Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134

Chapter 1134 The Fake Letter

The familiar handwriting came into view, and Madalyn burst into tears. She looked at the contents of the letter eagerly and said in a trembling voice, “D-David… David is still… He’s still alive…”

Gilbert looked at Madalyn and walked over after a while. Then, he softly asked, “What did the letter say?”

Madalyn held it in her hands and said while sobbing, “He asked me to withdraw the lawsuit and let Sharon go.”

Gilbert frowned fiercely. What kind of relationship does David have with the Case family? Why did he deliberately write a letter to Grandma, asking her to let Sharon go? He felt that there was something strange going on. “Grandma, don’t you think that the letter could be fake? Someone from the Case family could have forged it to save Sharon.”

“No!” Madalyn shook her head hastily and opened the letter to reread it. “Only your uncle owned this bookmark. The handwriting on this letter is also your uncle’s handwriting. I should know; I taught him how to write…” When Madalyn said that, she started to choke up again. “I know the little details in his handwriting, so I know this is his at a glance. It isn’t fake, Gilbert. This letter was written by your uncle David. Sob. I didn’t expect him to still be alive after all these years.”

Gilbert patted Madalyn’s shoulder lightly and tried to comfort her, “It’s good that he’s still alive. You can slowly compensate him for those years if there’s a chance.” Although he said that, he still had some doubts. ‘If uncle David really wrote this letter, it would mean that he and the Case family have always been in touch. Otherwise, why would he write a letter to save Sharon? But, where exactly is he hiding?” Gilbert thought, looking at the letter and bookmark in Madalyn’s hands.

On the side of the road outside the courtyard, Adrien looked away. He took a puff of his cigarette and tossed it out the window. “Let’s go,” he said to the driver in a low voice. The belated guilt and remorse from Madalyn now seemed ironic and ridiculous. ‘What’s the use of compensating me? I’ll never be able to get back what I lost,’ he thought.

When Kisa woke up in the morning, she saw Jolina lying her head in her arms at the window, staring below. She walked over suspiciously and asked, “What are you looking at?”

“It’s strange. Didn’t you say last night that your fake pregnancy will be made public soon? But, when I checked the news this morning, I didn’t see any reports about your fake pregnancy. The major entertainment platforms are still circulating the news that Sharon had viciously caused you to have a miscarriage. I’ve looked out the window for a long time now, but I don’t see any reporters.”

Kisa also thought that it was strange after hearing that. ‘Christopher would have definitely announced that my pregnancy was fake if he wanted to save Sharon. It’s been a night, but why is there no sound from the entertainment circle? Logically speaking, this is supposed to be sensational news and should have caused a ruckus in the entertainment industry. Could it be that… Christopher had a change of heart?” Thinking of this, Kisa shook her head mockingly. That’s impossible. He ruthlessly drew a tube of blood out of me and wanted to kill me to avenge Sharon yesterday. There’s no way that so-called father of mine. would have a change of heart that quickly.”

*Other news is stating that Mrs. Kooper Sr. had withdrawn the lawsuit,” Jolina said. Kisa was startled.”

What? Grandma withdrew the lawsuit?”

“Yeah, it’s all over the news.”

Kisa frowned. ‘This doesn’t seem like something she would do. Did Christopher threaten her with the evidence he has of my fake pregnancy? But… Grandma hates me. If she knew that the pregnancy was

fake, she would’ve probably been so angry that she would have killed me. Why would she feel threatened by Christopher? Just as she was thinking of that, there was a knock on the door.

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