Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133 A Mysterious Letter

“Mrs. Kooper Sr., there’s a letter for you.”

Madalyn stopped walking, then she turned to the bodyguard in confusion. “A letter? What letter?”

George also looked confused. “Who writes letters these days?”

Then, he turned to the bodyguard and said, “Where did the letter come from?”

“I don’t know. An hour ago, somebody slid it into my house. I saw that the letter was addressed to Mrs. Kooper Sr., so I quickly sent it over.”

“Someone slid it into your house?” George grew even more skeptical. “That means the person knows you’re a bodyguard of the Kooper family. Who could that person be?”

“Let me take a look at the letter first.”

Just as Madalyn was about to take the envelope, Gilbert promptly reached out and took it instead.

“For safety purposes, I’ll look at it first.”

‘There’s something weird about this. It might be a trap,’ he thought.

Madalyn immediately looked at Gilbert anxiously, “Be careful then. Throw it away the moment something doesn’t feel right.”

Gilbert burst out laughing. “Don’t worry, Grandma. It isn’t that scary.”

Then, he opened the envelope.

Just as he opened the envelope, something fell out.

Gilbert was startled. He subconsciously looked down and saw a metal bookmark.

He picked it up and scrutinized it. The bookmark was ordinary-looking, slightly old-fashioned, and did not

look like it belonged in this era. Apart from that, its sides were also worn.

Gilbert was so busy scrutinizing the bookmark he did not notice Madalyn tearing up.

Meanwhile, George looked shocked.

“Isn’t… Isn’t this Master David’s favorite bookmark?”

“Master David?” Gilbert turned to George in confusion.

Madalyn quickly snatched the bookmark and unopened letter from Gilbert’s hands.

“Is it David?” she looked at the bookmark emotionally.

Tears streamed down her face.

“It really is David. This really is his bookmark. It’s the bookmark I gave him years ago. There are even some blemishes on it. He… He’s actually still alive.”

Gilbert was confused.


*Just as Gilbert was about to speak, George quickly pulled him aside and whispered, “Save the questions for later, young master. After Master David got sent abroad back then, we never heard from

him again. Some say he died in a land far from home, and that’s why Mrs. Kooper Sr. feels a little guilty and regretful toward him. All that said, let her take a breather.”

“If that’s the case, why did Jensen get sent abroad?”

“Sigh. Mrs. Kooper Sr. actually felt tormented when she sent young master Jensen abroad. However, she was more worried seeing you two turn against each other while fighting over the inheritance. That’s why she heartlessly sent young master Jensen away.”

He continued, “However, she learned her lesson from master Davian. After sending young master Jensen abroad, she got someone to take care of his matters abroad. She got him to attend the best school abroad and live the best life. And, every year, she’d ask her subordinates there to report how young master Jensen was doing. She would only feel at ease after knowing that young master Jensen was doing fine.”

Gilbert stood unmoving and not startled. It was only then he finally fully understood the reason Jensen. was sent abroad years ago,

Gilbert looked at his grandmother, and he did not know what he was feeling.

‘Grandma really took everything into consideration for Jensen. She put his safety and well-being first. However, she still ended up hurting him. Back then, Jensen and I had such a good relationship. If Jensen hadn’t got sent abroad, would we still end up this way?’ he wondered.

Madalyn put away the bookmark and hurriedly opened the letter.

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