Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281

Chapter 1281 This Woman’s Screwed Me Over

On the phone, Kisa was disgusted and continued to talk badly about Gilbert and kept insulting him repeatedly.

“Only his looks are nice His temper is horrible I can honestly say that no woman can endure it.”

“Tsk, no need to be so harsh on him. He still has some good qualities.”

“You’re wrong. I’ve had enough of him. He always says nothing and just sits there looking unhappy. I didn’t even make him angry, so why does he keep giving me attitude? Seriously!

Kisa continued, Tm telling you; he’s been this cold since we were kids. After he grew up, he became all full of himself and now he thinks he’s all cool and stuff, but to be honest, he’s just annoying!”


Kisa was furiously complaining about Gilbert but was suddenly interrupted as the sound of someone’s angry voice through clenched teeth echoed in the car

Kisa flinched as she squeezed the sandwiches in her hand until they changed shape

She mechanically turned her head and asked Felicity. “I think I heard Gilbert’s voice just now.”

“H think I heard it too,” Felicity was shocked as she said.

After a moment of pondering, she suddenly seemed like she remembered something and quickly pulled over to the sidewalk.

“Ah, I forgot. I was having a video call with Davian earlier, before you got in the car And then i forgot about it. So… I think the video call is still ongoing.”

Felicity’s voice gradually lowered to a whisper as she finished her sentence She even sounded sympathetic and truly sorry.

Kisa rolled her eyes.

This woman’s really screwed me over this time.”

Felicity quickly found her phone and saw that the video call had just ended.

She apologetically looked at Kisa, “I’m sorry. I really forgot about it. But Gilbert loves you so much.

I think he wouldn’t do anything bad to you even if you said so many mean things about him. Don’t worry.”

This unreliable woman even patted Kisa’s head with a smile as she said that.

Kisa stiffly smiled.

He would not do anything bad to her But what she had to face in the future was probably even more of his cold expression and unhappy face.

This silent treatment would hurt her more than him physically beating her up.

In the car, Davian was touching his phone which was broken into two. He was too sad to cry.

Mr Kooper’s bad habit of breaking things when he’s mad is so terrible. It’s really awful!

Gilbert noticed Davian’s gloomy face. He expressionlessly said, “I’ll buy you two new ones.”


It sounds like I profited from it, but I don’t care about the phone. What I care about are the photos with Felicity and the sweet conversation between us. Sigh! Mr Kooper’s temper really is getting worse. No wonder Ms. Kooper keeps complaining about him.”

Back at the Century Grand Hotel, Lea was woken up by the pain in her belly.

She struggled as she sat up. As she threw off the quilt, she saw that the sheets were stained with blood.

Her face was pale for a moment. She hurriedly got up and went to the washroom.

She was indeed bleeding!

She held her stomach which was slightly swollen. She was getting increasingly terrified.

Without stopping to think, she hastily changed her outfits. She then packed her bag and went to the hospital.

She went for an ultrasound and a blood test. The results came out very quickly.

She took the blood test results and the ultrasound report for the doctor to see. She nervously asked, “Doctor, is the baby in my belly okay?”

The doctor slightly frowned.

Lea saw that. She subconsciously clenched the corner of her shirt. She was getting more nervous

“Where’s your husband?”

The doctor put down the reports as he asked Lea

Lea’s expression turned gloomy. She muttered, “He’s busy with work.”

“Here’s the thing… The doctor was serious as he said, “There are signs of miscarriage.”

“What?” Lea’s face was pale suddenly.

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