Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1126 The Lab Test Results

Chapter 1126 The Lab Test Results

Chapter 1126 The Lab Test Results

Chapter 1126 The Lab Test Results

It was dark, and there was no one downstairs. Jolina frowned, feeling unease. "I somehow feel this is quiet before the storm."

Kisa laughed. "Fear not even if the storm is coming; we're in the safety of the house. They can't break in, can they?"

Jolina nodded. "You have a point."

Kisa handed her a new set of sleepwear and patted her on the shoulder." Well, you must be tired after a long day, so go wash up and sleep."

At the hospital, Christopher stared wide-eyed at the laboratory test results handed over by the doctor. "How is this possible? You must have made a mistake." On the lab report, it clearly showed two weeks of pregnancy.

'But Kisa was not pregnant! She admitted it herself, so why did the blood test show she was pregnant again? The doctor must have made a mistake.'

He looked at the doctors. "You must have made a mistake, or there is something wrong with the instrument. I want a new test."

"Sir, our instruments are state-of-the-art. The possibility of an error is almost zero. Besides, you have only sent a tube of blood. If you don't believe this result, you can let her come in person to have the blood drawn and tested.”

Christopher stood bewildered as he could not figure out what was going on. All he knew was that if he could not prove that Kisa was faking her pregnancy, then Sharon would be guilty of causing Kisa's miscarriage and then he would not be able to save Sharon.

He looked at the two reporters beside him. "I will have the doctor forge a lab report. You know what to write in the news, don't you?"

The two reporters were in a dilemma. "Mr. Case, it is not that we don't want to help you, but how can this be faked? The test results now show that Mrs. Kooper really was pregnant, but she lost the baby because of Sharon. If we write that she faked her pregnancy to smear Sharon, then the Kooper family will cut us to pieces."

"Exactly, Mr. Case. You said you had evidence to prove Mrs. Kooper was faking her pregnancy, and we thought it was a big story and came here with you. Yet it turned out that she really was pregnant and had a miscarriage because of Sharon. So, how can you expect us to cover this up?"

"I can pay you guys as much money as you want as long as you help me out this time." Christopher's voice was desperate in his attempt to save his daughter.

The two reporters backed up. "There's no use giving us more money. It's the cold hard facts, and we can't twist it. Besides, we wouldn't dare to offend the Kooper family." The two reporters looked at each other and wanted to leave.

Christopher hurriedly pulled them back. "You heard Kisa admit today in the hospital room that she was not pregnant, didn't you? There must be something wrong. Just do me a favor and help me get my daughter out of jail. I'm begging you," Christopher desperately said, and he was even about to kneel in front of them and beg.

The two reporters were in a dilemma and wanted to leave, but Christopher just kept tugging at their sleeves.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Suddenly, a puzzled voice came. They looked over and found it was Kelvin. novelbin

"Mr. Hoover, you're here just in time. Can you please tell Mr. Case to leave us alone?"

"Yeah, he wants us to publish a false story to help him save his daughter. Isn't he just asking us to get ourselves into trouble? Besides, the truth is right there, and we can't save Sharon by putting out a fake news story." "Fake story?" Kelvin was curious. "What kind of fake story could save Sharon?"

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