Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1129 It's Not Like I've Never Been a Father

Chapter 1129 It's Not Like I've Never Been a Father

Chapter 1129 It's Not Like I've Never Been a Father

Chapter 1129 It's Not Like I've Never Been a Father

Kelvin greeted him with a smile, "Don't leave yet. Well go for some celebratory drinks later."

Davian turned around and glanced at Gilbert. Then, he hurriedly dragged Kelvin out by the arm.

"Mr. Hoover, Mr. Kooper's in a terrible mood right now. I don't know what's gotten into him recently. He's been in a bad mood, so you better not go in and provoke him. It won't do you any good. Really."

Kelvin smiled, "What's the matter? Did you get scolded by him just now?"

"Yeah. Anyway, he's in a bad mood. Let's leave him alone and go for drinks, " Davian said in a hushed voice.

Then, he dragged Kelvin toward the stairs.

Kelvin plucked Davian's hand away with a smile.

"What're you scared of? Come on, let's go inside. Watch me cheer him up," he said with a secretive expression.

Davian said disdainfully, "You better not mess around. Right now, Mr. Kooper is in a really... Sigh... Mr. Hoover..."

Before Davian could finish, Kelvin quickly walked into the study. Davian did not even have the chance to stop him.

He shook his head helplessly and followed Kelvin inside.

"What's the matter, Gilbert? You're in a bad mood?"

Gilbert lit a cigarette.

He took a puff and leaned onto the chair. Then, he looked at Kelvin indifferently, "What's the matter? Did you two each have a falling-out with your woman? You're so free that you came here to relieve your boredom?"

Davian lowered his head.

'Well, I actually did have a fallout with Felicity. Now that I think about it, that woman hasn't come looking for me in days. I wonder if she really isn't going to talk to me anymore,' he wondered.

Kelvin let out a muffled laugh.

"Do you hear yourself? You sound like you want everyone man to have a fallout with their woman."

Gilbert side-eyed him, irritated and said, "If there's nothing, then get lost. Stop annoying me!"

"There's obviously something if I'm here to see you this late at night. Besides, you'll probably want to thank me later."

"Hah!" Gilbert laughed with contempt. He treated Kelvin's words like they were a joke.

Kelvin smiled and said, "Kisa really is pregnant."

Gilbert continued smoking and did not spare Kelvin a single glance.

Kelvin's smirk grew wider, "What's the matter? Aren't you happy that you got her pregnant?"

"What's there to be happy about? It's not like I've never been a father," Gilbert said casually.

'I know much better than everyone that Kisa isn't pregnant. And yet Kelvin's trying to use this to lie to me? How foolish,' he thought.

Kelvin laughed quietly, 'Ah... I see you have zero anticipation for being a father now. Alright. I'll tell Kisa that later. Well see if she wants to abort the baby."

Gilbert kept a stoic expression despite Kelvin's words.

Kelvin held in his laughter and took out the lab report from his pocket.

Then, he placed it in front of Gilbert, "Regardless, I'll still show you the lab report. Just in case you say that I'm lying to you."

Gilbert glanced at the lab report casually. The very next moment, he sat up and grabbed the lab report. Then, he widened his eyes in disbelief.

Kelvin watched Gilbert's reaction with a look of satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Davian had a look of confusion.

However, Gilbert's excitement only lasted for a brief moment. He crumpled up the lab report and threw it at Kelvin, "Kelvin Hoover, you're really doing all sorts of things just to mess with me!"

"I'm messing with you?" Kelvin quickly caught the lab report. He uncrumpled the lab report and said to Gilbert earnestly, "Look at this carefully. It has the stamp from the hospital, so I can't possibly forge it.

Also, I got this report from Christopher."

Gilbert's expression grew serious, "You got it from Christopher?'

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