Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1279

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1279

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1279

Chapter 1279 Kids Nowadays Are So Superficial

It was Felicity, "Hello, Kisa, what have you been doing in the Mullen residence for the past few days? Do you want to come shopping with me?"

“Nothing much. Where are you now?"

“I'm outside of the Mullen residence. I came by specially to ask you to go shopping with me. Do you want to go?"

Kisa subconsciously glanced at Gilbert. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "Sure. I'll come out now."

I’d rather go shopping with Felicity than stay with this gloomy-looking man.

‘Regarding the matter of David, I can only wait until Ms. Mullen gets better emotionally. I'll only dare to ask her about it by then.

‘As for the secret forbidden area in the backyard, I still need to think of a way to find and check it out.’

Kisa quickly changed her clothes when she remembered Felicity was still waiting for her outside. She then grabbed her handbag and phone before she ran outside.

"Stop. Where are you going?"

A gloomy voice could suddenly be heard. Kisa stopped walking.


‘I almost forgot he's here. If he hadn't spoken, I would've forgotten.’

She turned around and frankly said, "I'm going shopping with Felicity. Do you want to join?”

",.. Get lost then!"

Kisa was speechless.

‘It's getting increasingly harder to get along with him.

But just when she stepped foot outside the door, he followed her.

She ignored him and just went downstairs.

As soon as she was downstairs, Kisa felt that the atmosphere in the Mullen residence today was not right.

Normally, it was very quiet in the Mullen residence from daytime until nighttime. On the surface, they were a big family. All the Mullen family members lived together.

But in fact, they were actually not really close. All of them just did their own thing separately. It was very rare to see them gather and chat together in the Mullen residence.

But today, the maids were busy cleaning the living room.

Mr., Mrs. Mullen Sr., and the daughters-in-law of the Mullen family were all here.

It felt like the Mullen family was celebrating something.

Kisa curiously looked around. She asked Arthur who was beside her," What's your family doing? Why's it so lively suddenly?"

While she asked that, breakfast suddenly appeared in front of her. It was two sandwiches and a boiled egg.

Gilbert put the food inside a paper bag and handed it to her.

Kisa stared at him as she took the food. Before she could speak, he walked outside with both of his hands inside his pockets. He looked cold and proud.

Arthur glanced at the breakfast in her hand. He smiled as he said, "Miss, seems like your husband treats you quite well.”

‘He can tell that just because of one breakfast? Kids nowadays are so superficial!

“Answer my question. Don't change the topic!"

"Oh... I heard a famous magical doctor from Calthon called Kelvin is coming to look at my aunt's legs. So, my grandparents immediately ordered the maids to clean up the house. And they even made up a guest room for the doctor. We're just waiting for the doctor to arrive now."

Kisa was surprised, "Kelvin is coming?"

"Yes. I just knew about it too.”

Kisa subconsciously looked in the main door direction. She then realized Gilbert was not there anymore. novelbin

She squeezed the breakfast in her hand. She had mixed feelings.

‘It seems like Gilbert asked Kelvin to come. Kelvin listens to Gilbert the most, so no one else could really make Kelvin do this.

‘Gilbert always says mean things, but at least he does what needs to be done.

‘Actually, if his tongue wasn't so sharp, and he wasn't such a gloomy spoilsport, maybe he'd actually be quite likable.’

While she was thinking to herself, someone suddenly urged beside her.

"Why did you just wake up now? Quick, quick... Don’t make the other party wait. Hurry.”

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