Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147 Questions Answered

Mia smiled as she pondered for a moment. Then, she said, “I guess he wanted you to be riddled with guilt about Jensen. He wanted you to continue to avenge Jensen and get back at Gilbert. You should know what kind of person Shaun is. He’s very loyal to Jensen. He’d do anything to avenge him, let alone tell this lie.”

Mia lowered her eyes to drink her tea as she said that. She wanted to hide the emotions that could be seen in her eyes.

Kisa suddenly sat up straight.

She was not sure if she felt disappointed or if she felt something else.

She thought to herself, ‘If Jensen was the person who saved me, then could the baby whose skin had turned purple be….

‘Never mind. Mia said it wasn’t him.

‘Moreover, what are the odds of that?

‘After all, Jensen was in Raworth at that time. He couldn’t come back in time to save me.”

She pursed her lips as she looked in the second-floor direction, “Is Jensen okay?”

“As usual.”

Mia smiled. She suddenly leaned back in the chair as she said with emotion, “Honestly, this is actually quite nice. He completely belongs to me alone now. And, I don’t have to be afraid that he’d run away or like someone else.”

Although Mia was smiling while she was saying that, Kisa could tell she was sad when she said it.

She asked, “Can I go up there and visit him?”


Kisa saw the persistence in Mia’s eyes. So, she could only back down.

She got up and said, “Thank you for your time. And thank you for answering my questions.”

“You’re welcome. If you have any other questions next time, feel free to come and ask me anytime.” novelbin

“Thank you.”

Kisa grabbed her bag and walked outside after she said that.

Mia suddenly shouted to stop her.

“If… The person who rescued you was really Jensen, would you go after Gilbert for Jensen?”

Kisa was startled for a moment.

After a moment of hesitation, she shook her head. She laughed at herself, “I don’t know the answer to that question.”

“Alright.” Mia Smiled slightly and said, “It’s fine. I was just asking.”

Mia went upstairs after Kisa had left.

At that time, Jensen was standing by the window, staring unwaveringly at the car as it sped away.

Mia walked toward Jensen and stood beside him. She asked, “Why didn’t you want her to know that you were the one who saved her back then?”

“So what if she knows about it?” Jensen smiled casually, “What does it change if she knows?”

Mia lowered her eyes, as she was speechless.

‘He’s right. It won’t change anything.

‘The person Kisa love is Gilbert. Nothing can change that.

‘Sometimes things will get complicated if the person knows she’s indebted.’

*Jensen, you should keep an eye on Shaun. He’d mess up Mr. Tanner’s plan sooner or later if he continued to speak impulsively.

“Mr. Tanner is crazy. If his plan got messed up, you, me, and Blake would never have a comfortable life.”

Jensen frowned as he heard Mr. Tanner’s name. A hint of hatred quickly flashed in his eyes.

‘I’ll never forget that accident!’

“Is Mrs. Kooper at home?”

Gilbert asked the maid as soon as he arrived at the Kooper residence.

Madalyn coldly glanced at him. She was so angry that she did not want to speak.

‘No matter what happens, Gilbert only has eyes for her.’

“Yes. Mrs. Kooper just came back. She went upstairs.”

“Just came back?” Gilbert frowned, “When did she go out?”

“It was past one o’clock in the afternoon when she went out.”

After hearing that, Gilbert did not ask further. He then strode upstairs.

‘Did she go to the film set to film?”

There was no one there at first glance when he entered the room.

There was a handbag at the end of the bed. The zip was opened. Two menstrual pads were sticking out of the bag.

Gilbert’s facial expression changed ruthlessly when he saw the mens

l pads.

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