because when the news of her fake pregnancy was out, Madalyn would surely be furious and kick her out of the Kooper residence, and it would be embarrassing for her to be besieged by reporters outside.

She went back to her own place with Jolina. On the way back, the two of them had gone to the supermarket to buy some groceries. When they got back to their place, Kisa sorted out the ingredients and then simply tidied up the guest room for Jolina to stay.

Jolina kept looking at her phone, checking if the news of Kisa's fake pregnancy had got out yet.

Kisa said to her with amusement, "Why don't you watch TV and relax instead of staring at the news?” With that, she turned on the TV in the living room.

Jolina had probably never been in this kind of situation before, so she was constantly in a panic. She went to the window and looked downstairs to see if reporters had gathered.

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