Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1130 Well-Informed in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Chapter 1130 Well-Informed in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Chapter 1130 Well-Informed in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Chapter 1130 Well-Informed in Obstetrics and Gynecology

"Yeah. He suspected that Kisa wasn't pregnant, so he brought two reporters and forcefully drew a vial of blood from Kisa..."

Gilbert narrowed his eyes icily, "Forcefully?"

"Hey, that’s not the point. The point is Christopher thought he was smart to test Kisa's blood, thinking he could prove that her pregnancy was bogus and countersue her for framing Sharon. However, he did not expect Kisa to actually be pregnant. He was dumbfounded."

Hearing Kelvin's words, Gilbert felt his heart race. He finally realized that the woman might actually be pregnant.

He hurriedly snatched the lab report from Kelvin's hands. Then, he scrutinized the name and results printed on the report.

"Two weeks pregnant?"

"Mhm. Two weeks. I suppose even Kisa herself doesn't know that she's pregnant; she said she wasn't pregnant when I was putting on a show with her last night."

Then, Kelvin continued with amusement, "Speaking of which, we should thank Christopher. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't even have known that Kisa is really pregnant."

Gilbert stared intensely at the lab report. His hands trembled as they gripped the lab report, perhaps due to excitement.

Kelvin gazed at his emotional reaction and teased him, "I wonder who said they weren’t anticipating being a father again? Well, don’t get so happy and excited then."

"But..." Gilbert quickly tugged on Kelvin’s arm and asked in a panic, "Two nights ago, her stomach bumped onto the corner of the coffee table. And last night, she fell onto the ground while dealing with Sharon. The child... The child should be fine, right?"

Gilbert's voice grew tense at the end of his sentence.

Kelvin watched Gilbert's excited and nervous expression with his hands in his pockets. He looked as if he was enjoying it.

Then, he said in an unhurried manner, "Why are you panicking? It takes time for the embryo to get implanted. When she bumped into the coffee table and fell, the gestational sac probably hadn't formed, so she didn't have a miscarriage or bleed. Once her pregnancy has been confirmed, the weeks of pregnancy will have to be calculated from the week she stops getting her period."

Hearing Kelvin's words, Davian touched his nose awkwardly.

"Mr. Hoover, I didn't know you were also well-informed in obstetrics and gynecology?"

"Shut up! I'm an all-rounded genius in the medical field. I'm also informed in andrology, you know? The science of male reproductive functions. If you have problems related to andrology, you could come to me."

Davian's expression darkened, "I don't have any problems there."

Gilbert gripped the lab report and slowly leaned into his chair.

The excitement he felt earlier on was slowly dissipating. It was replaced with a sense of perplexity and solemnity.

'According to Kelvin's calculation methods, the child was conceived on the night of Valentine's Day. But I clearly saw Kisa take contraceptive pills that night; because of this, we even got into a huge fight, which ended with me leaving angrily. Then, does the contraceptive pill have any effects on the baby?' wondered Gilbert

At this thought, he turned to Kelvin in panic, "Will the child be affected if she had taken contraceptive pills within that period?"

Nope. Since she had gotten pregnant, this shows that the contraceptive pills were either expired or ineffective," Kelvin said.

Then, he froze and whispered, "What? Didn't you two want children? Why did she take the pills, then? Those pills are bad for her. Why'd you let her take them?"

Gilbert did not speak. He lowered his gaze and stared at the lab report.

Kelvin glanced at the somber and upset look on Gilbert's face. Then, he tactfully refrained from pressing further.

'Kisa must've taken the pills behind his back,' he thought.

While Kelvin was deep in thought, Gilbert suddenly turned to him, "Don’t tell Kisa about her pregnancy for the time being."

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