Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1280

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1280

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280 Talking Bad About Him Behind His Back

Kisa turned her eyes to look at her side. It was Jane.

Jane was pulling Anthony hurriedly walking outside.

Anthony fixed his collar. He looked impatient and irritated. But he did not shake off his mother's hand.

Arthur hastily asked Anthony, ‘Uncle, where are you going so early in the morning?"

"We have something to do. He'll play with you when he's back.’

Jane grabbed Anthony's hand and continued walking outside as she said that.

Anthony glanced at Kisa with his cold eyes as he sneered.

Kisa confusedly stared at him. She did not know why he was laughing at her.

Right after the two of them walked out of the house, Lydia and Gloria scornfully said at the side, "Aunty Jane's probably taking Anthony to go on a date with Karen."

Kisa frowned.


‘The woman who beat Lea up at the party?’

"Tsk. I heard that the Reyes family despises her and Anthony.”

“It's not hard to understand. She should know that she's from an inferior background. In the Mullen family, she's even worse than the maids. Why'd the Reyes family respect them?"

"But Karen is really interested in Anthony. No wonder Aunty Jane wants to butter up Karen so much. She's trying to make

Anthony marry into the Reyes family, so that they can establish themselves in the Mullen family and raise their social standing.”

"Nah. It's not that easy. Moreover, so what if they can marry into the Reyes family? They'll never get any of the Mullen family's assets. They should be aware of their lowly status!"

Kisa lowered her eyes.

‘If Anthony gets together with Karen, what about Lea?

‘But come to think about it, it might not be a bad thing if Anthony and Karen get together.

‘If they get together. Lea will completely forget about him. And she won't continue to waste her time on this man anymore. Also, she won't have to suffer any longer from the pain that this man causes her.

‘This is quite good.’

Kisa hurriedly ran out of the Mullen residence. She immediately saw Felicity's car stopped at the roadside.

She quickly got in the car. She apologized, "Did you wait long?"

"It's fine. I was just doing my makeup," Felicity said as she looked in the mirror inside the car.

Kisa turned around to take a look. She confusedly asked, "Davian isn't coming?"

"Why would we need men when we go shopping?" Felicity zipped her makeup bag as she said. She then started the car.

Kisa said with a smile, "That's true.”

She then took out the breakfast from the bag to quietly eat.

Felicity glanced at her. She suddenly asked, "Did you quarrel with Gilbert?"

“Ahem... Ahem, ahem...”

Kisa suddenly choked.

Felicity immediately threw a bottle for her.

Kisa hurriedly opened the bottle and drank. She mumbled, "How could you tell?"

"Just now when he came out from the Mullen residence, he looked very gloomy. He looked pissed off." novelbin

Kisa wiped her mouth. She dully said, “He’s that kind of person. He's always upset. He hates everyone!"

Felicity suddenly felt pity for her, "Tsk. You have to be with such a dreary person every day. It's so hard for you.”

"I know right? He's getting harder to get along with. Back then, his mood was just unpredictable, and he’d get angry randomly.

But now, he's just gloomy every day. It affects my mood negatively just by looking at his face.

She continued on, "If we weren't living in someone else's place right now, I wouldn't want to stay in the same room with him. He gives me attitude every day. Who does he think he is? He's always looking as if someone owes him money or something.”

After everything she had gone through for the past two days, Kisa could not take it anymore. She complained about all his shortcomings all in one go.

Inside another car, Gilbert looked unhappy as he stared at the phone beside him.

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