Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135 You Know How to Hide

Jolina quickly ran to open the door. However, she was being cautious. She looked through the peephole before opening the door. “Huh? Why is he here?!” she exclaimed.

“Who is it?” Kisa was puzzled. Jolina did not open the door for a long while. She turned around, leaned against the door, and said to Kisa, “It’s Peter.”

Kisa was taken aback, “Peter???” She thought that it would be a reporter or Gilbert, not Peter. Thinking of Gilbert, a hint of self-mockery appeared in her heart. Subconsciously, she was still hoping that Gilbert would come and see her.

“Kisa, what should I do? Why is he here?” The knock on the door continued, getting louder and angrier each time. Kisa walked over with a smile and said, “Don’t be scared. I’ll open the door, and you will stay behind me.” Jolina nodded and walked behind her.

Kisa was not afraid of Peter. Although he has a bad temper, he isn’t bad at heart. On the contrary, he’s rather warm and loving sometimes. Kisa had noticed that when she went to Hillsby last time. ‘He just doesn’t know how to express himself,’ she thought and opened the door.

Peter’s gloomy yet handsome face appeared in front of the two. “Why the hell did it take you ages to answer the door?!” The man growled violently.

“This is my place. You should be grateful that I even decided to open the door,’ Kisa said expressionlessly. Peter ignored her. His gaze fell onto Jolina.

“You really know how to hide, huh? Hiding behind her.”

Jolina’s face turned cold. “I can stand wherever I like. It has nothing to do with you, and you have no right to say I’m hiding.” After she finished speaking, she turned and walked into the house.

Peter frowned and followed her. “I’m going back to Oceanville the day after tomorrow. I’m asking you again; do you want to come with me?” He asked, his voice inexplicably softened.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you ask. The answer will always be the same: No.” Jolina’s face looked calm, but her tone was firm. Peter stood in the living room. His hands were tightly clenched, and his whole body was tense with anger. Kisa rolled her eyes and quickly closed the door. She then walked over and asked with a smile, “Don’t be mad. It’s still early. Have you had breakfast yet?” Peter stared at Jolina. without a word. “I’ll go to the kitchen and make some breakfast. You guys stay here and chat.”

When Kisa entered the kitchen, she saw that Jolina had already cooked up some bacon, eggs, and a few pieces of toast, which was enough for the three of them. She then brought out the food and called them over to have breakfast. Jolina ignored Peter and went straight to the dining table to help Kisa serve the food. Kisa looked at Peter, who looked like he was in over his head in the living room, and amusedly said, “I don’t understand why you keep forcing Jolina to go back with you. It’s not like you won’t come back. here.”

Peter was upset. He did not tell them that he was going back to Oceanville because his parents had arranged a blind date for him. Peter did not want to go on the blind date. He wanted Jolina to meet his parents so that they would stop arranging blind dates for him. However, Jolina refused to go back with him no matter what.

“Come here and have breakfast. If you have something on your mind, we can discuss it. Jolina made bacon and eggs. Look, she grabbed us each a plate of food.”

Jolina was taken aback. ‘I unconsciously grabbed the plates because I saw that there were three of them on the side. I didn’t grab it for Peter,’ she thought. Just as she was thinking about that, Peter strode over.

Kisa handed him the plate of food, and the three of them sat down to eat. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

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