Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140 Don’t Wear Pants Like These Anymore

Kisa noticed that Gilbert was staring at her waist, and the expression on his face was not looking good.

Kisa was baffled.

She then put her sweater down uncomfortably as she asked him, “What are you looking at?”

“Don’t wear pants like these anymore!”

The man finally spoke, and his tone sounded a little commanding. “And, don’t ever wear heels again!” “Why?”

“They don’t look good!”

Kisa immediately got frustrated. She thought she looked really good in them.

“I’m not wearing that for your eyes anyway. Just look away if you don’t like it.”

“I’m not blind. Where else could I be looking if you keep walking in front of me?”

Gilbert said flatly before he continued judging her outfit. “Anyway, just stop wearing pants like these from now on. It’s so tight, and your legs look like they can barely fit in there. Also, why are you wearing heels when you’re already so tall? Not only that the heels don’t look good, but they’re very noisy when you walk too.”

Kisa’s expression darkened. ‘Those are his reason?

‘He can just look away if he doesn’t like it. Who is he to tell me what to wear?”

Suddenly, somebody knocked on the door behind her.

Kisa was shocked. Then, she turned around and opened the door..

She saw Davian standing outside the door with a few bags in his hands.

“Mr. Kooper, I got what you wanted. Please have a look.”

“Okay. Hand them to my wife.”

Davian quickly passed the bags to Kisa after hearing what Gilbert said.

Kisa looked at Gilbert strangely. “What are these?”

“Clothes. You’re going to wear these from now on. Forget about your old clothes. They’re too ugly.”

“Honestly, just look away.”

Kisa could not help but refute him. Then, she opened the bags curiously.

Two of those bags were shoes, and there were five pairs of them in total.

Kisa dumped all the shoe boxes out. She opened them and found out that all of them were flat shoes.

Some of the designs were for late fall, and some were for winter.

There were both thin and thick soles. However, all of the shoes looked very soft and light.

“Why did you buy me so many pairs of shoes?”

Kisa looked curiously at the man, who was sitting on the couch.

Gilbert leaned on the sofa while crossing his legs lazily.

He flatly said, “They’re for you to wear, of course. You’re not allowed to wear heels anymore.”

“Who do you think you are?” Kisa was annoyed. “What’s wrong with me wearing heels?”

Even though Kisa was not crazy about heels, she would feel like wearing them from time to time. Besides, she thought that some of her outfits could go very well with the heels.

Most importantly, she hated the man’s commanding tone.

Gilbert glanced at her. “I told you that heels are very noisy. I don’t like them.”

Kisa ignored him and went to check the other bags.

The other bags were all filled with clothes.

The clothes were right for the season they were in, but….

They looked hideous.

She could stand the oversized dresses, but the designs of the pants and tops were simply unacceptable for her.

They looked like they were made for pregnant women. She just found them very tacky and ugly.

She put the clothes back into the bag and placed them aside. “Um. Thanks for the consideration, but I’m not going to wear these clothes. You should give them to somebody else.”

Gilbert immediately furrowed his brows. “I bought them for you, so wear them. They look so much better than your own clothes.”

‘Hmph! His taste…”

Kisa did not feel like arguing with him as she handed the bags to him “See for yourself. Please pick any clothes in here that look better than my own clothes. I’ll wear them without resisting if you could find any.”

Gilbert sat up from the couch. He took the bags from her and started looking at the clothes.

Then, he brought his brows together and looked at Davian.

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