Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142 That Place Is Hell

Christoper and Carolyn walked up and down in front of the entrance.

Christopher rubbed his hands and anxiously said, “It’s already been an hour. Why is she still inside?”

Then, Carolyn said to him scornfully, “How am I supposed to know? You’re really good for nothing! I’m glad that Mr. Tanner stepped in to help us this time. Otherwise, I can’t imagine what kind of things Sharon has to go through in there.”

Christopher arched his brows. “Mrs. Kooper Sr. was the one who dropped the charges. What does Adrien Tanner have to do with this? It’s not right for you to give him all the credit. You wouldn’t know if Mrs. Kooper Sr. only dropped the charges because I went to beg her last night.”

“Hmph. Stop flattering yourself. Sharon would’ve been released if you’re ever capable of doing anything. Why else would we be here waiting?”


The gate of the detention center was finally opened while they were still arguing.


They heard somebody crying aggrievedly, and Sharon ran toward them with bruises all over her face. “Mom, boo-hoo…”

Sharon was beaten up, and her face was swollen. She looked like a mess.

Carolyn held her in her arms and angrily said, “This is outrageous! Who did this to you? Is there nobody to keep you safe in there?”

“That old woman of the Kooper family told somebody in there to beat me up. Boo-hoo. I don’t ever want to go in there again. That place is hell.”

“Okay, okay. Sharon, everything’s fine now. I’m never going to let this happen again. You’re lucky that Uncle Adrien helped you this time.”

Sharon was shocked. Then, she looked at Christopher.

“Didn’t daddy get me out? He said that he figured something out to help me when we last met.”

“Your father?!”

Carolyn chuckled sarcastically. “You should know that your father only knows how to run his mouth and suck up to other people. What else does he know? I’m afraid that you’d have to stay in there forever if we depended on him.”

“You should stop talking. What if I’m the reason Sharon could be released?” Christopher glared at Carolyn before he said to Sharon, “I went to beg Mrs. Kooper Sr. last night, and she dropped the charges this morning. I’m sure that I changed her mind.”

Sharon brought her brows together. “Is this what you figured out? To beg that old woman?”

Christopher had mixed feelings when he saw how Sharon looked down on what he did.

Then, he faltered, “Actually… I-I wasn’t planning to beg her at first, b-but…”

“Carolyn, Sharon…”

Suddenly, Adrien’s voice could be heard in the distance.

Carolyn’s eyes sparkled. A bright smile spread across her face as she pulled Sharon’s arm and ran toward Adrien.

Christopher’s blood boiled as he grabbed Sharon and said to Carolyn angrily. “Go alone if you’re going on. a date with your lover. Don’t bring Sharon with you. She needs to go home.”

“Hmph. Mr. Tanner saved Sharon. It’s only right for her to thank him personally.”

“I’ve already told you that I’m the reason why Sharon could get out of there. I went to beg Mrs. Kooper Sr…

“I’m so glad that Sharon is fine.” Adrien came over before Christopher could finish talking. Then, he smiled gently at Carolyn, “It looks like my friend’s relationship with Mrs. Kooper Sr. is pretty good. He only sent her a letter, and she dropped all the charges.”

“Nonsense! Stop taking all the credit. Did you think Mrs. Kooper Sr. really dropped all the charges because of a letter? Stop fooling us.” Christopher said defiantly.

Adrien smiled faintly. “Go ahead and ask Mrs. Kooper Sr. if she dropped the charges because of the letter.

Suddenly, Christopher was left speechless.

The look that Sharon gave Christopher turned even more disdainful and contemptuous.

“Uncle Adrien, you’re the best. How nice would it be if you were my dad.”

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