Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150

Chapter 1150 Patients Listen to Their Doctors

Gilbert nodded. “Just do a checkup with him. It’s okay. It’s for your own good.”

Kisa did as she was told, although she had doubts. Luckily, she had just changed into casual wear, and she just needed to lift her shirt up a little to reveal a tad of her tummy.

Kelvin immediately saw a scar on her abdomen. He glanced at Gilbert an w that he, too, was staring at Kisa’s scar. He coughed to clear his throat as he fiddled with the instruments to examine Kisa. “This scar on your stomach wasn’t treated properly at first, was it?”

“Well, at the time of losing the child, I felt so sad and ran around like crazy under a heavy downpour, so the wound festered,” she said indifferently. Her tone did not have many undulations, as if she was talking about someone else’s story.

Gilbert subconsciously clenched his hands, as his heart ached.

Kelvin pursed his lips and then said, “Don’t think about the past anymore. I will find some ointment for you after this to get rid of this scar.”

“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt, anyway. Just like the scar on my back, no pain and nobody sees it, so I don’t really mind.” The more nonchalantly she was, the worse Gilbert felt.

Kelvin said nothing more and just examined her carefully. After that, he put away the instrument and took out another syringe to take a tube of blood sample from Kisa.

“Why do you need to take my blood sample when I’m just having an irregular period? I don’t think you know gynecology. I better go to the hospital myself.”

Kelvin grunted, “I told you, I’m an all-around genius medical professor, and I know a lot about gynecology. The reason for taking your blood is to check your health to come up with a suitable regimen for your case.”

Kelvin sounded so convincing that Kisa felt bad about questioning him. Just when she thought the examination was-over, Kelvin took out another vial from his medical kit.

“What are you doing?”

“This is a toner. There is no harm in getting a shot,” Kelvin said, and he jabbed the vial into her arm.

Kisa’s face darkened. If it was not because she knew Kelvin and that Gilbert was here, she would have thought that Kelvin was a quack who scammed people out of their money.

After the injection, Kelvin started to pack up his medical kit. While packing up, he said, “It’s better to rest in bed for two days. Don’t move around, and don’t do any heavy chores.”

Kisa glanced at Gilbert in puzzlement and then said to Kelvin, “Really? I’m just having an irregular period. I can’t even get out of bed?”

Kelvin turned to look at her and said with all seriousness, “You don’t just have irregular periods, you are also undermining your health. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will have problems when you get older.”

Kelvin made it sound like it was really serious. Kisa opened her mouth but could not argue. with it. Just like how students listen to their teachers, patients should follow the doctors’ instructions. Had it been Gilbert who said those things to her, she would have re ed.

Kelvin finished his examination and headed outside. Gilbert tucked her in and also went out. Kisa felt strange as she watched the two men walking out one after the other.

In the study, Gilbert closed the door behind him and asked Kelvin anxiously, “How is it? Is the baby okay?”

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