Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152 Not Taking Any Chances

Kelvin suddenly hummed in puzzlement while Gilbert was deep in thought.

Gilbert frowned and quickly asked, “What’s wrong? Is something wrong?”

“No, no, no.” Kelvin shook his head quickly. “Nothing is wrong. It’s just that the test results from her blood are all good, so there shouldn’t be any signs of preterm it be because she knocked her abdomen into something?”

Gilbert was none the wiser and asked, “What do you mean?” novelbin

“Oh, nothing. Just be more careful in the future and try not to bump her belly into anything. She is in the early stages of pregnancy, which is critical.”

Gilbert nodded.

Seeing that Gilbert still looked worried, Kelvin said with amusement, “Come on, don’t worry about it. Her health data is really good. This proves that there is nothing wrong with the baby. It should be that she accidentally bumped her belly into something, which caused a minor bleeding occurrence. There should be no problem.”

Gilbert was still not convinced, even though Kelvin said so.

“In fact, you should tell her the truth. That way, I can examine her openly and make her be more careful.”

“Who will be responsible if she secretly aborts this child behind my back?”

“Uh….” Kelvin did not know what to say for a while. “I think you are overthinking. Didn’t you hear what she just said-she was sad because she lost the child? She actually still cares about the child. After all, it’s her own baby.”

Gilbert puffed out a ring of smoke melancholically. “It’s hard to tell. I just don’t want to take any chances.”

“But, when her belly gets bigger, she will find out in time.”

“I will see what to do then.”

Kelvin pursed his lips and said nothing more, thinking that maybe he had not experienced those things between them. So, he could not understand what Gilbert was thinking.

When it was nightfall, Gilbert came in with a meal. Besides the meal, there was also a bowl of unpalatable-looking black herbal soup.

Kisa was about to get out of bed when Gilbert suddenly barked at her, “Stay down!”

Kisa frowned. “How can I eat while lying down?”

“I’ll feed you.” The man said, as if it was a matter of course.

Kisa was looking at him as if he was a freak. ‘I’m only having irregular menstruation. It’s not like I’m a cripple. Why do I need to be fed?’

Gilbert strode over and put the food on the bedside table. He then picked up a plate and said to her, “You should eat something first before taking the medicine. That way, your stomach will feel better.” While speaking, he started to feed her.

Kisa swallowed awkwardly and reached to take the plate. “No, it’s okay. I can just eat by myself.” She felt that Gilbert was really indescribably weird.

Gilbert did not resist and let her take the plate.

She felt awkward sitting on the bed while eating, worrying that she might get the bed dirty.” Can I go eat by the window?”


“I can’t eat in bed. I don’t want to get the sheets dirty.”

“If it gets dirty, I will get it changed.”

He was insistent. So, Kisa said nothing again. She stared down at the plate of food but did not eat. She just could not eat in bed.

Gilbert glanced at her and then sighed, “Okay, go eat by the window.” He took the plate from her, put it on the tray, and then brought the tray with the herbal soup on it to the coffee table by the window.

Kisa was delighted and got out of bed at once. Just then, Gilbert’s stern warning came again.

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