Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143 Every Single One of Them

Sharon grabbed Adrien’s arm directly as she cast up her tear-fraught eyes.

Christopher was about to explode with rage. “Sharon, what are you talking about? I’m the one who loves you and cares about you the most.”

“So what if you love or care about me? You couldn’t get me out of there either way.”

Sharon looked at him without attempting to hide how much she looked down on him.

“Please don’t tell anybody that you’re my dad from now on. I don’t want to have such a useless and incompetent man to be my father. Also, I strongly support mom divorcing you. Mr. Tanner is so much better than you, and I’m sure that mom will be a lot happier after she gets together with him.”

Christopher was about to explode with rage after he heard what his daughter said.

Then, Carolyn scoffed at him before she spoke to Adrien with a lovely smile on her face. “Mr. Tanner, what brought you here?”

“I came to pick up you and Sharon. I’ve booked us a table at a restaurant. Sharon just got released, and I figured that we should have a meal together to get rid of the bad luck.”

“Yeah! You’re right!” Carolyn nodded her head approvingly, and she began to like Adrien even more.

Then, she scoffed and said to Christopher coldly, “Look at how thoughtful Mr. Tanner is. He’s doing so many things for Sharon. Your social status, financial ability, and mindfulness are just nowhere comparable to Mr. Tanner.”

“Spot on, mom. Let’s stop wasting our time on him. We should get into Mr. Tanner’s car now.”

Sharon spoke as she grabbed Carolyn’s arm and got into the car without even turning her head back.

Christopher got so mad that his eyes turned red.

Adrien lifted the edge of his lips coldly. Then, he walked toward Christopher and intentionally asked, ” How does it feel to have your wife and daughter taken away from you? Hm?”

Christopher glared at him. Then, he lifted his fist and swung it at Adrien.

Christopher was already in his fifties. He was a little fat and clumsy.

However, Adrien kept himself in very good shape, and he was very agile.

Adrien dodged the punch easily. He stuck his foot forward and tripped Christopher, making Christopher fall on his face.

Adrien looked at Christopher, who was lying on the ground, as if he was a piece of trash scornfully. Then, he turned around and got into his car.


‘Is that woman blind? Why would she even marry a man like this?’

Christopher was filled with hatred!

He hated how the man stole the love of his life from him and hated how disloyal his love was.

He decided to take revenge on their daughter instead since the woman was no longer around.

He was going to get all of them.

Every single one!

Christopher screamed in frustration pathetically as he watched the car drive away.

He suddenly remembered how the hospital forcefully took Kisa’s blood yesterday.

Then, he realized how ridiculous and ironic his actions were.

The daughter he did everything he could to save turned out to be an ungrateful person who would rather call another man her father.

However, he was too ashamed to ask for the daughter’s forgiveness, whom he had wronged all this time.

Heh. I did so much just to lose everything I have.”

Kisa had a very good sleep.

And, she had no idea if it was because she had been too tired recently, but she experienced many weird things in her dreams.

This time, she dreamed that a little snake was wrapped around her leg, and she just could not get it off her no matter how hard she tried.

She was frightened, and she woke up.

It was already one in the afternoon when she looked at the time.

She was starving.

She got out of her bed and stretched herself. Then, she went downstairs to look for something to eat and found that there was something on the couch.

It surprised her as she trotted toward the couch.

Then, she saw a lot of clothes folded perfectly on the couch.

‘That’s odd. There was nothing on the couch before I slept.

‘Was Gilbert here?’

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