Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1128 Don't Take Things Too Far

Chapter 1128 Don't Take Things Too Far

Chapter 1128 Don't Take Things Too Far

Chapter 1128 Don't Take Things Too Far

"No! I can’t let Sharon go to jail!"

Christopher continued stubbornly, 'Sharon was framed. Kisa herself admitted that she wasn't pregnant. Help me, Kelvin. Help me prove it.”

Kelvin rolled his eyes.

"She probably said she wasn't pregnant because you'd hurt her; that's why she said such a thing."

Christopher was startled, "I had hurt her?"

Kelvin glanced at him and sighed, "Mr. Case, let me give you a word of advice: Kisa's your daughter too. Don't take things too far and think of her mother."

After hearing Kelvin bring up Kisa's mother, Christopher looked even more perplexed.

Suddenly, he covered his face and burst into tears, "I just want to save Sharon; what's wrong with that? I promised her. If I break my promise again, she'll surely look down even more on this father of hers. Besides, even if you helped me falsify the evidence, Kisa would, at most, lose her reputation. On the other hand, Sharon will have to go to jail."

The more Kelvin heard Christopher's words, the more speechless he felt.

'How unfortunate of Kisa to have such a father,' he thought.

He glanced indifferently at Christopher before walking away with the lab report.

'I need to quickly let Gilbert know of the good news,' thought Kelvin again.

At the Kooper residence's study, Davian said to Gilbert in astonishment, “

Mr. Kooper, you wouldn't have guessed this. The madam wasn't there when I visited her at the hospital!"

Gilbert was reading a book while leaning against the chair. Hearing Davian's words, he could not help but frown, "She's not at the hospital?"

"Mhm. I asked her doctor, and the doctor told me that she had been discharged," Davian said while scanning the area.

Then, he whispered, 'Mr. Kooper, the madam's only stayed at the hospital for a day; can she really be discharged? I also spoke to George. He said the madam didn’t return to the Kooper residence. Mr. Kooper, do you think the madam would do something reckless out of the grief of losing her baby?"

Davian had taken the liberty to visit Kisa by himself.

'Mr. Kooper usually pampers and spoils Kisa, yet he's suddenly so cold toward her. I can't figure out what he's thinking, so I thought it would be better for me to visit her. Besides, she's the wife of GK Pictures's CEO, so I figured it would make sense for me to go. I found it pitiful how the Kooper family left her alone at the hospital.'

'But I didn't expect her to already be discharged. Regardless, it doesn't seem normal to get discharged right after having a miscarriage. I was worried that she'd do something reckless, so I quickly came to inform Mr. Kooper. But why does Mr. Kooper still look so cold? He doesn't look panicked at all. Isn't he always making a big fuss over Kisa Becker?' wondered Davian.

Gilbert said stoically, "Don't worry. She won't do anything reckless."

But Mr. Kooper, she did just lose a child after all. Doesn't it seem a little inexcusable for you not to visit her at all?"

Right after Davian spoke, Gilbert narrowed his eyes icily, and his expression darkened.

Davian pursed his lips.

'I shouldn't have said that,' he thought regretfully.

Gilbert turned to him icily, "You seem to care about her a lot."

"No, not at all."

Davian shook his head in a panic and continued, "I just felt a little bad for her. Really. She lost her child, yet nobody cares about her; that's so pitiful."

"Hah! Pitiful?"

Gilbert snorted sardonically. However, he did not continue the topic. He merely waved his hand, "Get lost and stop annoying me."

Davian glanced at him bewildered before walking out in silence.

'I can never figure out what Mr. Kooper is thinking,' he thought.

Just as he got to the door and opened it, he saw Kelvin.


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