Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151

Chapter 1151 She Deserves All That Revenge

Kelvin sat lazily on the couch. “I came all the way here just to give your woman a checkup, yet you didn’t even make me a cup of coffee.”

Gilbert heard this and said nothing. He went over to make him a cup of coffee.

Kelvin smiled with satisfaction, as this was the first time Gilbert had made hir sipped his coffee slowly, deliberately keeping Gilbert in suspense.

Gilbert looked at him for a long time. After not getting an answer for a long time, he ran out of patience and snatched the cup from Kelvin’s hand. “Tell me what happened to the baby in her womb.”

Kelvin pouted. “How can you be so mean when you’re begging me?”

“Don’t test my patience.” Gilbert was mad. He knew that Kelvin was being deliberate, knowing he was eager to know. If it was not because Kelvin was his buddy, he would have punched him in the face.

Seeing that Gilbert was furious, Kelvin stopped messing with him and showed him the ultrasound report that he had just taken. Then, he took Kisa’s blood sample aside for analysis.

Gilbert stared at the report for a long time and could not make any sense of it. He only understood the words: 2 weeks of pregnancy and preterm miscarriage. He panicked when he saw the word ‘miscarriage’. “What should we do? The baby is in danger, isn’t it?”

“Don’t worry. The baby is still alive. It’s just showing signs of miscarriage. She is bleeding too.”

It was impossible for Gilbert not to be worried. He quickly asked, “So, what can we do?”

“I have given. her a Gestone injection. Later, I will give her some tocolytics. You can just have her take it every day.”


“Don’t worry, the baby is not as weak as you think,” Kelvin said without looking up as he analyzed the blood sample.

Gilbert came over in puzzlement. “So, what are you doing here?”

“I’m checking the HCG level in her blood to see if it doubles and if the progesterone is up to standard. If it doubles, then there is no need to worry.”

Gilbert heard that and asked no more questions. He just kept a close eye on what Kelvin was doing.

Kelvin felt uncomfortable when he was being stared at. “Why don’t you go read a book or find something to do? I’ll let you know when the results are in,” he said, smiling at Gilbert.

Gilbert grunted and turned to look out the window. He took out a cigarette and lit it, watching in silence.

Kelvin glanced up at him. Seeing his anxiousness and nervousness, he could not help but say, “It’s not your first time being a father. I remember you weren’t this nervous the first time she had your baby.”

Contrary to what Kelvin thought, Gilbert was indeed nervous when Kisa first had his baby. Because, at that time, he had deep prejudices and misunderstandings about Kisa, and he kept all the nervousness and concern to himself. Many nights, he quietly went to her room, gently stroking her bulging belly, feeling the baby moving around in her womb. His heart melted at that time, as he was looking forward to the arrival of the child. He even thought about letting go of his prejudice and hatred and slowly accepting her for the sake of the baby. But, it was his grandmother’s accident that completely ignited his hatred. His grandmother falling into a coma sent a blow that wiped out all his anticipation and

sympathy for Kisa, which led him to send her to prison. Now that he knew that what happened to his grandmother had nothing to do with Kisa and it was he who had wronged and hurt her, he would only feel sad and sorry in the face of her revenge. But, he would not blame her. After all, she deserved all that revenge.


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