Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1148

Chapter 1148

Chapter 1148

Chapter 1148 Bleed

‘Isn’t she pregnant? Why is she still using this?

‘Don’t tell me.

He had no time to ponder. He hurriedly rushed into the toilet.

“Ah! What are you doing?”

The door was opened with a bang.

Kisa was taking a dump. She was shocked and immediately pulled up her underwear.

Her stomach was not feeling well since the afternoon.

She only noticed that she got her period when she went to the washroom.

Her period was never on time. This menstruation happened only two weeks after her last menstruation.

She did not think much. She bought a pack of menstrual pads by the roadside and hurriedly went back home.

She wanted to change her pants and put on the menstrual pad after taking a dump. But, she did not expect Gilbert to rush into the washroom like that.

Although they were husband and wife, Kisa still felt a little awkward and angry.

She wore her skirt as she muffled, “There are other washrooms in this mansion. You can go to the toilet next door or downstairs if you need to use the toilet urgently. Why did you suddenly rush in?”

Gilbert did not bother with what she said. He just stared wildly at her tummy.

“You… You got your period?”

Kisa’s cheeks burned slightly. “Why do you care so much?”

Gilbert was even more worried. He strode forward and grabbed her wrist as he asked, “Did you bleed?”

Kisa was stunned. She felt that the way he asked was a little weird.

‘I got my period. Isn’t that bleeding?

‘Why is he still asking that?!’

Gilbert hastily went to see the dustbin at the side when he saw Kisa remain silent. Indeed, he saw the tissue in the dustbin had some blood on it.

He felt suffocated. He hurriedly took her in his arms.

“What are you doing?” Kisa subconsciously put her arms around his neck as she strangely asked.

But, Gilbert just carried her to the bed with a sullen face.

He seemed furious, and his face was dark and sulky.

“I told you not to run around. Why do you never listen? You’re in poor heal peacefully lie down at home?”

Kisa froze when he scolded her.

Can’t you just

Just when she wanted to get up, Gilbert pressed her down on the bed again. “From today onwards, you’re not going anywhere. You can only stay home and rest.”

“No. Gilbert…” Kisa stared at him in a puzzled manner. “I’m in perfect health. Why do I need to rest? I’m fine. It’s just my period. What’s the matter?”

“That isn’t your period. That was… That was…”

Gilbert then swallowed the words that he wanted to say.

He felt really worried and conflicted.

‘I want to tell her that she’s actually pregnant.

‘But, I’m afraid that she wouldn’t want the baby and would secretly get rid of the baby behind my back.

‘But, if I don’t tell her, she won’t be careful.’

He did not know what to do. He just irritably pulled his tie.

Kisa noticed that he was inexplicably upset and furious. She tucked her neck as she softly asked, “W- What’s wrong with you? If it wasn’t period, w-what could it be?”

‘Why is he suddenly acting so weird?

‘it’s just period. Why does he seem so worried?’

Gilbert took a deep breath. He then covered her with the blanket as he said in a deep voice, “It’s nothing. You have irregular menstruation. You need to rest well. Don’t get out of bed today. I’ll fetch you your dinner.”

“No. It’s just my period. I…”

Just when Kisa wanted to get up, Gilbert ruthlessly stared at her. She then unconsciously lied back down again.

‘I really think he’s overreacting. Even if I have irregular menstruation, I don’t need to just stay in bed.’

“Remember! Don’t get out of bed!”

He warned in his deep voice. After that, he quickly walked out.

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